Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 16 - Destroyer.

A fist collided with my cheek, and I heard the cracking of my bones in my face echo through out the whole dorm room. I would have screamed out in pain but it was so immense so sound escaped my larynx. My eyes darted open and I saw a beaten up Brendon, his balled up hands flying straight towards me. I instinctively covered my face, then kicked out my legs, to push him away.
The only noise was one of him panting and the rage radiating from his body. Whilst he was down, I took a firm grip of his hands, holding them behind his back.

“Urie. You better give me a good reason for why the hell you did that, or I’ll kill you. Literally, and very painfully.”
He growled and trying to pull out of my grip, but it was no use.
“You.” he spat. “You took my powers.”
“Shut the fuck up!” he screamed, breaking away and hugging his own body. “Just shut up!”
I threw up my hands in exasperation and he fell down to the floor.

“You destroyed me.” he murmured, looking up at me from the floor with watery eyes. “I have to leave the school. I have to be a fucking human.
“Because of that duel, damn it! You made me initiate it, and then nearly kill Smith, and now I have to leave because the teachers found him in his state, and me in my state, and then some fucking squealer exaggerated the whole damn thing! So I have to leave!”
“Whoa, hold on. How exactly was it my fault?”
“You made me initiate that fucking duel!”
“I didn’t ask you to do anything of the sort, nor did I make you. Why the hell would I do that? He’s my boyfriend, I wo-”
“Ugh, don’t say that word!”
“What word? Is it- oh! Boyfriend! Hah!” I laughed bitterly. “You’re jealous!”
“Don’t kid yourself, woman.” he spat. “Anyway, I’m going, for-fucking-ever. I hope you die in your sleep.”
I scoffed. “Fuck you, Urie.”
“In your dreams, Andrews.”
I glared at him. “Why do you have to be such a jerk, huh? Why can’t you just apologize to Spencer so you can stay here?”
“Because you’d miss me?” he smirked.
“No, not at all. But I’m not a fucking prick and I know how much you’d get beaten up at a normal high school.”
“I’d rather do that than apologize to him.”
“Brendon, say sorry. Seriously, it’s not that hard.”
“No! I get nothing out of it!”
“But if you leave, how the hell am I going to help cure all these people?”
“Figure something out.” he shrugged.

I swore under my breath and pulled on a sweater, as I was cold, wearing skimpy pajamas does that to a girl. His eyes followed me around the room, and I smirked to myself as I pulled out a small glass vile from the drawer, with a black smoke substance inside.

“So you’re really going to leave me, huh?”
He raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but nodded anyway.

I held out the vile in front of me and his eyes glazed over.
“You wouldn’t.” he said, in a single tone.
“You leave, I curse you. And seeing as I’m the only one who can cure you, I wouldn’t recommend that you leave. But it’s purely up to you.”
“That’s blackmail, which is illegal! I can charge you and-”
“You can’t charge me if you’re cursed.” I smirked again, oh to be in control.
“Fuck you.” he said through gritted teeth. “But fine, I’ll go apologize to Smith. I hate you.”
“Good move. And I’m glad it’s mutual.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is only short, and I'm sorry, but I'm at my grand-parents house and don't have that much time.
It gets the point across though, right?

And from this point onwards, no Brendon for a while. So more of you guys :D

Comments, please? I have flu :(