Status: On Permanent Hiatus .

We Don't Believe In Second Chances

"I Always Look Out For Small People"


That night was good. I really enjoyed being back in America, where my family felt complete. That's what Heather and Bre were to me, family.

I slept really well, even though I had slept a lot on the plane; I still needed lots of it. I wanted to be bright and cheery for the next day.


I woke up early, and went and had a shower. I loved the feeling of the warm water hitting your skin, when your body is really cold. After I had a shower I went and got dressed. I chose my outfit, and went to do my make-up and hair. Once I was done getting ready, I headed downstairs to grab something to eat. I looked around and decided on an apple. I wasn't really that hungry, I grabbed a bottle of water and went back upstairs to go wake up Bre.

I had called Jimmy earlier and asked if he wanted to hang out today, without hesitation he replied and said that he would love to. I asked if he would bring Zacky with him, so
that Bre wouldn't feel weird with us two; Jimmy agreed and told me to call him when Bre was ready.

I quietly opened her door to see her sleeping peacefully. I smirked before putting my bottle on the dresser, and jumping on her bed. I laughed as she tried to swat me out of the way.

"Come on Bre! Get up! Jimmy and Zacky are going to be here in an hour!" I sang in Bre's ear. I noticed that when I said Zacky's name, her head shot up faster than a bullet.

"They're coming over here?" she asked, with a look of panic all over her face. I smiled and nodded at her, then again; like a bullet she got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

I shook my head as she did so, and climbed on her bed. I flicked on the T.V. and had a look through the channels, I ended up landing on the music channel. Which in my opinion was really shitty. I tuned out when Britney Spears appeared on the screen.

"Cassie! Wake up!" Bre laughed, shaking my shoulder. I stirred and looked around the room.

"What happened?" I asked, looking up at Bre.

"You fell asleep." Bre laughed. I stuck my tongue out and flipped her the bird, while she grabbed her shoes and put them on.

"So what are we doing exactly?" Bre asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"Jimmy told me to call him when you were ready." I said with a smile on my face. Bre rolled her eyes and smiled as I pulled out my phone and dialed Jimmy's number.

I didn't spend a lot of time on the phone with Jimmy, as he was practically around the corner just after I hung up. When he reached the front of Bre's house you could tell. He started screaming and honking the horn. I noticed Bre laugh as we both ran out to his car.

"Hi Jimmy!" I said as I reached his car. Jimmy's smile was replaced with one of shock when he realized what I was wearing. I just laughed and went around the the passenger seat, Bre hopped in the backseat with Zacky.

"You look really nice Cassie" Jimmy said as I climbed in.

"Thanks Jimmy, hi Zacky" I said, smiling at Jimmy and then turning around to face Zacky and Bre.

"Hi Cassie" Zacky replied, smiling at me and then looking at Bre. I knew that he liked her, I could tell.

Jimmy said hello to Bre as he started up the engine. It roared to life as we pulled away from the house.

"So where are we going?" Bre asked from the backseat. I was looking out the window at that moment, but turned at look at Jimmy as he replied.

"Uh, I thought that we could maybe go to the park and get lunch. What do you think?" I nodded and Bre and Zacky agreed.

"To the park!" I said striking the Superman pose, which was kind of cramped as I was still in the car. That caused Bre to crack up laughing and Jimmy to look at me with a huge grin. I blushed and smiled back.

"What do you guys want for lunch?" Jimmy asked as we pulled on the main street. I shrugged my shoulder's as did Zacky and Bre. so now it was up to Jimmy to choose.

"Okay, um... How about that Burger bar, over there" Jimmy said pointing past me. I nodded and he drove into a parking space, as we all climbed out.

Jimmy came around to open my door, I blushed again and put my hand up to my face. Bre noticed and walked up to me and bumped her hip into mine. I looked at her, she smiled and nodded as she walked up to the door's with Zacky.

"You comin' Cassie?" Jimmy asked, turning around and walking back to my side.

"Yes, Jimmy" I laughed. He held out his and for a high-five, I looked at him then held up my hand too. After our little weirdo moment, we walked in and went up to the counter to order. Zacky and Bre were already at the table, waiting for us. Jimmy ordered a cheeseburger with fries, and I just ordered fries and a bottle of water.

"Is that all you're getting?" Jimmy asked as we walked over to the table.

"Yeah, I don't really eat much" I replied taking a seat, as he took the one next to me. Jimmy nodded and we all began to eat our lunch.

"So Cassie, Bre tells me that you only got here yesterday" Zacky said, striking up a conversation.

"Did she now" I smiled, "Yeah I did, my mom and I flew in from Australia"

"See I told you, Zacky!" Bre laughed, slapping Zacky on the arm. "Wow, I thought she was joking" Zacky added.

"Yeah dude, I had the same reaction when she told me" Jimmy said, looking at me with a goofy smile. I smiled back, as I felt my cheeks go red again.

"You wanna go to the park now?" Bre asked, looking at me in particular. I nodded and got up from my seat, grabbing my water and pulling on Jimmy's arm.

