Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 11 - I underestimated the art of curse curing.

I was gently being woken awake by someone’s cold hand on my arm. I rolled over and pulled my sheets over my head, blocking out the light and whoever was trying to wake me up. They shook me again, through the covers. I heard a sigh, then I was suddenly blasted across the room, moaning in pain as I heard a crack of my bones. I blinked and opened my eyes, pushing myself up.
“Wakey wakey.”
I squinted, and as my eye sight readjusted I gasped. “Brendon? What the fuck are you doing?”
“Waking you up.” he shrugged. “So yeah, breakfast in a few minutes, you better get dressed.”
“Get the fuck out of my room.” I scowled and pointed to the the wall, signaling where he should leave.
“That’s not very polite.”
“Neither are you, so go.”
He sighed and sat down on another bed. “I can’t.”
“What do you mean, you can’t?”
“You know this curse that’s rendering people unconscious and giving them a number on their neck?”
“Yes…” I nodded, wondering what an earth he was on about.
“Well, it’s spread. Seven people now have it. And Mr. Beckett knows how you’re a pure blood, and I’m the best wizard in the school, so we’ve been locked in here to try and find some cure.”
My mouth dropped at his last statement. “Holy…” I sighed and stood up, leaning against the wall. “What if we don’t find a cure?”
“Then… I don’t know. But technically you’re the only person who can cure these people, so if you get the curse then we all die.”
I looked up, sweeping my messy hair out of my face and raised an eyebrow when I saw his blushing cheeks. “Urie, what’s got you flustered?”
“You’re, um, you’re not wearing a bra under your singlet.”
I looked down and immediately folded my arms. “Grow up.”
He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Can you get dressed so we can find this cure?”
“Close your eyes. If you open them I’ll break your neck.”
Brendon gulped and closed his eyes. I rifled through my belongings and pulled out some black tights and a light blue dress; there was no point in wearing uniform if we weren’t to leave this room.
“Remember, I’ll break your neck.”
“I know!”
I cast a spell on him, just in case he decided to open his eyes. As soon as he opened them, a shooting pain would go through his body.
I looked around cautiously and quickly pulled off my pajamas, then pulled on some underwear. As I was doing up my bra clasp Brendon screamed in pain.
“You liar!” I shouted.
He doubled over in pain and gripped at his jeans, which I’d just noticed were skinny ones. They hugged his figure beautifully. Damn, he had better legs than me, that’s not fair.
“I’m a guy, what do you expect?” he fired back.
“That’s what you say?” I shouted again. “No ‘sorry’ or I won’t do it again, it’s some lame excuse where you try to make it seem as if I’m in the wrong?”
I pulled on my dress, tights and a waist belt as an attempt to give me some shape.
“Exactly. Are you fucking dressed yet, you sick masochist?”
I snapped my fingers so he could open his eyes normally. “I’m a masochist, how?”
“Because you enjoy putting me in pain!” he exclaimed.
I smirked. “And you enjoy looking at me naked.”
“I do not.” he scowled. “You’re fat, and you’re ugly, and you might as well die now because you’ll be lonely and you’re obtuse and-”
“Are you done?” I asked, putting a hand on my hip.
“No, because you interrupted me.”
I sighed and made my bed as he continued to list my many faults. I sat down on it and picked up a book from the pile that would help us find a cure. I opened it, pretended to look interested then stroked the spine. I flicked through the pages quickly then put it down by my side.
“-and you’ve got the most annoying voice, and you’re so-”
Truth. I thought, making him say everything he really thought of me, rather than all this jack ass stuff he was spurting.
“But you’re like really pretty and I love your eyes and I think it’s cute when you smile because your nose crinkles up and- shit.” he gasped, covering his mouth with his hands. “You put the truth spell on me!”
“No duh. And you can’t break it, nor can you inflict something upon me. So man up and help me with this cure.”
“Gah!” he sighed, collapsing onto the bed. “You’re just as bad as me! You don’t listen!”
“I tell you how pretty you are and you’re still going on about this fucking curse!”
“Well guess what Brendon, my friends are dying! I want to help them and I know it won’t happen without you! But thank you!” I shouted in an angry tone. “I, I mean thank you.”
He smiled. “No problem. And concerning your friends, I have a rough idea. But it’ll only be short term, so it’s kind of like as soon as they get infected, they can be injected and they’re cured. But what they’re injected with is a very limited supply.”
I rolled back my shoulders, calming down a little. He goes from so calm to so angry in seconds; it worries me.
“And I’m guessing this limited supply is something to do with my DNA?”
“Yes- wait, how do you know?” he asked, sitting up quickly.
“I’m more intelligent than you think, Urie. I know that my immune system is abnormally strong, so by reacting my DNA with some type of placebo, we can cure quite a few people.”
“Whatever.” I scowled at him. “My white blood cells will reproduce in their body via mitosis, latch onto their current white blood cells and basically eat the curse/virus.”
“I hadn’t looked into it that far.” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “But that sounds right. That means you have to have a considerable amount of blood taken out of you.”
“That’s fine.” I nodded. “Other people need it more than I do.”
“That’s amicable, I wouldn’t want anyone else to have my blood.” he nodded.
“Yeah, but that’s because you’re selfish.”
He half-smiled and nodded again. “I am.”
“Why would you admit to that?”
“Hello, truth spell.” he said, making a hand gesture to emphasize his point.
Oh, of course. I’d forgotten to reverse it. Maybe I’d leave it for a while, he was being calm and strangely civil; it was nice. Very different to his usual hard, defensive exterior.

