Status: On Permanent Hiatus .

We Don't Believe In Second Chances

So what are we doing exactly?


That night I was laying in bed restless. I couldn't get comfortable no matter what I tried. I tried thinking about things that had no meaning to them. Like the fact that people name things and I begin to wonder why they named it that in the first place. For example, why do we call a door a door?

I just didn't get where someone could have come up with that particular name for that particular item. It just baffled my mind beyond comprehension. Then there was the question of where on earth did they come up with letters. For all I know, they could just be a bunch of scribbles and no one would even know. It made absolutely no sense to me.

But no matter how many pointless things I tried to think of, I couldn't stop my mind for racing back to Zacky and how prefect he was. He was funny with just the right hint of sarcasm. He was very sweet when he kept me company and he was so confident that he didn't care that he had a little fat on him.

I kept wondering if this wonderful guy had a girlfriend. I shook my head of my own thoughts. As if he would ever find me the slightest bit attractive. That's why I've never had a boyfriend. That and I tend to rub people the wrong way, no pun intended. I'm just a little bit too sarcastic and most people construe that as rude. I didn't really give a shit though. If they had a problem with my sarcasm then they had a problem with me.

Sarcastic comments took up half of what came out of my mouth each and every day. Then there are two different reactions to the way I act. The first would be people thinking I'm the most unladylike girl because of my 'rude' comments. The second, well that one is actually pretty funny. The second reaction I get is they believe me. They think what I say is literal. It's kind of pathetic it you think about it long enough.

I once again flipped over to my right side as I starred out my window and looked towards the moon. It was beautiful tonight. I think that it was the brightest I've ever seen it. I once heard this old myth that said that when the moon shines brighter than normal, that it meant a big change for the good was in the winds.

I don't remember where I heard it but it got me thinking about how much had changed in less than twenty-four hours. From Cassie and her mom moving here to meeting Zacky, Jimmy, Matt and Val. I could only hope that it was actually taking place because the lord only knows how lonely I am.

Not the type of lonely where no one cares about me as a friend; but the type where I couldn't help but have the feeling that no man on this planet would ever want to be in a relationship with me. I couldn't fathom the thought of someone actually wanting to be with me voluntarily. I guess it just didn't seem right in my mind.

Although I have always been thick headed. Cassie has told me this on many occasions. I couldn't blame her though. I was indeed thick-headed. I laughed at the though. I was rambling in my own mind. If that doesn't scream nutcase then I don't know what does. My eyes the grew heavy as I was swept off into a dreamless slumber.


I woke up to someone jumping on my bed and I just swatted carelessly at them trying to get them to go away. It was safe to say I wasn't the greatest morning person in the world. I'm not saying that I get cranky, but I just have no energy to do anything. It usually takes me a hot shower and some coco pebbles to wake me up fully.

"Come on Bre! Get up! Jimmy and Zacky are going to be here in an hour!" Cassie sang in my ear. When I heard Zacky's name my head shot up faster than a speeding bullet.

"They're coming over here?" I asked with panic written all over my face. She just smiled and nodded. I then shot out of my bed and headed strait to the bathroom down the hall. I quickly got in and let the water go as hot as my body would allow it.

I loved taking hot showers. I know that they say you should take cool showers to wake you up but I have extremely thin blood so I'm almost always cold. I couldn't imagine being even colder than I already was. My mom claims that I'm undead.

Once I was done with my shower, I stepped out ad dried myself off. Then I grabbed my Green Day T shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans. Then i applied my make up and headed out into the hall. I heard my TV on and went into my room to see Cassie laying there watching music videos.

All there was on these days were rap, hip hop, pop, and country. I couldn't stand it. They need a band on there that has kick ass guitar solos as well as a mean drum beat. Then the vocals would be raspy and harsh to the ear. That would be the perfect band in my opinion. I smiled as I looked at her and shook my head. She fell asleep.

"Cassie! Wake up!" I laughed shaking her shoulder. She stirred from her sleep and looked around my room in confusion.

"What happened?" She asked looking at me.

"You feel asleep." I laughed. She just stuck her tounge out at me and flipped me the bird. I laughed and put my shoes on.

"So what are we doing exactly?" I asked her while sitting on my bed.

"Jimmy told me to call him when you were ready." She said with a goofy smile on her face when she said Jimmy's name. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

She didn't take too long on the phone and in no time Jimmy was parked outside of my house screaming his head off and pressing his hand on the horn. I laughed a little and Cassie I ran off towards the car.
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Okay, here's the deal. I was very tired when I wrote this so forgive me for sounding like a pot head. lmao. That also explains why very little happened in the chapter. If you comment we will give you as many invisible cookies as humanly possible!! =D