Because I Decided To Fall In Love With The Prince...


Prince Sebastian POV
Day after the girl is brought

I awoke in a strange room alone. I remember waiting for my father to bring a prize for me to keep and my mother carrying me to this room, I also remember eyes as green as trees from my dreams. I heard splashing water coming from the room which leads to the bathroom, thinking that I would find my mother and father I skip to the room happily. I open the door and the splashing stops, I look up and see my mother bent over the tub and gliding her hand over the water, I look over to the right and see a girl in the tub staring at me. I stare back unable to focus on anything but her.

Her lips curving at the edges turns into a huge smile after my mother whispers to her, all I can do is smile back while my mother walks over to me, crouches down to my ear and whispers “Good morning my little hero, did you sleep well? You see this girl, do you think she is pretty?” I nod my head vigorously, my smile getting bigger. ”Well little one here is your prize to keep forever.” I stop looking at the girl and turn to my mother my face dropping I reply “how could this girl be my prize? Why didn’t I get gold or gems or a magnificent feast, why do I get HER?”

Mother steps back in shock. The girl in the tub has stopped playing and is looking at me-eyes wide. I turn and run out of the room slamming doors behind me, I heard my mother calming down the girl with eyes like trees from my dream and the girl crying, saying over and over I want to be his prize. I search for father. I want a new prize.

King Rowan POV

I hear loud footsteps coming towards my study’s door while wondering who could be awake at this ungodly hour of the day. I was awake all night thinking about the promise my foolish wife made to my heir. How could she promise what was not known to be.

The door swings open and in walks an angry looking 10 year old Prince. He comes up to my desk and slams his tiny fist onto it, I smirk at his behaviour. He looks up at me and yells “why is she my prize? Where are the gems, the gold and the magnificent feasts?
Why her?”

I look at him in disbelief, oh stupid, foolish wife why would you tell him. I look at him while sitting back on my chair and say “Well if you do not want her, who will you give her to?” he stares back blankly. I laugh and reply to his dumbfounded expression “How about we make a deal, hmm? I shall keep the girl until you are at the age of sixteen and then she will be yours to keep.” He thinks for a while and then reluctantly nods his little head. Good, I thought, now we have that settled I must shape her into a slave for myself and my son.

Thinking back on those days I remember how lucky I was to have made that deal with him. Now she is mine until three more years pass. Oh how I will enjoy the next three years greatly.