Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 21 - Miniature Blue Doves.

"Twenty-seven, twenty-nine, thirty-five beats per minute and the damsel awakes."
I opened my eyes and my vision was blurred, then a black sheet smothered my eyes. I could barely lift it, I felt as if every last drop of energy had been sucked away, and the black sheet that was my eyelids couldn't be lifted.
"Jennifer?" I heard.
I could only respond with an incoherent mumbling, then my eyes finally opened. Caitlin was stood over me, holding my hand.
"You're okay, darlin'. You overcame the curse."
My mouth curved into something that resembled a smile.
"You're a little weak, so drink this potion." she nodded and threw it down my throat, the fiery red solution trickling down, making me cough and splutter. When I could maintain a steady breathing rate, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and held my hands together.
"Am I really better?" I choked out.
"You're not cursed anymore, no." she smiled. Rian Dawson, her boyfriend, gave her a kiss, then tended to another patient. I guess they'd overcome the curse too, if they were working on the rota system. Once you've had the curse, and you survive it, then you have to help out in the hospital ward. That's the rule - You survive, you help others survive. You don't survive, then, well. The rest you can piece together.
"Normally we would leave you here to rest, but the beds are in desperate need, so I'm afraid you'll have to go rest in your room. But you don't need to worry, the protectors will make sure you're okay. I'm not sure what yours look like, but mine looked like fire flies. They're tiny and they circle around you, making sure everything is alright. They'll go slowly as you become better. Oh, and no one but you can see them." she smiled and helped me off the bed with Ismene. I steadied myself as dizziness struck.
"You;ll be fine soon enough, but the best way to heal is to rest."
"Okay, thank you." I nodded and stayed close to the walls, a little confused by the miniature blue doves that were flitting around me. One had a delicate, tiny gold chain around its neck, so maybe it meant that one was in charge, or that it would leave last.
As I arrived in my room, it was only then that I realized I was wearing a hospital gown, with nothing underneath.

Transparency, I thought.

Even though I was now invisible, I walked as quickly as my unstable legs would take me to the showers and discarded of my robe, sighing in pleasure as the hot water hit my body. The blue doves covered their eyes with their wings as I washed, making me laugh a little.
The water scolded my skin, but I didn't care.

I dried myself and my hair, pulled on some underwear, some denim mini shorts and an over sized cream jumper. I really didn't feel up to a bra - something was already squeezing my chest tightly, I didn't want anything else to affect my breathing.

I stopped the spell and sighed as I saw my plain, lifeless and not made up face. I wanted to rest, I needed to rest, but I wanted to see Brendon first. Before I fell asleep and collapsed, I wanted to see his face.

I transported to his room, where he was sat on his bed, playing with Salem, red puffy eyes from crying or rubbing them too hard. I was hoping it was the latter, but I knew it wasn't.

"Urie?" I mumbled, and he looked up at me, his lips quivering.
"Jenna? They said you died!" he screamed, hurling himself at me, sending us crashing down to the bed with him on top. I started coughing as my breathing wasn't yet up to scratch, so the birds started flitting around and were no longer silent, screeching and screeching until I could breathe properly again. I gently pushed him away and he sat up, pulling me up with him.
"They said the curse got to your heart. I just." he breathed out. "I just didn't want to lose my only friend."
I smiled and held his hand in mine. As soon as our fingers intertwined, every memory from the heaven/hell unconscious state we were in came flooding back, making the protective doves go crazy again, jumping up and down, spinning and crying out. I tried to make my breathing return back to normal, and eventually succeeded, so the doves calmed.

Brendon didn't remember a thing. I wonder if he even knew that place existed.

"I didn't die." I smiled up at him. "When did you get over the curse?"
"About two weeks ago. They told me I wouldn't ever remember getting it, or what happened whilst I was cursed. Fucking annoying." he sighed and lay down on the bed, letting go of my hand. I smirked to myself, pushed my being lethargic to one side and placed my legs either side of his hips, making him blush furiously.
"W-what are you doing?"
I put a finger to his lips and saw him gulp nervously. My hands moved down his arms and I pressed a single kiss to his lips. I smiled into it, and almost fell asleep on his lips, but I pulled myself away before that could happen.
"I remember what happened." I whispered. "You." I said, pointing to him. "Asked me to be your girlfriend. And I." Point to myself. "Said yes."
"R-really? I really asked you? And you said y-yes?"
"Yup." I giggled.
He smiled. "You're tired, you don't know what you're saying. The protectors alter your mind sometimes, so there's also that. When you're fully rested and better, we can talk again, okay?"
"But we did! I'm your girlfriend!"
"Jen, that would never happen."
I kissed him again, but he forced me away. Fuck this guy is crazy.
"Jenna, please, just-"
"No! I'm not lying! I know you like me because you were crying when you came in, and that was because of me, right? And the way you look at me, I can see it! Brendon, please believe me."
He pressed his eyes together in pain.
"You're tired and full of drugs, and the protectors... you're not thinking straight. You're going to feel so bad in the morning when you remember this and-"
"Brendon! What do I have to do to make you believe me?"
"It wouldn't happen..." he whispered.
"But it would, and it did." I said softly, stroking his flawless face.
"If it did." he paused. "Then you'd say the same things when you wake up. Sleep and then I'll believe you, okay?"

I sighed and got off the bed, pissed that my own boyfriend didn't believe me. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my hand before I could leave.

"You can still sleep with me." he mumbled.
I turned around and raised an eyebrow. "You want to have... sex?"
"N-no! I meant, you could still sleep next to me." he blushed.
"Oh." I smiled and climbed onto the bed with him, pulling his arms around me. Brendon was soon fast asleep, a light snoring coming from him. I rolled over to face him and he looked so tranquil, the most calm I've ever seen him, I think. Every time I see him he always looks riled up, upset, or stressed. It's nice to see him like this, it shows he is a human after all.

As I slowly sunk into sleep, the blue doves disappeared, because now, I guess I was safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my goodness this so wasn't worth the wait and this is the third time I've typed this shit because the 'puter broke once and then mibba signed me out and I nearly cried. Hah, just one of those days when the smallest of things happens and you cry.

Anyway, I re-typed it again, because I owe it to you for making you wait so long.

Comments are wonderful :D