Because I Decided To Fall In Love With The Prince...


King Rowan POV
A few years ago

The best slave, the best toy for me to play with, I thought to myself while walking down the corridors towards the slaves living quarters. It has been five years since I first laid my eyes on her, so young, so precious, so…..vulnerable. Such a great day it was I couldn’t help to replay it in my mind.

My monthly hunting trip was cut short because of her but I don’t regret it. I was with my men but after seeing a boar from the corner of my eye I left them and took pursuit. I saw it again and thought this would make a fine prize indeed then I shall enjoy it for dinner. I took my bow and one of my arrows got ready, aimed, drew back then released. I heard whimpering, good I hit it, I can easily catch and kill it now, I hop down from my horse for today and cautiously tread towards a tree that would hide me until I decided to show myself and attack. The whimpering sounds were getting shorter, distressed and raspy, I unsheathe my dagger and jump out from behind the tree to attack.

What I saw startled me though, my arrow was in no boar, in fact there was no boar there but just a small pile of faded rags, I walk over and kick the pile over and gasped in shock. What lay before me was a young girl that looked to be about my sons age, I quickly pick her up and she starts to thrash, kick and scream losing her breathe she starts to choke and gag on her own breath, I whisper in her ear to settle and stay calm, that I was taking her to safety and that she will soon be better.

She starts to calm down when I hear my men come form the trees wondering what was screaming. They look at me to her then back at me she starts to whimper and murmur unheard words, I look down to her evergreen eyes while she stares back blankly slowly becoming drowsy. I tell my men to ride back to the castle and get ready a room, clothing, food and a hot bath for her arrival. They quickly bow and abide to my bidding.

I place the sleeping child onto my horse and jump behind her, I allow my horse to trot back to the kingdom while not letting go of this little girl.

Queen Isabelle POV
While awaiting arrival for her husband
I walk out into the front courtyard with my little prince in my arms and wait for my king to come home bearing today’s prizes. Little one is jumping up and down in my arms so much I place him on the ground but he does not cease jumping with excitement and when we hear the guards yelling and the opening of the gate he stops and looks at me. “what is it little one?” I ask, he looks at me with his wide eyes like the colour of midnight when there is no moon and asks “Mummy may I be able to keep the prize daddy has brought home today?” I start to smile not knowing what the prize is but how can I refuse my son “Of course you can my little hero”, “Promise mummy?” he replies “Promise” I say. He starts to jump higher while singing my prize to keep that daddy brings today, I laugh at my son and his excitement.

I look back towards the gate where men are trotting into the gate on their horses searching for my love but cannot find him, I run over to the head guard on my husbands trip today and the chief of guards, John, I worriedly ask of my lord and he dismounts his horse with a grave and weakened face. John replies with the news saying “My king will be here in the next hour, he has with him a young girl of which we found in the woods, she is ill and very battered, we do not know how long she has been out there for but we were ordered to get ready a room and needed supplies for her.”

I look over to where I left my son but he is not there, franticly I search the grounds for him and find him in the small clearing surrounded by trees especially made for him in the middle of the courtyard, I let out a sigh and turn back to John. “When your King enters the castle grounds tell him I know of the news and shall personally attend to this young and unfortunate girl,-“I then remembered the promise I gave my prince of him keeping this prize that his father brought home “-also tell him that I have urgent matters to notify him on, I shall be awaiting him in the girls room. Allow me to get my son and show us the way to her room.”

He nodded and stood there waiting for me to return. I hurriedly walk over hiding my sadly distressed face and pick my son up and tell him his father will be here in and hour and we are to wait in a room where he shall bring it to us. He smiled beautifully and again started to sing my prize to keep that daddy brings today. My heart sunk and my thoughts drifted toward the young girl arriving.

King Rowan POV

I ran towards John with the girl in my arms, her name is Anne and she is eight just two years younger than my son. I ask John of the room and other orders, he replies “yes sir the room and supplies are ready for her, also my Queen awaits for you in her room and says she will personally attend to her, also she has urgent matters that you must know of.” I nod and follow him towards her room thinking to myself what could my wife possibly need to tell me.

Prince Sebastian POV

I am in a room with mother waiting for daddy to come and bring my prize. Mother promised it will be mine and so it shall be forever. It has been a long day and I become drowsy, I heard my mother say “Sleep now little hero you shall soon have your prize.” I fell asleep happily welcoming my dreams, I dreamt of a girl with hair as brown as the soil and eyes as green as my trees, she has a voice like a birds sweet song and I have her in my arms dancing in my forest.