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You Aren't Who I Thought You Were

First Impressions

We just arrived, it’s eleven in the morning Haley’s at school. This house is big, bigger than I imagined it to be. So for the last five, ten minuets I’ve been wandering around looking at all the rooms, I found Hailey’s room and looked at all her clothes, but right now I’m in what’s suppose to be my room, it’s massive and I’ve got a walk-in wardrobe, I’ve seen a walk-in wardrobe before but this one is just so big, I love it.

So I’ve finished unpacking it’s about one’ o’clock right now, so I’m going to go look at all Hailey’s clothes, I know I shouldn’t but still, what she don’t want her poor little darling Hailey!!!

I’m in Hailey’s walk-in wardrobe trying on this amazing red dress, it’s tight up the top, with sequins, then has a crossed over bit of material at the hips then flows out. I love dresses if I could I would wear them everyday, but I would look a bit strange, if you think about it, wearing a dress to school everyday, I don’t just mean a summer one I mean a proper ball gown dress or prom dress.

“you know Hailey, will kill you if she sees you wearing that, right?” I spun around so fast, I fell straight onto my arse. Then the guy started laughing at me but he walked over to me and put out his hand to help me up, so I took it. I wasn’t looking at him when I was on the floor but now, he has black hair emo style haircut, grey-blue eyes, which are gorgeous.

I was snapped out of my daze with hottie saying, “Did you hear me I said she’ll kill you?” he repeated

“erm, yeah sorry, shit why’s she back so early? Wait, who are you? I’m not being rude it’s just that I live here, actually don’t answer that, your Hailey’s friend, don’t worry.” Now, I’m just talking shit, when I get nervous I don’t shut up I tend to talk even more!!!

“okay, I’m Ryan I’ll tell you anyway and actually we had a half day today dunno why though.” I just stood there like a fish, he is so hot when he speaks!

“k, wheres Hailey, cos I need to get out of this dress before she kills me?” I said urgently.

“ To late Lola. Why the fuck are you wearing my dress?” shit. Well I guess that’s Hailey, great.

“look I’m really sorry but I, oh fuck it, here’s the truth, I really like this dress so I tried it on, I’m really sorry I will buy you a new one and stuff!” I reply, I was brought up to tell the truth, my Nan taught me that, But right now I think I should have lied, but said what the maid said she would kill me if I didn’t put the bloody dress on, oh really would have worked. Well at least Ryan and the other guy are enjoying themselves, wait where the hell did he come from!!!

“ Sweet, I’m touched you told me the truth. Now. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Dress. NOW!!!” Gosh this girl can scream suppose she has a reason, but I ain’t striping in front of her, Ryan and the other guy, huh Ryan and mystery guy look very alike, they both have black hair the only difference is their body build and their eyes, where Ryan has grey-blue eyes, Dillon has odd eyes ones blue and ones green it‘s actually cute.

Ryan caught me starring at mystery guy and said, “ This is my twin brother, Dillon, who’s also going out with Hailey, your half-sister.” Ryan stated, then him and Dillon burst out laughing I don’t actually know why?

Whack!!! Shit on my arse again but this time in front of two guys, I look up to see a murderous looking Hailey starring down at me, this just made the guys laugh more. I guess they saw her charging at me, could have warned me!!!

“Hails, come on she made a mistake give her a chance, babes come on!” Finally someone stands up for me, thank the lord for Dillon, I owe him big time.

“Fine, but get my dress washed, I don’t want any of your skanky dieses in it!” Hailey said and walked out the closet towing Dillon behind as she went, I heard them going the stairs, then a familiar hand appears in my face. Ryan’s. I take it and he pulls me up for the second time in like what ten minuets.

“Lola, Hailey’s nice when you get to know her more, just give her time, she has issues with trust.” Ryan says to me, he has a gorgeous smile!!!

“Ok, thanks I think I’m gonna have to wait a while to get her trust after what I’ve just done, right?” I reply back.

He laughs and says “No, the thing about Hailey is she forgives people well to easily.” I just stare at him are we talking about the girl that just attacked me verbally and then pushed on my arse. “ Yeah I know she just pushed you over but seriously, she forgives a bit to easily, unless your trying to steal her boyfriend, she’s very protective over Dillon.” He must have seen my expression and I understand about her being protective who wouldn’t!!!

“ok, well I better go get changed, and get this dress washed. Erm, she you around” I say to Ryan.

“Yeah, I gotta go meet my girlfriend, I just came in to meet you actually and it’s been a better meeting than I thought. See you tomorrow at school, Lola” He says while walking out of the closet, he turns round waves bye then, I hear him running down the stairs, front door opens then closes, then he’s gone.

I slowly walk back to my room which is like a five minute walk, I take off the dress, and lay it down on my bed and put on jeans shorts and a baggy top. I flop back on to my bed and think what a shitty first impression that was!!!
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