Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.


To Jennifer Andrews;

Welcome to The Decaydance Wizarding Academy. This is only a welcoming letter, upon entrance to the school you will will receive a pack containing several brochures, detailing everything you need to settle in comfortably. This letter will also contain the rules, but only the basic ones, as there are many. Hopefully you have bought all that you need, we have very limited supplies which will not last very long, so here is a list of all you should have brought with you:-

1. A wand, of grade 5 or higher;
2. Two black v-neck sweaters;
3. Seven white blouses;
4. Two a-line skirts: -
a. One black.
b. One gray.
5. Seven pairs of thick black tights;
6. Seven pairs of white ankle socks;
7. Seven pairs of gray knee-length socks;
8. Two ties: -
a. One black.
b. One red.
9. A black, double breasted coat;
10. Black, leather, sensible shoes;
11. A gray messenger bag.

These are the very basic items. Of course there are many more, but these will get you by for now. It should also be noted that hair should be tied back tightly, piercings should only be in ears, of which there should be one gold stud in each ear. Any other will be immediately confiscated. Jewelery is not allowed, other than a cross (for half-bloods only) around the neck and/or a signet ring. Hair should be of natural color.

Rules: -
1. Students are not to exit out of the premises unless accompanied by three other students, one prefect, or one professor.
2. If a student is found to have not handed in homework three times in a row, a purple slip will be issued and your wand will be confiscated for a week, as well as freedom to roam out of grounds for six months.
3. Any student found mind wandering will suffer the same consequence as above.
4. Any student found with brain altering substances, both human and wizard, will have them immediately confiscated and will be banned from the exploration room. Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are included.
5. Any sexual activity is strictly banned.
6. Curfew is at 10pm. If students are found outside dormitories ten minutes after curfew, your curfew from that point onwards will be half eight.
7. Rooms are to be kept tidy, a weekly inspection will take place.
8. Hall activities are compulsory.

We thoroughly hope you enjoy your stay at The Decaydance Wizarding Academy, and welcome to the school.

Alexander Beckett, headmaster.
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Okay, introduction posted, just about to post the first chapter.
P.S. All the characters are single at the minute, if you want to be a part of this story comment ;)