"Come on, Jimmy" I sighed, grinning from ear, to ear. Jimmy got up and placed his arm across my shoulder as we walked out of the store and to his car. Bre smiled at me as I got in, and we headed to the park.

"I wanna go on the swings! Jimmy will you push me?" I asked, looking really innocently; getting out of the car and pulling him towards the swings.

"Okay Cassie" Jimmy replied with a smile. "Yay!" I laughed and ran over to the seat. I sat down as Jimmy came around and placed his hands on my back. I felt those sparks again, and that made me smile; I wonder if Jimmy felt them too?

Jimmy grabbed hold of the chains and pulled me backwards, he held me there for five seconds before letting me go. I laughed as he kept pushing me on the swing. Just after he gave me another push I swung my feet and pushed myself off the swing. Jimmy looked at me wide eyed as he held the empty swing. I giggled and took off running.

"I will catch you, Cassie!" Jimmy yelled, as he started running after me. I laughed again, and started to run in different directions. Just when Jimmy thought that he had me, I ducked and sprinted the other way.

"I thought you said that you could catch me?" I yelled, looking back at Jimmy. I was smiling when I walked into someone. I let out a scream, as I fell to my ass on the pavement. It took no longer than ten seconds, and Jimmy was by my side.

"Are you okay, Cassie? Are you hurt?" Jimmy kept asking me, I shook my head; trying to shake off what just happened. I looked up into Jimmy's eyes and I could see that he was really trying hard not to laugh.

"I'm fine Jimmy, I was just being a klutz again" I laughed. Jimmy nodded and joined in the laughing.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Bre asked, approaching us with Zacky. I kept laughing and pointed to the ground.

"Um, I'm going to take a lucky guess; but I think she fell over" Zacky laughed, Jimmy and I just nodded.

"Cassie, how come you always end up falling on your ass?" Bre asked, extending her hand to help me up; whilst laughing.

"I don't know, it just kind of; happens" I laughed, helping Jimmy up.

"Thanks" Jimmy said, as he was still holding my hand.

"So, what have you two been up to?" Jimmy asked, looking between Zacky and Bre.

"Talking, and we walked around the lake" Bre answered. I shook my head and leaned against Jimmy.

"Jimmy, can I have your keys? I need some water" I asked, Jimmy smiled, pulling out his keys from his pocket.

"I'll come with you" Bre said, grabbing my hand and walking with me. "Okay" I smiled, heading to Jimmy's car.

"So how are things with you and Zacky?" I asked, looking over at my best friend; who had a smile plastered across her face.

"Great, we are getting to know each other a bit" Bre smiled, "How about you and Jimmy?" she asked.

"Do you really have to ask that?" I laughed, placing the key in the lock, and opening the door. I reached in and grabbed my bottle, and shut the door again;

making sure that it was locked.

"Well no, but I still want to know!" Bre practically screamed.

"Okay, okay settle down" I hushed, "Things are going great with Jimmy and I, and I really think that I like him" I mumbled, my cheeks going red again.

"Aw that's so cute!" Bre said, pulling me into an awkward side hug. I just smiled and hugged her awkwardly back.

"That was the weirdest hug I have ever seen" Jimmy said, as we approached them. I threw his keys at him, which thankfully he caught; seeing as that was such a

shocking throw.

"No! It was the most awesomely awesome hug ever!" Bre and I said at the same time. Zacky just laughed at us, taking a step back. "I'm going to pretend that I don't

know you two" he said, turning and leaving his back vulnerable. I took this advantage and ran after him, knocking him over and to his knees.

"Hey! What was that for?" he asked, I poked my tongue out and ran to hide behind Jimmy.

"That was for calling us weird!" I called, sticking my head out from behind Jimmy's arm. Zacky got back to his feet and walked over to us.

"Hey! No touching the small person!" Jimmy said, putting his arm's out so that Zacky couldn't get to me. I smiled behind Jimmy's back.

"Dude! That;s not fair!" Zacky huffed and took a seat on the wall. I leaned my head out, to see if the coast was clear; before jumping on Jimmy's back.

"Thanks Jimmy!" I said, as he placed his arms around his back; making sure that I wasn't going to fall.

"No problem, I always help out the small people" Jimmy smiled as he began to walk over to Zacky and Bre.

"Bre! Look I'm not small anymore!" I yelled, with a grin on my face. Bre stood up and she actually had to look up, to see my face. I thought It was funny.

"Oh my! You must have had a growth spurt!" Bre laughed.

"Yeah, I called him Jimmy" I smiled placing a kiss on Jimmy's cheek.

"Really?" Jimmy asked.

"Yep" I replied, patting him on the head. Jimmy smiled, the most gorgeous smile. Ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cassie's Outfit [img][/img]

I Finally Updated!!
Sorry Guys, its A Bit Hetic For Me At The Moment. I Will Hopefully Update Sooner Next Time.

Thnkyou To Everyone Who Has Been Commenting!!!

<3 ~ Clik