Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 12 - I wonder how far I can push this.

Brendon’s eyes fluttered open as he slowly woke up. He fumbled around for something, his hand dropping up and down from a small height, all over the bedside table.
“Urie?” I choked out, my voice hoarse from screaming yesterday.
“Oh God… please tell me I’m in a nightmare.” he grumbled, bringing his knees up to his chest.
I frowned. “No. What are you looking for?”
“M-my glasses.” he stuttered.
I got out of Vicky’s bed and walked over to him, picking up his glasses from the table and passing them to him. “There you go.”
He slid them on his nose and blinked. “Thanks.”

Brendon looked down at his bare torso, then pulled the sheets over him, blushing madly. He covered his body entirely except for the area above his nose. “You… you stripped me?”
“You’re still in underwear.” I pointed out, sitting back down on Vicky’s bed; the one I had slept in since Brendon had fallen asleep in mine. Also, we were trapped in here so Hayley and Vicky couldn’t return. “And I did it by spell. I figured you wouldn’t want to sleep in your clothes, so I left you in your boxers and took off your glasses.”
“But… but why?”
“Because I’m a nice person like that.” I said, pushing my long hair back and out of my face. I rubbed my eyes with force, waking me up a little more. When I re-opened my eyes, Brendon was actually smiling. A full on, toothy, bright white grin.
“Yes…?” I said, raising an eyebrow.
“I just… ahh.” he sighed with content and lay back down, tucking his hands behind his head so his elbows jutted out. “That was really considerate of you.”
“Even though it’s all your fault, it’s really considerate of you to take the cut for me.”
“Oh, this thing?” he asked, signaling towards the scabbing cut. “S’nothing.”

Seeing as he was being calm and genuine, I wanted to see how far I could push this.

“Hey, Bren?”

Okay, strike one, the nickname. He was alright with that.

“You look cold. Do you wanna crawl into bed with me?”

He whipped round quickly, propping himself up by his elbows. Maybe this was as far as I could push it; that was a pretty sudden movement and his expression was somewhere between confused and completely pissed off.

“Sure.” I nodded.
“Could you come over here instead? I don’t particularly want to move.”
I smiled and nodded again, walking over to his bed and peeling off the covers, getting into my bed with him. Our faces were suddenly very close to each other and he blushed again. Wow, I really was on a good streak. “Hey.” I whispered.
“Hey.” he whispered back.
“How are you today?”
“Surprisingly chilled.” he smiled and kissed my forehead. Yes, that’s right, kissed. That’s probably the first thing to touch his lips; my forehead. I think he must be on some type of medication, or yesterday had really taken its toll on him.
“That’s good. So not as stressed as yesterday?”
“No, I’m fine. There’s no reason for me to be angry.” he beamed and awkwardly wrapped his arms around me, slowly pulling me into an embrace. I nuzzled my head into his chest and he let out something which sounded like a panicked moan.
“Wh-what are you d-doing?” he stuttered, his breathing increasing to a great extent.
“Cuddling you?”
“B-But, this c-can’t.”
He started to hyperventilate and I broke away from him, looking up at his face.
“Bren, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
His hands gripped at his face and he turned a sheet white. “I-I’m petrified.”
“Because I think you’re trying to lure me into some trap but I don’t know what it is.”
“No trap, I promise.” I said, putting my hands up as if to swear an oath.
“But we’re in your bed, cuddling, both very scarcely clad and trapped in your room. Hell, you were even kissing my chest.”
“Is that what you thought I was doing? I was just getting more comfortable, my lips haven’t touched you.”
He sniffed and nodded. “A-And you called me Bren.”
“Does it offend you?” I asked, pouting slightly.
“No… it’s something different to the norm, is all.”
I cuddled back into him and he sniffed again, holding me very loosely. I held him tightly and he got the message, hugging back just as tightly. He rested his head on top of mine and sighed deeply.
“So, why are you doing this to me?” he questioned.
“Brendon, is it really so wrong for me to want to be close to you?”
“Literally, or emotionally?”
“Either.” I shrugged. “If one makes you uncomfortable then we can stop that. I think you’re a pretty cool guy when you’re like this.”
“You do? Really?”
“Of course.” I smiled. “I love hugs and I love friendly people. So you fit what I like pretty well; as long as you’re not being an ass as you have a habit of doing.”
I rubbed my fingers slowly up and down his hurt arm. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me. This was probably the longest we’ve been civil with each other.
“You are pretty, you know that?” he mumbled, pushing a few strands out of my face. “I’m sorry for being horrible to you. No doubt I’ll do it again, so I apologize for the future.”
I closed my eyes and smiled a little wider. “Damn, why can’t you be like this all the time?”
“Because of my blood.” he mumbled. I darted my eyes open and looked at him with concern. He pushed his glasses back up his nose and bit his bottom lip.
“What about it?”
“You know there’s the three main types of blood, right? Well, and pure bloods.”
I nodded.
“I’m not even a quarter-blood, I’m an eighth-blood. It’s pathetic, I know, but it means that in order to do wizardry it puts a lot of strain on my brain and glands, meaning they release certain hormones, making my highs very high and my lows very low. A little like a wizard bi-polar.”
“Eighth? Wow, that’s… yeah.”
“Weak.” he completed my sentence. “Yeah, I know, but I love wizardry too much to just not do it. And you, you don’t even want to be a wizard, and it’s been made so simple for you. You’re a pure blood, next to no work is involved.”
“You’re jealous.” I stated, cottoning on to what he was saying.
“If I could give you my blood, I would, if that helps or is any consolation.”
He smiled and gave me a little squeeze. “Thanks.”

