Status: On Permanent Hiatus .

We Don't Believe In Second Chances

The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship


There was three weeks left of summer vacation and today was the day that Cassie and her mom would be flying to America. Saying that I was happy would be an understatement. I was so excited that I couldn't sit still. I bet it was a site to see when I found out they were moving here. Once I read the e-mail I was jumping around the room with a hug smile on my face. My mom must have thought that I was going insane.

I was currently sitting in my room watching a movie. My mom was down stairs making home made pizza. I was completely bored out of my mind. I kept looking at the clock waiting for it to turn five o'clock. It was currently four forty-five. I sighed in frustration and turned back to the TV. Wonder Showzen was playing. I love that show. It was like a warped version of a kid's show. I highly recommend that no kid should watch it. My bedroom door opened and I looked over to see Cassie standing there with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my god! You're here!" I yelled as I jumped of the bed. But being me, of coarse I'd just fall on my face. I didn't care though, I just got back on my feet and ran into her arms where I crushed the breath right out of her.

"I missed you too, We can spend all our time together but that won't work if you suffocate me!" She laughed.

"Oh, I'm sorry hun. I missed you so much! Oh! You wanna go to the beach? Lets go to the beach!"

"Are you hyper?"

"Maybe. But it's not my fault! It's the Pepsi. It calls to me." I smiled. She just shook her head and laughed. "So wanna go to the beach?" I asked again.

"Yeah, It's better to get used to this place quicker, huh?" She asked with a huge smile on her face. I nodded and grabbed my purple converse and slipped them on quickly then grabbing a Blink 182 hoodie.

"Okay, let's go!" I said while making the Superman pose.

"To the beach!" Cassie said making the same pose as me. We ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. The best thing about our house was that it was huge. We had about five bedrooms and three bathrooms. When my grandmother passed away, she left us the house as well as her money. But I wish she was still alive. She was so funny and caring.

"Hey ma?" I called.

"Yeah?" She asked back.

"Me and Cassie are going to the beach, we'll be back in a little while okay?"

"Okay, make sure you're back here by seven okay?"

"Okay ma." I replied . Once we were outside, it was easy to see the sun starting to set. The warm wind whirled around my head causing my hair to fly around my face. I took a deep breath and exhaled the summer air. I loved summer time so much.

"Shall we?" I asked looking at her.

"We shall." She replied with a nod and a smile. We had our arms joined at the elbows and we were singing the theme song to the Wizard of Oz as we skipped to our destination. People that were around were looking at us as if we had three heads. I then started laughing and looking them in the face while I did so. It was just too funny. We then suddenly were knocked to the ground by something . Or should I say someone. I looked up and saw some really tall dude looking at us with a strange expression on his face. All I had to say about this guy was that he had awesome hair.

"I'm sorry short people! I didn't see you there!" He said with a smile and held his hand out for Cassie to take. Once she was up she just starred at him with a smile smile gracing her lips. I rolled my eyes and got off the ground. Looks like someone has a crush.

"Thank you..." She trailed off.

"Jimmy, and you are?" He asked. She blushed a little hid behind her hair.

"I'm Cassie." She said. I noticed that they were still holding hands.

"Hey Jimmy!" Someone yelled. I looked over and saw a guy walk over. He had huge muscles and he had a very pretty smile, which had a lip ring attached. Oh, that's hot! I smiled at my inner thought then laughed at how stupid I was being.

"Hey Matt," He replied back without raising his gaze.

"Who are these two lovely ladies?" He asked looking at Cassie and I.

"This is Cassie and I don't know her name yet."

"Well that's because you were too busy drooling over my friend to notice." I laughed.

"I'm sorry!" He said.

"It's okay dude. No need to cry." I laughed. "I'm Breanna." I said.

"Nice to meet you." He said smiling back at me. Damn those dimples are going to kill me!

"Yeah, it's nice to be met." I replied with a smirk. He laughed and looked behind him. A girl walked over and she hugged Matt.

"Breanna, this is my girlfriend Val. Val, Breanna. Oh and that's Cassie." He said, Damn, I knew it was to good to be true. Oh well.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled back.

"Hey Matt, there you are!" I turned and looked at the guy. He was the definition of perfect. He had black hair and it was just too perfect. His eyes were a striking green and his plump lips had snake bites attached and his nose was pierced in the center. Now he is hot! He was eating a peace of pizza which caused my stomach to growl.

"You're such a fat ass!" He said laughing.

"I'm not fat!" He and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm chubby. That's healthy and sexy in my opinion." I said running my hand over my slightly chubby stomach. I heard the mystery boy laugh.

"I like that. Do you mind if I use it?" He asked.

"Go for it. I'm Breanna by the way." I said holding my hand out. He took it and shook it a little.

"Zacky." He said simply and smiled at me.

I then sat down on the curb of the street and looked up at the purple and blue sky. It was just beautiful.

"What are you doing on the curb?" Cassie asked me.

"You of all people should know that I hate standing for too long. It hurts my legs and feet." I said smiling at her. She nodded and went back to talking to Jimmy. I saw someone sit next to me out of the corner of my eye and turned to see Zacky sitting next to me.

"Not too talkative are you?" He asked glancing at me then back towards the sky.

"Nope, I like to keep things a mystery." I smiled and continued looking at the sky.

"It's fun isn't it?" He asked.

"You know it." I said winking at him. He laughed.

"I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." He said putting his arm around me.

"Yes, yes it is." I smiled.
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Alright guys. You better give us some love in the comments or we'll hunt you down and torture you by making you listen to the Jonas Brothers! So please leave comments!!!