Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 19 - Marking.

I placed my hand on his shirt, the only thing separating our skin being his shirt, and pushed him away slowly. His eyes remained shut, but tears still streamed down his cheeks. His lips changed from a gray to a pure white, but the rest of him remained the original light gray.
“Brendon.” I whispered.
He eventually opened his eyes and ran his thumb over my bottom lip delicately, transfixed by it.
“It’s… your lips are gray, but the rest of you is white.” he said in monotone, then paused, looking down. “I’m sorry Jennifer.”
“Why are you sorry?”
He looked back up, shaking his head slightly to get his bangs out of his, red raw, eyes. “Because I just, we kissed. And you didn’t want to.”
“If anything I should be sorry, because you wasted your first kiss on someone as lowly as me.
“It wasn’t wasted.” he said quietly.
“And I did want to.” I nodded, placing my hand on the back of his neck and pulling him into another kiss before he could respond again. He was obviously startled as his lips were in a firm, stiff pout, and his whole posture was rigid. As he sunk into it, his shoulders became less tense, and his hands went to the small amount of skin between my shirt and skirt. He was a little slow with the kissing, but that was to be expected as he had no clue as of what to do. I broke away again and pressed a single, comforting kiss to his forehead.
His crying had stopped but I could tell he was still overcome with emotion and terror. It was frightening, seeing someone who I thought was so strong, in such a broken state.
“Stand up.” I ordered, standing up myself, holding his hand. He sniffed and followed suit. I smiled and pulled him into a tight hug, letting him nuzzle his face into my neck. I wanted to make him feel at as much ease as possible, he deserved to be held and comforted. It was blatant that he was on the verge of a break down, and I would try my very best to keep him happy, or at the very least, sane.
I rubbed his back slowly.
“Jenna.” he choked out. “Do Pure Bloods remember?”
“What?” I asked, confused.
“Ordinary wizards don’t remember their time here and slowly go insane. They all start like us, being able to talk and function normally and when they go back into reality they don’t remember this. Will you be able to remember?”
“I don’t know, I hope so, but I don’t know.”
“Oh.” he sighed, sounding on the edge again. I kissed just behind his ear and held him closer to me, us exchanging the little amount of body heat we had.
“Do you.” he paused again. “If or when we go back, do you want to be mine?”
I looked up at him, smiling, placing my hand on his cheek and rubbing my thumb in small circles. “I always was yours, Urie.”
He bit his lip worriedly.
“Isn’t that the answer you wanted?” I asked, a little irked at his response.
“Of course it is, but I’m not sure that we’ll remember and this will all be pointless.”
“Does it matter if we don’t?” I kissed his lips once more. “If this is really what is right, then we’ll end up being together in reality, too.”
“I guess there’s always that.” he nodded, and finally, his perfect smile crept onto his face, and it was beautiful. It was a true one, too. Those are always the best, especially when it’s such a rare thing to see Brendon smiling.
Even though we remained hugging, it felt as though he was hugging me now, rather than the other way around. He took a firm grip of my hips, then swung me around, which I really wasn’t expecting from him. He even laughed a little before placing me back on the ground.
“You look so confused.” he smiled. “It’s so adorable.”
“What happened to the upset kid from a few minutes ago?”
“He experienced happiness.” he grinned, pulling me into yet again another hug. “It’s good, isn’t it? I like this happiness thing. I really could get used to it.” he said, matter-of-factly.
Brendon let go of me and held my hand instead, kissing it once then walking forwards, so I followed.
“Oh, I have an idea!” he chimed.
“Bren, calm down.”
“Sorry.” he smiled apologetically. “I think I may have found a solution to the ‘forgetting’ problem. That’s why I was giddy.”
“Yes?” I smiled, being careful to dodge the elderly wizard on the floor, barking and sounding like he was suffocating. That brought down the mood, we couldn’t help these people, and it was very likely we would turn into them.
“There’s this ritual.” he said quietly, stopping and placing his hands on my shoulders, kissing my cheek then dropping to his knees with a thud. He slipped his fingers through the belt loops of my skirt, puling it down slowly, so I held it up.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m not doing what you think I’m going to do.” he blushed furiously.
“So what are you going to do?”
He pulled my skirt down a little more, revealing a little more skin than I’d like for him to see. He pushed down the top of my panties on the left a tiny amount, blushing even more, then leaning forwards and kissing my left hip. He kissed it several times, the heat of his cheeks occasionally brushing against my skin.
He broke away, then looked up. “Can you feel anything?”
“Your lips?” I suggested, raising an eyebrow.

Brendon sunk down to the floor, pushing his hands through his hair. “Oh.”
“What am I meant to feel?”
“If we’re meant to be.” he swallowed, trying to hold back tears. “Then you should feel some stinging and a mark, kind of like a tattoo should appear on your hip. Then you kiss mine and I should get one too. Maybe you could just try me? To see?”
I nodded and he stood up, so I got down to my knees and pushed down his jeans slowly, creating goosebumps on his hips. I attached my lips and kissed his left hip slowly and tenderly. It quickly heated up so I backed away.
“Fuck.” he groaned, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. I could see a scar, odd formation appearing on his hip. He clenched his fists, obviously in pain. It went bright red, then started to calm down, a small circle with a crescent moon in the middle. Brendon looked down and touched it gently, then let tears trickle down his cheeks.

“This can’t be happening.” he sobbed. “You’re right for me, but I’m not right for you. So now I have to have this thing, knowing that it means nothing, because I’m not right for you.”

He sunk down to the floor again, then he did it. I’d tried to keep him sane, stop him from going over the line, but he’d cracked.

And just like everyone else, I could do nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two updates in two days.
Do you love me for it? :D If so, go on and tell me in the comments (:

Hallo, 75 subs. And 10 stars - dude, you guys freaking rock,