Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 20 - It came.

He'd joined them.

I'd tried so hard, everything I could possibly think of and more, I had tried. For a few moments I thought I had kept him above the dreaded line that is sanity, but he slipped too far. Slipping is something normally done accidentally, you get a few grazes, then you jump right up and act as if nothing happened. They key word being accidentally.
You can resolve an accident. This couldn't be resolved. He had now fallen violently over the sanity line, hit every branch on the way down, broken every bone. This was no accident anymore, this had no solution, except maybe time and a little patience.

Maybe I would reach this line, too. I'd felt days when I thought I had tip-toed across it, then jumped right back, floods of tears leaving my eyes as I realized where I was, and what was happening. And the fact I could do nothing about it.

The tip-toeing moments were when I saw someones skin was almost black. It was when all of them were nearly black was when I began to panic. I didn't seem to change color as quickly as everyone else, or maybe time passed more slowly for me, I just couldn't tell anymore. Brendon was a medium gray now, except for his lips. I kissed them frequently so he wouldn't die. I wasn't sure what I would do if that happened.

The bad thing about kissing him was that when I did, the color left his lips, and made me a little darker. So I was edging closer and closer to death myself, in order to keep him alive.

Although he'd sunk into the unknown, he was still reasonably stable. He just lay there, with his head in my lap, whilst I played with his hair softly. It calmed me, and when I stopped, he made a noise like an agitated baby, so it obviously calmed him too.

Jasey had joined me, in where ever we were. Wizard hell, that was oh so deceiving because it looked just like heaven. So pure and crisp, but the lies, the lies. She was only sane for a few hours, bless her, until she joined Brendon's mind set.

I also hoped that if I stayed sane, then I could remember all of this. When I was put back in to reality, I could tell Brendon that we were together, so he no longer needed to act an ass around me, he could kiss me and hold me whilst I cried about what a horrific place I had been in, how it had confused me and that I had no clue as of what to do.

I cried as I saw it, taking a grip on me, and tightening it, so tight, too tight for any living, or dead, thing to handle. My lungs felt as if they were going to implode and my the contents of my body was going to slide out through my feet, and it hit.

Hello, insanity.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but relevant.


I'm so ill right now.