Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 23 - Justice is served.

I was sat at the long dinner table, with the large feast in front of us. Dinner was normally my favorite part of the day, but right now, I couldn’t wait for it to end. I’d shoveled down the thanksgiving type meal, unable to eat any more, and I wanted to leave as soon as possible.


Because Brendon was sat on one side of me and Spencer was sat opposite me. It looked like they were trying to kill each other with their eyes, which I knew Brendon would be capable of, but he wouldn’t do it right now.
I’d told Brendon how I may have accidentally forgotten about Spencer and I dating. He wasn’t happy, to say in the least. I explained to him how I was going to break up with Spencer as soon as possible, but maybe leave it a day or so, and then don’t be public with affection for a few weeks so it doesn’t look like I’ve broken up with him because I already had Brendon. I don’t want to hurt Spencer, I hate hurting people.
“Can you pass me the bread?” asked Brendon. I nodded and passed him the small wicker basket, him taking a white roll, his hand brushing over mine. He did it in an over exaggerated manor, to piss off Spencer even more.
“I saw that.” spat Spencer.
“Saw what?”
“That hand thing you did.”
“I don’t know what you’re on about.” he smirked and took a bite of his bread.
“You know what? Fuck you, Urie. I have her, you don’t, so I really don’t care.”
“That’s what you think.” he mumbled under his breath, but we all heard exactly what he said – crystal clear.
“Spencer.” I pleaded. “Leave it out. And I am not an item to be had, thanks.”
“I know, Jen.” he smiled. “It’s that fuck tard that’s pissing me off.”
“Yeah, I know right?” piped Brendon. “That Urie kid, fuck me, he’s the most annoying brat I’ve ever met. Someone needs to take his head out of his ass.”
I tried to hold back laughter, and he saw that, so smiled. It wasn’t a bitter one like he was at Spencer, it was a nice smile.
“Shut up.” he snarled and leaned over the table to press a kiss to my lips. It didn’t feel like it used to. If anything, it felt a little awkward.
When Spencer sat back down, I quickly looked at Brendon. His smile was no longer there, but he didn’t look angry like expected, he looked hurt. Under the table I held his hand, but he pushed it away. I could tell he wanted to kiss me to spite Spencer, but he wouldn’t, because he was going to let me go along with my plan. Plus, he was a nice guy deep down, and wouldn’t want to hurt Spencer.
“Look.” he started. “Jenna is my girlfriend, alright Urie? She will never be yours, nor would she ever want to be yours. You’re a fucking waste of space and I don’t even know why you’re bothering to try and ‘swoon’ her.”
“Because.” he said through gritted teeth, ripping apart the remainder of the bread. “I know what you’re like. Everyone knows what you’re a like. You’re a fucking player, but Jenna is a nice person, so she looks past that and sees your positive sides, of which I can find none but that’s not up to me. And I care about Jenna, which is more than I can say for you. Did you go and check up on her every day when she was cursed? No, you fucking didn’t, and I would know, because I did.” he glared, breathing heavily. “I’ll catch you later, Jenna.” he half-smiled and left the table.

Damn it. Brendon had to go and be the nice guy.

Spencer just laughed bitterly. I don’t know what it was, but something inside of me clicked. I owed it to Brendon to get it over and done with as soon as possible.
“Hey, Spence?” I smiled sweetly.
“Yeah?” he smiled back, obviously full of himself for ‘defeating’ Brendon, when really Brendon was the winner of the feud for being the nice guy.
“I’m gonna go now.”
His jaw dropped and he raised his eyebrows. “You’re going to go find Urie, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” I smiled triumphantly. “Because he’s my boyfriend. So I guess that means you’re dumped, huh? See ya!”

I walked away, pushing through the doors of the large hall. I heard Spencer call my name once, but I really didn’t care. He was only mad because it hurt his reputation, he was always the dumper not the dumpee.
I transported to Brendon’s room, but he wasn’t there. His shoes were, so he must have come back here at one point. I heard a faint scream, then realized he was in his ‘private’ room. I pushed through into it, and Brendon was there, screaming to let out his frustration. His knuckles were bleeding, so I assumed he’d punched the wall.


