Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 22 - I knew I'd forgotten something.

I woke up with Brendon’s ever so slightly toned arms around my waist. He was playing with a loose string on my shirt, twiddling it about. From underneath me I could hear a faint purring, obviously coming from Salem.
I blinked a few times, then saw a little blue dove hovering. I was sure they’d all gone last night, maybe one had stayed just to make sure I was okay. I linked my hand with Brendon’s, then the dove disappeared again. They must think I’m safe when I’m with him.
“You awake?” he whispered.
“Yeah.” I smiled and rolled over so I was facing him. “Good morning.”
I leaned forwards slightly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. I went in to kiss him a few more times, but he put a hand to my shoulder and pushed me away, looking up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes. He sat up and rested his back against the headboard, pushing his hands through his hair.
“I can’t believe you’re still confused.” he sighed.
I sat up and leaned into him. “I’m not confused, Bren. All my protectors are gone, and we are dating, alright?”
“You called me Bren.” he mumbled.
“No one calls me Bren.”
“Oh, right, I’m sorry.”
He nodded, as if to say ‘that’s alright’.
“Last night you said that if I was still thinking the same things in the morning then you’d believe me. Why don’t you?”
“Because it wouldn’t happen Jenna! We’re completely different people!”
“You’re so difficult! I like you, Brendon! And you feel the same back, but you’re just being... ugh. I don’t even know why I bother.” I sighed and got off the bed, dusting myself down.
He reached out and took my hand. “Seriously?” he asked, sliding off the bed and standing up too, holding both of my hands in front of us.
“For the last time, yes. And you don’t mind me calling you Bren, you like it. You hate it when everyone else calls you it.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Why can’t you let me in? I’m not here to hurt you.” I smiled, rubbing my thumb up and down his hand tenderly.
He bit his lip and shrugged. “If it’s any consolation, you’ll be the first person I let in.”
“You already let me in, but you do it when I’m asleep.” I said, putting my hand on his cheek. “I’m not the bad guy.” I smiled and leaned in to kiss him again, and to my surprise, he didn’t recoil. He kissed back, slowly and tenderly, his beautifully plump lips meshing with my own. Brendon’s arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me closer, our middles and chests touching. My hand instinctively went to the back of his neck, playing with the bottom of his hair, tugging it slightly.
He broke away so our foreheads were touching and his cheeks were almost a bright red.
“You’re not wearing a bra.” he whispered.
“Yeah, I really didn’t feel like wearing one yesterday.”
“Oh. It’s um, yeah. So are we, like a, um, thing now? Because I do. Like you that is. And I do like it when you call me Bren. And sometimes I think-”
“Just kiss me again instead of rambling.” I smiled. He smiled back, revealing his perfect teeth, then sat down on the bed. I sat down on his lap, draped my arms around his shoulders then kissed him again. It was a little more passionate this time and turned into more of a make out session. Considering his lack of experience, he was a fantastic kisser.

Someone clearing their throat was heard behind us, so I immediately broke away and got off his lap. We both stood up and held our hands behind our back as you do when you see the headmaster, as a sign of respect.
“Mr. Urie, I was going to ask you for something but it appears you’re a little busy.”
“Sir, it’s not what it looks like.” he blushed profusely.
“I’m well aware of what it was, Mr. Urie. I don’t mind because both of you are excellent students, but make sure the other professors don’t catch you, because they will not be as kind.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” we said in unison.
“I shall address the matter later.” he nodded and snapped, transporting to somewhere else.

We sat back down and breathed out. “Oh dear.” he mumbled, his head in his hands. I laughed and side hugged him.
“It’s not that bad.”
“Yes it is! He’ll tell my parents, or his son, and I’ll get the shit ripped out of me.”
“I’m really that bad of a girlfriend?”
“Oh, no, not at all.” he beamed and kissed my cheek. “But you know how the kids who’ve never kissed anyone, or been on a date, always get teased.”
“Fuck them.” I smiled.
He laughed lightly. “Alright, okay. So I guess you’re my girlfriend now?”
“You guessed correctly. But seriously, how long did it take for you to believe me?”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t think I’d ever be capable of getting someone like you. Fuck, I said that out loud.”
“Yeah, you did. But I’m glad you did. See, I told you were sweet.”
He half smiled and kissed my neck once, then cuddled into me.
“I’ll see you later okay?” I said, looking up at him.
“Alright.” he nodded and loosened his grip. “I’ll see you at dinner.”
“That you will.”

I kissed his forehead once, then transported to the hallway, walking to my room. As I was doing so, a pair of pale arms slipped around my waist from behind and I smiled.
“Bren, I just left you, I need to get changed but I’ll see you later.”
The person let go and stood in front of me, a worried look on their face. “Bren? Who’s Bren? I’m Spencer, as in, your boyfriend. I was told you were out of your curse so I came to find you.”
“Spencer... hey!” I smiled and pulled him into a hug. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you!”
“Who’s Bren?” he asked again.
“Bren is Brendon.”
He immediately let go. “As in Urie? What the hell are you doing with that mother fucker? He’s hurt you and he’s hurt me, and he’s a fucking bastard. Why would he even slip his arms around you like that?”
“We’re good friends now.”
“Why?!” he shouted.
“Because he’s not actually that bad a person...”
“I can’t believe you. After everything he put you through and you’re defending him?”
“Spence, calm down, it’s really not that bad.”
He breathed out. “I’m sorry. I panicked is all. He’s always been bad news, but who knows, maybe he’s beginning to change?”
“Yeah maybe.” I smiled and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you at dinner, okay?”
“Alright.” he beamed and gave me a quick hug, then left.

I knew I’d forgotten something.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. Computer is, once again, being an ass hole. The router won't stop playing up and it seems to take pleasure in pissing me off, so I'm sorry if the updates are more spread out than you want.

Thank you for being patient - Love :D
