Status: Waiting to see if anyone like

You Aren't Who I Thought You Were

First Day At School

This morning dad dropped me and Hailey to school. My days been ok so far, Hailey showed me to my first lesson, only coz dad told her to. Dillon has actually been showing me around to my other lessons. Right now my class is P.E, but I don’t have a P.E clothes, so I can’t participate, which I’m glad about. Dillon and Ryan have both got P.E now, and there is cheerleading practise going on as well. I’ve been watching the boys, running around I mean who wouldn’t, right! Ryan and me were speaking both class and he made some cocky remark about me falling over yesterday.

“Excuse me, but stop watching my boyfriend.” some cheerleader hisses at me, she’s stick thin with blonde hair .

“ Sorry, I don’t know who your boyfriend is and I’m not looking at anyone in particular. Just go back and continue your little cheer, and don’t worry about what I do. ” I said back.

“ you were looking at Ryan, correct. He’s my boyfriend, stay away from him. Got it.” she replied, then turned round and stormed back to the rest of the cheerleaders, who were glaring at me.

“That’s Sol, Ryan’s syco girlfriend, also head of the cheerleading squad. Ironic how the head cheerleader and the captain of the school’s football team, end up together, huh. Your Lola, Hailey’s half-sister, I’m Annie.” Annie said from behind me, I spun round a bit to quickly but caught myself in time. Annie came and sat next to me, I could get a better look of her now, she short black hair, with red streaks in her fringe and she has brown eyes.

I smile and say “ thanks, I didn’t know that and yeah I’m Hailey’s half-sister.”

“well it’s lunch now, want me to walk with you, I sit with and Hailey, Dillon and some other people, I’m sure you can sit with us.” Annie asks, I smile and nod my head, pick my bag up and we walk to the cafeteria.

“ I guess you don’t know what year Dillon and Ryan are?” Annie asks me as were queuing to pay I just decided to shake my head. Annie laughs and says “ There both seniors! That’s why Sol, is all weird, she’s a senior and rumours have been going round that Ryan, wants a girl that’s younger, I know there false because Dillon said Ryan just wants to get rid of her, but Ryan’s to nice. Annie informed me, I burst out laughing, I got quite a few strange looks, Annie laughed under her breath. We paid for our lunch and started walking towards a pretty full table, Hailey and Dillon are sitting there, Dillon was smiling at me, while Hailey glared at me.

I ended up sitting next to Hailey, which is awful she’s just glaring at me. “ What is your problem, Hailey? I’ve said I’m sorry.” I hiss under my breath, so only Hailey can hear.

“Bye, guys I’m going library.” Hailey said rather quickly, shoved her chair back and stormed off.

At the end of lunch, Annie took me to my lesson, told me how to get to my last lesson and walked away. It’s the end of school and I have no idea how I’m gonna get home and I also don’t know how to walk home.

“Lola, you ok?” Annie asks she’s changed her clothes. “oh, yeah I’m a dancer, and got dance class now, but if you want I’ll give you a lift home after dance class?” Annie said, she obviously caught me starring at her outfit.

“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.” I say to her, she grabs my hand and pulls me to a building that obviously the schools dance studio. When we got inside I noticed, most of the girls from the lunch table were here, that also included Hailey.

Hailey jumped up from the group of girls she was with, and stormed over and screamed, “ Why the hell are you here?” in my face. All the girls stopped what they were doing and looked over at me, Hailey and Annie.

“Hailey, calm it. I brought her here.” Annie said breaking the silence, Hailey glare at me and Annie, turns round and storms back to the group she was sitting with before the little incident.

“Girls, stretch, Annie come here and bring your friend.” the dance teacher said from the other end of the dance studio.

Annie and I walked up and Annie states “Chloe, this is Lola, Hailey’s half-sister. I’m giving her a lift home so can she just watch or something?”

“Lola, you can stay, because you look like a dancer, so have you ever been in a dance group before?” Chloe asks

I nod and say “ I did all different types of dancing in England, like Ball room dancing coz my mum wanted me to, and I use to do modern dance because I enjoy it.”

Chloe said that I should join the dance group she said that I was very good, so I signed up, Hailey wasn’t happy at all about that.

Me and Annie are walking to her car which is in the car park, some other students are still here, when I asked Annie she said, there is cheerleading practise after school and also football training.

Were walking through the car park and I can see Sol looking at me from where she’s standing next to her car, with about five other cheerleaders.

“oh, my look girls, it’s the dancers. The poor little souls, chose dancing because there to good for cheerleading. Oh. Wait, it’s because they can’t cheer!” Sol shouted from where she was standing, her and her group burst out laughing. I really wanna say something but Annie just ignored them so I did the same.


“Thanks, for the lift Annie. See you tomorrow.” I say while jumping out of Annie’s car.

“yeah, I’ll pick you up in the morning and give you a lift after dance class.” I just smile and nod, shut the car door and make my way to the front door, I really like Annie, I don’t really know her but she’s nice.

“Dad, I’m home.” I shout from the front door, no answer, so I walk around the house no sign of Hailey or Dad. I think Hailey’s with Dillon, but dad said he would be here when I got back from school, oh well.

Well, I’m making dinner, for myself and Hailey, seeing as dad is in china, when I walked into the kitchen there was a note on the table for me and Hailey and it said-

Lola and Hailey,

I have a urgent business meeting in china, something happened in one of my new hotels, won’t be back for a while.

Hailey, sorry but I won’t make the game on Friday, but Lola bring Lola, I don’t want you going on your own. Your aunt couldn’t make it.

Sorry Girls, Dad.

There was also another note, just for me which said-

Lola, please look after Hailey, normally her aunt would look after her but she couldn’t make it in such short notice. Also please go with her to the game on Friday, she can get a bit carried away with the game.


Oh, I am so overjoyed with this news, I have to look after my half-sister who hates me, I bet Hailey will be thrilled. I wanna know what he means by can get a little carried away at games, well I just have to wait till Friday, which is only in two days.

“Daddy, I’m home. Sorry I’m a bit late, I was with Dillon, Ryan and some other people.” Hailey called out from down stairs, I can hear I walking round looking for dad, then she appears in my bedroom doorway and asks “Where’s dad?” I get of my bed walk over to where I put the letter for both of us and handed it to her, she reads it, nods and walks back to her room. I feel sorry for her, he obviously does this a lot, a least she has a aunt that would come and look after her, sometimes.
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