He turned around and stopped shouting, sighing and dropping his shoulders.
“I broke up with him. You’re right, he is an ass hole. And you were the once who referred to me as Jenna, but he referred to me as if I had no name. Thank you for being so great about it, but now you can be as bitchy as you want to him.”
His face broke into a beautiful smile, covering his face, then pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair. “Thank you.”
“I owe it to you for being amazing.”
He chuckled. “I’m a lot of things, but I’m not that.”
I smiled and held him a little tighter. He was only skinny, but he gave the best hugs. He always made you feel wanted when he hugged you, and he was constantly warm, so it was comforting.
“Don’t get mad at me.” I said. “But why do you hate everyone else?”
“I don’t hate everyone. I like Ryan. And Cassadee is pretty cool. But the rest aren’t great.”
“I don’t really like people. They slow me down. It’s so much easier to hate people and be hostile than put in all that effort and be nice. I don’t get much out of it, either. I’m happy as I am.”
“You’re not though, are you? If you were happy then you wouldn’t be in here screaming.”
“I wasn’t screaming because of lack of friends. Maybe I’m not happy, but I’m okay. I’m in a safe place.”
I released from the hug and held his hands in mine, thinking hard, trying to remember the healing spell. It wasn’t too hard but sometimes I got the thoughts mixed up.
I kissed Brendon’s knuckles, to try and heal him. He winced as the skin soon repaired itself, stretching and covering the grazes. You couldn’t heal yourself, you had to be treated by someone who really cared for you. They had to want to heal you, not just do it for the sake of it.
“Thanks.” he smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. “I don’t have to share you anymore?”
“You don’t.” I smiled and nodded.
“Sweet!” he chimed and pecked me again. He held my hand in his and we walked back into his room. I sat down on the bed and crossed my legs, Salem crawling up the bed and sitting in my lap. I stroked his head softly, him purring and lying on his back.
“What happened to your cat?” asked Brendon, searching through his drawers for something.
“Hayley decided it would be better for her, so she takes care of it. I still see her and everything, but Hayley never got a pet and adores her so she has her.”
“Oh, alright.” he nodded and pulled something out of his drawer. He opened a small packet of something, and it looked like pills. He conjured up a water bottle, the change on his counter disappearing as he did so, then gulped down the pill and water.
“My head hurts.” he moaned, telling me what he pill was for. I thought that wizards would be able to cure a headache, but obviously not. I ushered for him to come closer, so he did, and sat on the bed. He lay down with his head on my lap, Salem scarpered and sat in his basket and I massaged Brendon’s head softly.
“Yes thank you.” he smiled, closing his eyes and placing his hands on his stomach. He sighed happily, wriggling a little bit. “You’re good at this.” he whispered.
“Thanks.” I smiled and bent down so I was kissing him upside down. He hummed into it and I slowly sat back up, still massaging him.
“You know how it’s Christmas soon? Oh, wow, right there.” he grinned. “The wizards go home for Christmas, for three weeks, yeah. So where are you going?”
“I assumed we stayed here... the streets, I guess. Or I’ll ask Vicky.”
“No way are you going to the streets. You can come to mine. If you want, that is, but I’m sure you’d have more fun at Vicky’s.”
“Bren, why are you like this?” I asked.
“Like what?”
“Under-confident. Like when you offer me something to do, or somewhere to go, it’s as if you’re expecting me to say no. But around other people you're cocky.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry.” I half-smiled and kissed his forehead. “Thank you very much for the offer, I would love to come.”
His eyes darted open. “Really? Uh, okay, great!”

The bell struck three times, signaling it was time for bed. I sighed and he sat up, removing his head from my lap. He yawned, his hair sticking out at every angle and his glasses askew. All I could do was smile.
“Good night, Bren.” I said and kissed his lips twice.
“Good night Jennifer.” he hummed and curled into the sheets as I left for my own room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just got 111 subs, so I felt I should update.
The next one will be dedicated to Mary because she's awesome, and gave me the idea for the next chapter.

...comments please? Love (: