Status: On Permanent Hiatus .

We Don't Believe In Second Chances

I Know That Look


I was sitting in my bedroom, staring at the ceiling; when I herd my mom call me from downstairs.

"Yeah" I yelled, getting up, and heading down to the living room. My mom was sitting on the couch with the phone in her lap. Mom looked young for her age. Well to be having a seventeen year old anyway. When we went out, people never really thought that I was her daughter. Which made her feel happy. I loved my mom, and I knew when she was thinking something that was going to change the way that things were.

"Mom, I know that look" I said, taking a seat next to her on the couch.

"You know me to well, sweetie" Mom replied placing her hand on mine. I smiled at her and turned the T.V on.

"I just got off the phone with Heather" Mom sighed. I looked instantly. Heather was my mom's long time best friend. They had known each other since they were kids, and have kept in touch ever since. Even though Heather lives in America, and my mom and I moved to Australia.

"Oh really? How is she?" I asked, hitting the mute button on the remote.

"Heather is great, so is Breanna. She misses us a lot though" Mom mumbled. I knew it was hard on her, living so far away from her best friend. It was hard on me too, I haven't seen Bre in almost three years. Although we talk almost everyday. I still miss her like crazy.

"What were you talking about?" I asked, looking over at a picture of the four of us.

"We were arranging something" Mom smiled. I knew that look too. That was the look of a great plan. I looked at her with my eyebrow raised.

"Oh were you now?" I smirked, mom nodded. I re-adjusted my position on the couch and faced my mom.

"Yes, I was talking to her about maybe.. Moving" Mom slid back in her seat. My eyes grew wide, I took in what she was saying. My breathing becoming uneven.

"Are you serious?" I practically yelled. I jumped off the couch, and walked back and forth; mumbling to myself.

"Yes I am. I have been wanting to for a while now, and well I think it would be good for the both of us" Mom said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back onto the couch. "Heather said that we could stay with her and Bre until we get a place, and settle in" Mom continued.

"When were you thinking of telling me this?" I asked, as my hands were playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Well, I kind of only just made it official then" Mom smiled. "So when do we leave?" I questioned, looking her in the eye.

"In about three weeks. It should give us enough time to pack some things, and get organized" Mom said, picking up a notebook and pen. She started to scribble down a few things, like what we would need to get before we could fly out. I read the notes over her shoulder, as I got up to get a drink from the fridge.

"Mom, you want anything?" I asked, with my head in the fridge. I herd a faint mumble, and walked back into the lounge to find my mom crying. I went to her side and pulled her into a hug. "Mom, you okay?" I asked, holding her tight.

"Yeah, I guess this is just overwhelming" Mom smiled, returning the hug.

"It's going to be great mom, you will see. It will be like we never left, things will work out great" I reassured her. She smiled at me again and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you, baby" She said, pulling me into another bone-crushing hug. "I love you too, Mom" I replied.

I got up off the couch and headed back up the stairs, I had the biggest smile on my face; and it would be hard for anyone to try and remove it. Once I was in my room, I walked over to my desk and hit the power button on my laptop. The electronic device powered up and made whirling noises. I was really going to have to get a new one when I moved back. The screen lit up revealing a picture of Breanna and I when I was last there. I smiled to myself again as I signed on.

When the homepage had loaded, I went into my emails. I was so happy and I needed to tell someone. I opened up a new page and started to write down a whole lot of stuff. I knew that Breanna, was going to be as excited as me. It was just a matter of getting her to calm down when I told her.

After I wrote a detailed email to Bre, I turned off the computer and sat back on my bed. It was late, and I was getting kind of tired. I herd footsteps coming up the stairs, and then Mom poked her head into the room.

"Did you email Bre?" she asked. I nodded and pulled the covers back on my bed.

"I can just imagine her freaking out right now" I laughed. Mom laughed in agreement. "Goodnight sweetie" Mom said as she walked back out of the door.

"Night mom" I replied, picking up my iPod from the floor and putting my headphones in.

The next three weeks were going to fly past, and I would be on the plane sooner than I can imagine.
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