Brendon stood up from the bed he was perched on and sat down next to me, putting his hand on my knee, making me flinch a little.
“Shh.” he cooed. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I didn’t think you were.”
“Prove it; hold my hand.”
I picked up the hand that was on my knee and linked my fingers with it. “Happy?”
“Yeah.” he smiled. “I am.”
Brendon leaned closer to me, lying his legs over my lap horizontally and resting his head on my shoulder.
“Are you quite comfortable enough?” I asked sarcastically.
“Yes thank you.”
I rolled my eyes for God knows how many times today; maybe this truth thing wasn’t all that great. I loved the company of others, but when someone you thought hated you is cuddling up to you, it freaks you out a little. Or a lot.
He sighed and made a contented noise. “Jenna?”
“I didn’t mean all of those mean things earlier. About you being fat and stuff.”
“I know, Brendon.”
“Great!” he chimed and cuddled me tightly. I pushed him away and reversed the spell, pronto.

“Fuck you!” he screamed at me. “You make me so angry, I just wanna punch you! I can’t believe you left me under that truth spell for that long! What is your deal?”

Ahh, back to normal Brendon.

“I’m sorry if I don’t appreciate you pointing out my already blatant faults. I know it, you don’t need to emphasize them, Urie.” I spat.
He paced the room, his hands behind his back. “I hate you!”
“I hate you too!” I screamed back. “Now get out!”
“I can’t, damn it! Are you fucking deaf? I’m stuck in this mad hole with you until the end of the day. Shut up and read and then we’ll be on good terms.”

I threw a book at his head and he cussed. “What happened to being pretty and you loving how my nose crinkled?”
“He died. Now shut your trap, woman.”
“No, I won’t! You like me, don’t you?”
He laughed bitterly and clutched at his stomach, as if it was the most hilarious thing he’d heard all week.
“Don’t you?” I pushed.
“No, you fucking conceited…. thing! I don’t even know what you are, but ugh!” he screamed and got out his wand. It glowed slightly and I wondered what he was planning, but need not wonder any longer as I was suddenly flung into a wall. I groaned loudly as I heard a click and felt an excruciating pain traveling down my arm.

I looked up and Brendon was panting and sweating slightly, all through rage and anger towards me. “Don’t test me!” he shouted.
I used my right arm to lift up my left. My eyes widened as I saw the long, deep gash down my arm. It was bleeding quickly, with what felt like liters of blood leaving my arm.
“Urie.” I whimpered, feeling unusually weak. “Urie.”
“What?” he shrieked, whipping round to look at me. He gasped as he saw my ruby red arm. He rushed over and sat down next to me, holding my limp arm. Everything else in my body felt limp also, and my body started to droop.
“What did you do.” I whispered, each word becoming quieter in succession.
“I just wanted to, y’know, warn you of what I was capable of… but I put too much in to it.”
“Mmm.” I said, my eyes drooping. There was another searing pain in my arm and I sat up, screaming. Brendon had two fingers pressed against my cut. I tried to swat him away, but he only pressed harder.
“It has to hurt more before it can heal.” he warned and I nodded as the tears threatened to spill. I gulped and just about managed to hold them back.
“How are you not crying? This is meant to be one of the most painful experiences known to wizards.”
“Crying never helps anything.” I gasped as my breathing became more erratic. “Fuck, hurry up would you!”
“I’m trying, God, stop being so impatient woman!”

