Because I Decided To Fall In Love With The Prince...


A year later
Princess Antoinette’s 15th birthday (PARTY TIME haha)

King William POV
--heeee’s baaaaack—

It’s her birthday today. We would always take her out into the field and let her swim in the stream. I spent the night before with my courtiers if they have heard of any news relating to the disappearance of my Bunny…..So many girls, so many claiming that she is her, but they aren’t. I can tell. How long until she is found and brought home? It has been so long. Has she been suffering in the tormenters hands? What am I going to do if I don’t find her? So many questions and no simple answers.

I can’t take this any more. So many distractions. I need my daughter and I need her now!

Prince Sebastian POV

Wow it has only been a year and I still can’t get over how amazing this girl is. I don’t know why I made that stupid deal with my father. She is asleep now in my arms and she looks so beautifully peaceful. I lean down and kiss her forehead “hmmm” she murmurs and stirs around in my arms, I brush the hair out of her eyes and kiss her cheek.

I hear a knock on my door and look up, “Son, breakfast is ready, come downstairs” says my mother holding a book. When she looks up she gasps and smiles, I smile back, she turns and leaves the room. I look back down at Annie and she is opening her eyes. “Morning” she says sleepily, “Morning, would you like some breakfast love?” “Ok Seb”
She gets up and stretches then turns to go to the bathroom. I jump up quickly and run in front of the door blocking her way.

“Seb, move?” she whines. I laugh and lean down and kiss her passionately “No” I say with my lips still on hers. I hear her giggle and start to kiss her again slowly pushing her back to the bed, wrapping my arms around her. She starts to giggle again “Guess what?” she asks, “What is it?” “It’s my birthday today.”

With that I tighten my grip and lift her up swinging her around and laugh. “One more year and you will be of age and we shall marry.” I say. Her smile drops and she shakes her head “no no no no no” she whispers, I let her down but keep my arms around her. “What’s the matter love? Why do you look so worried? Do you not wish to marry me?” “I do wish to marry you but I can’t. I am your servant and nothing more than that. I’m not of royal birth, or part of a wealthy family. You can’t marry me” she turns and walks hurriedly into the bathroom.
(well that was unexpected haha)

Princess Antoinette POV

I bathe while crying. Oh god, how I wished things were different. I wish I could marry him. But I can’t, I am just a slave to him. I hear banging on the door. Strange why would Seb be so annoyed about me being in here, it has only been a few minutes. I hop out of the tub and dry myself quickly because the banging is getting louder and more impatient.

I throw on my undergarments and walk out of the room into the King. He grabs my hair and puts his lips on mine, forcing his tongue down my throat, then he pulls back and says “Happy birthday, I will see you tonight.” He strides out of the room yelling that breakfast is ready. I throw on a dress while my face is strewn with tears and walk out slamming the door. I run down the corridor but slow down when I am a few feet from the dining hall and wipe my face madly to hide my feelings.

Once I step into the hall I feel strong arms around my waist and turn to look at Sebs’ face. He smiles and kisses me, and I feel so much better, it feels so right, I can’t believe I said no to him. I happily sigh “What’s wrong?” Seb asks, “Nothing my love, just thinking of how right this is. Also I believe that we should marry, I can’t see myself without you.” He smiles his breathtaking smile and throws me over his shoulder. “Seb! Where are you taking me, put me down!!” I say in between my giggles. He doesn’t reply and picks up his pace and is now in a full sprint.

We are out in the stables when he finally drops me. “Would you like to go for a ride? It can be part of your present today.” “Oh yay I get presents” I happily say jumping up and down while clapping my hands, looking like a child. He laughs with his eyes closed and I take this opportunity and run and jump on him, knocking him over. “What was that for?” he asks while I’m on top of him, “oh, nothing, lets go.”

I run up to the horses and choose one that is a lovely light chestnut with white speckles all over it. Jump on and ride while laughing. This is going to be a great day, I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
thankyou to:
karma105; first commentor
lollipop102; being a great fan
xCharlie; for making me smile with happiness

loving you all very much but pretty please some new commentors??