Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 17 - Investigating.

“Ariel, come on!” she shout-whispered, waking me up from my much needed deep sleep. I wouldn’t be happy with whoever it was. I slowly opened my eyes and screamed as I saw Jasey’s face hovering over mine.
“Hey, don’t scream, you.” she whispered, covering my mouth with her hand, Ariel in the background, clutching her wand with a glowing tip. It was the dead of night, so the only light in the room was coming from Ariel.
I sat up and pushed Jasey’s hand out of the way. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked as loud as I possibly could without waking my room mates.
“We’re here to help you.” she smiled, sitting on the bed. Ariel nodded and came forward.
“With what?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“The curse. It’s affected Suarez and now we can’t take it anymore. We want to find the source of this fucking killer, and we know that you know a lot more than anyone else. Please.” begged Ariel, Jasey staying quiet, obviously thinking about Suarez.
“I can’t say I know who’s doing it, nor do I know when it’s coming from, but if you have a lead, I’ll be more than happy to help you.”
“Great!” chimed Jasey, standing up and pulling back the sheets. I clambered out of bed and pulled on a robe, tieing it around my waist. I shook my hair out of my face and got out my wand, making the tip alight and following the two girls. They were in front of me, and were very cautious as there were many night watchers. Ariel quickly swiped her hand across the air and our wands were put out. She pulled us down to the floor and we heard a creaking, the bats flying over us, their glowing eyes quickly scanning the room. I thought that they’d seen us when they flapped right above us for a long time, but continued their journey through the halls and we slowly got back up as their screeches drown out.
“That was close.” sighed Ariel, clutching her chest and swiping her hand the other way to re-light our wands.
“The boys seem to be affected after going to the bathroom under the exploration room.” nodded Jasey. “The curser isn’t too original in this instance, but for the girls, it ranges.”
“You’ve really looked into this.” I said and a pained look took over her face.
“Mmm.” was all she said, walking quicker than before. Ariel took a few steps backwards so she was walking at the same speed as me.
“Her mom was killed by a curse.” she whispered to me. “She’s being so strong about Suarez, and she thinks you’re like God because you can save him. But if lots of wizards get it, then you have to be selective, and may not choose him.”
“Oh, that must be horrible for her.” I mumbled.
“She copes.” she nodded. “But please, Suarez.”
“I’ll save him, don’t worry.” I smiled and she nodded, going back up to her normal pace. We quickly walked down the stairs, checked around us again, then pushed though the wall to get to the boy’s restrooms. They were empty, and there was a flickering light in the corner.
I swiped my wand towards the light, and the whole room lit up, making us squint at the sudden change. We checked the different stalls individually, then Ariel suddenly screamed, backing away quickly, keeping herself pressed against the wall.
Jasey and I rushed over to her, making sure she was okay. Jasey tended to her whilst I cautiously approached the stall. On the floor, in a pool of their own blood, was the one person I thought I wouldn’t mind seeing near death.
“Brendon.” I choked out, bending down and extending my arm to brush his hair out of the way.
“No!” both girls screamed as I touched him, then was shot back across the room, cracking the wall and probably a few bones along the way too.
“Jenna! Can you hear us?” they asked.
I sighed and clutched my painful head. “Yes I can hear you. Fuck this, ugh, I hate wizardry.”
“How… how are you not cursed? Why aren’t you near death? Shit, your hand!” squealed Ariel, recoiling and pointing to my left hand. I looked down and saw my hand, which felt bitterly cold and had black, thin lines running all over it and glowing venomously. They felt a little as if they were pulsating, in time with my heart beat. I pushed up the sleeve of my robe and the ribbon like black marks stopped at the pulse on my wrist.
“You’re so lucky.” gaped Jasey, completely astonished, then gritted her teeth. “Too fucking lucky. You know what, fuck you!” she screamed and ran out of the bathroom, tears threatening to spill.
“She wishes her mom and Suarez were as lucky as you.” stated Ariel, although I’d already figured as much. “I think I’m gonna make sure she’s okay.”
“Alright.” I nodded and she jogged out of the restrooms, in search of Jasey.
I groaned in pain and tried to move my left hand, but only my thumb and forefinger had any movement. Bad things always happened to me when Brendon was around.
Shit, Brendon!
I ran over to him, dragging my limp arm and bruised body behind me. “Urie.” I coughed, and stroked the hair out of his face properly this time as the curse had already transferred, I wouldn’t be shot back again.
That’s when it fully sunk in, and I realized he was stone cold. My hands scanned his body, trying to find any warmth, and source of life. I began to panic as nothing could be found, nothing at all.
“Brendon!” I screamed, hitting his face. “Brendon!”
I ran my hands up his shirt and gasped as I felt the source of the bleeding. I pulled my hands away, stained with his eight-blood. I tried to swallow back my fear and terror, but it was no use. A sob took over my body, coughing and shaking. I continued with my search for warmth, and my eyes glazed over as the black ribbons had spread through both hands; it was actually my hands that were freezing cold. The sob wasn’t really a sob, it was a shiver, and the pulsating became quicker with my heart as it tried to fight back the curse, try to kill it and win the battle, but my heart was losing horrifically and I collapsed on top of the bloody body.
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Okay, I'm in need of some serious help here.
I need new ideas! I've completely run out, and gone brain dead. I believe this is what we call writer's block.

Help please! I mean, ideas will come to me eventually but I wanna keep you guys updated frequently so... yeah.
Love, Freya <3