With my unharmed arm I slapped him. I don’t care about his past with violence, he deserved it. And it felt so good.

“You dare have the audacity to call me impatient when you’re the reason I’m in this much excruciating pain?! Grow a pair, Urie!”
He closed his eyes and frowned as the red hand mark on his hand became more apparent. He pressed down harder and I screamed in agony, clenching my fists. He finally released and the pain alleviated. I looked down and all there was was a tiny, pretty much unnoticeable, scar.
“How did you do that?” I asked quietly.
“With practice.”
He sighed and stood up, dusting himself down. He held out his hand, but I shook my head, not wanting to stand up.
“Suit yourself.” he mumbled.
“Brendon, why do you keep on hurting me? Why can’t you consistently be nice?”
“Because.” he said, looking down. “Because I don’t know how to treat you. Everyone in this school can be fitted into their own groups, but I can’t categorize you. Do you realize how frustrating that is?”
“No, personally I think that’s a pathetic excuse, and definitely not a good one considering the amount of pain you put me through.”
“You slapped me!”
“With damn good reason!” I retaliated, standing up.
“I just, I just don’t know.” he sighed, sitting down on my bed, curling his fingers into the sheets. “I don’t know how to behave around you.”
“What do you mean?” I asked softly, mirroring his tone. I’d quickly learned to act calm when he was; angry when he was. That way we got along a little better.
“Let me explain. You know when you meet someone, you instantly think something about them, and that thought normally sticks? So upon meeting them again, you know whether to smile and chat, walk past and ignore them, shout and scream, you get the gist. But with you I don’t know how I feel, so I fluctuate all the time.”
“Smiling and chatting would be nice.” I said, sitting on the opposite bed.
“B-but you make me so angry sometimes.”
“Like yesterday!” he exclaimed. “You were out on a date with Spencer when you should have been here fixing Bill!”
“I didn’t know Bill was cursed, and I’m sorry if I went on a date with my boyfriend.”
“So you’re official now?”
“I assume so.” I nodded.
He pressed his eyes together and his thumb in between them, as if he was in pain. He breathed out slowly and re-opened his eyes. “Hmm.”
“You disapprove?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No, it’s more of the fact that I can’t imagine you with him. You don’t strike me as a good match, is all.”
“And who would be my good match, huh?” I asked giving him a quizzical look.
“I don’t know.” he sighed and stood up, then sat in my lap.
“Urie, what are you doing.”
“I’m sitting in your lap.” he smiled, cuddling into me. “You wanted me to be nice to you.”
“There’s nice, then there’s a line. And you crossed it.”
“Shh.” he whispered, putting a finger to my lips. “Go to sleep Jenna…” he trailed off, his arms drooping and his back falling towards the bed.
“Brendon? Are you okay?”
“Mmm.” he nodded. “I’m just… sleepy. The blast spell I used earlier drains a wizard.”
“Why?” I asked, becoming a little aggravated as he was difficult to squeeze information out of.
“The cut transported from your arm to mine…” he said, and fell backwards. I quickly caught his body and tilted it so he was laying down. His nose twitched as his cheek hit the fresh, white pillow. He cuddled into the pillow and drifted into unconsciousness. I carefully lifted up his latter half and slid out from underneath his body, standing up.

I pulled up the sleeve of his shirt and gasped when I saw my cut on his arm, In order to take the pain away from me, he’d put himself through the pain. I felt guilty for screaming at him before, knowing that he had done this for me, but he deserved the pain more than me. I think his thoughts are the same with me; I don’t know how to behave with him.

“Sleep well, Urie.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I quite like this chapter :D
What do you think? So far I think you all have the right perception of Brendon, which is good, as I thought my writing was pretty shitty. XD

Comments are wonderful. Damn, I need a synonym for 'wonderful'.

Awe-inspiring? Divine. Meh, I don't know. I like them anyway.
And how are you taking the news that Fall Out Boy officially broke up? My friend Jess is pretty devastated.

And on a more superficial note, I got a new haircut. XD