Status: One-shot. Complete.

His Sin


“Catch me if you can!” the cackling Envy danced across the room at superhuman speed, his green hair whipping behind him, as the Fullmetal Alchemist followed close behind, automail blade transmuted in readiness for the opportunity to finish the hateful Sin.

Ed gained some ground and, recklessly, took a swipe at his quarry, who darted out of the way, avoiding the blow.

“Osio-sugiru, hagane no o-chibi-san!” The Sin stalled momentarily, to taunt his enemy, before darting off again, without giving Ed time even to catch his breath.

Envy’s vicious laughter echoed around the hall, as Ed fought his natural fatigue to keep up with the sprinting form. They had been locked in this Ouroboros chase for many hours now, and Ed’s body couldn’t take it anymore. He stumbled and fell, chest heaving.

Envy stood over him, gloating. “What’s wrong, o-chibi-san? Have your tiny little legs run out of power?”

“DON’T CALL ME SHORT!” the insult gave Ed a new rush of energy, which he used to spring up from the ground, taking Envy by surprise and pinning him to the floor. When Ed looked down, it was Dr Marcoh’s face looking up at him.

“It must be hard, hurting your friends, Ed.”

“Is that the best you’ve got? I killed the Homonculus that looked like my mother!” Ed punched him in the face.

“Gonna kill me again, Ed?” said the face of Maes Hughes. Ed punched him again.

“Don’t, Ed.” Trisha Elric’s pleading eyes stared up at him. Ed punched him again.

“You can’t hurt me Fullmetal, I’m your superior officer.” The voice of Brigadier General Mustang cut through.

“That face is the easiest to punch!”

Suddenly, Envy reverted back to his usual, palm tree like self. Ed stopped short.

“What’s the matter, o-chibi?”

“Why are we doing this, Envy?”


“This constant chasing each other around, trying to kill each other. What’s it all for?”

“Because we hate each other, idiot, now hurry up and hit me!”

“I don’t want to.”

“But I’ve made your life untold misery for the past five years! Why do you suddenly not want to hurt me?”

“All this chasing each other around, it doesn’t seem right anymore. A friend once told me; what if everything was backwards? What if, with all the chasing, we’re actually running away from each other?”

“None of that answers my question.”

“Fine. I don’t know why, I just don’t want to hit you.”

“Fine. Well, what do you want to do?”

Ed leaned down and, softly but firmly, pressed his lips to Envy’s. both closed their eyes, lost in the release of the pent-up passion and longing they had long held for each other. The kiss was sweet and gentle, yet spoke of need and lust and hunger. After a few seconds, Ed drew away, expecting Envy to catch him off guard and destroy him. Instead, the Sin merely asked;

“And why did you want to do that?”

“Because I love you.”

I love you too, o-chibi-san.”

Ed went to kiss Envy again, but Envy placed a finger on his lips.

“Chottomatte, o-chibi.”


“You’re sitting on my diaphragm.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Ed shifted his weight, in a rather unromantic manner, off of Envy, and lay down next to him. Envy wrapped the boy in his arms, so that they faced each other.

“Now, where were we?”

Envy kissed Ed on the mouth, stronger than the alchemist’s kiss had been, and the two were enveloped by a wave of emotion, locked in a loving embrace that could easily have lasted forever.

And both would willingly have let it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word count; 592 Balance; English 573, Japanese 18, Other 1

A/N; My first Edvy! Woo! Please R&R, C&C, whatever, just GIVE ME SOME DAMN FEEDBACK! Sorry… anyways, I hope you all liked it; I thought it was rather sweet when I wrote it, but I wrote it at midnight when I was barely even awake.

Uh-oh! Japanese! For those who don’t speak the lingo of the Land of the Rising Sun;

Osio-sugiru, hagane no o-chibi-san – Too slow, Fullmetal Pipsqueak

Chottomatte – just a minute / hang on / wait a little

And for anyone who has never encountered it outside of FMA, the word Ouroboros means never ending in some dead ancient language. I learnt it off Red Dwarf

Anyone who was reading my other stories… sorry I haven’t updated in so long, but I lost computer access for about five months (noo!) but I should be back for good now, and I’m currently writing the third chapter of Now Give Me Your Whole Body And Soul.

Anyone who wasn’t reading my other stories… go do it! Please? ^.^

That was one long Author’s Note… sorry about that, but I felt it was necessary.