Several people suddenly burst through the wall, all talking very loudly and obnoxiously. These people were Erin, holding hands with Josh Farro, Ivy, Sophie and Gabe Saporta. I.E. The Prefects.

Ivy sighed loudly and flipped a hand through her hair. “Have you found a cure?”
Erin scoffed. “Of course they haven’t; look at them. They’ve taken the locking up as an excuse to have sex.”
I quickly sat up, letting go of Brendon. “What? No! We’ve found a cure, and we most definitely have not had sex.” I said, frowning.

The prefects exchanged knowing glances, as if to say ‘they so have’, without actually saying that.
“Urie, back me up!”
He smirked and shrugged. “I never kiss and tell.”
I scowled at him. “Kiss and tell? You’ve got nothing to tell, and have never had anything to tell.”
He scowled back. “That’s bitchy; plus it was confidential.”

“Kids, kids! Get over it and tell us the damn cure!” shouted Gabe, clapping to get our attention.
I sighed and pointed to the list of instructions on the desk. Ivy and Sophie walked over to the pieces of paper and picked them up, folding them in quarters and slipping them into a black, velvet bag. Ivy put it in her bigger bag and Sophie linked hands with Gabe, smiling at him.

“Can you leave, please?” I asked.
“Uh, no. We have to initiate the rules here, and sexual activity is strictly banned. You are to get dressed, have breakfast and continue with lessons as per usual. When people ask you where you have been, it was a family emergency and you don’t want to talk about it. If the information that the curse is spreading gets through out the school, everyone will be panic stricken. So both of you keep schtum.”

We nodded. “But there was no ‘activity’ of the sort.” I chimed.
“Urie’s grin tells otherwise.” smirked Gabe. “But babe, do we really have to initiate that rule?”
“Yes!” said Sophie, prodding at his chest. “You can wait ‘till the holidays.”
He said something incoherent, and it sounded Spanish. Whatever it was it made Sophie very flustered and she blushed madly.
“See ya!” she said, pulling Gabe through the wall with her.
Ivy rolled her eyes and left with the cure. Erin waved goodbye, still holding Josh’s hand, kissing his cheek as they left.

“Brendon!” I shouted, getting out of bed. “Why did you have to do that?”
“Do what?”
“The ‘we had sex last night’ story. That was completely out of line, and now they think I’m a slut!”
He shrugged as if it was nothing. “Urie!” I screamed. “What don’t you get?”
“They don’t care, Jennifer. I don’t see why you care so much.”

I sat back down on the bed and he kissed my hand. “Stop worrying.”
I half-smiled. “Sorry.”
He smiled back and sunk back down under the covers whilst I got dressed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, included some more of you on this one. :D And if you're not a Brendon fan, don't worry, this story will be swarmed with other characters very soon.

We just had the parents evening/parent teacher conference, whatever you guys call it. And now my parents want me to get all A's in my tests because they were so positive.

Fuck. I better be a jerk to my teachers next time.

Anyway... comments are shpiffy (that word is courtesy of Ariel.)

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