Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 25 - Dinner? No thanks.

We were all sat around the dinner table, banter very scarce. Brendon and I were opposite each other, whilst Mrs. and Mr. Urie were at the head and tail of the table. We quietly ate the lasagne; the only time I talked was to thank her for the meal and for allowing me to stay. Brendon had never been so quiet.
His father had a very overbearing presence. It felt like if you said one word out of line, he’d quite literally whip you into shape. I suppose this is what he meant when he said his parents hit him, although he doesn’t quite understand why. Mr. Urie would probably be pernickety about these things, but not with Mrs. Urie. It was obvious he loved her very differently to the way he treated his son.
“So, where are you planning to go next year?” asked Mr. Urie.
“I’m a junior, so I still have one more year.” I explained, making sure I smiled. I didn’t want Brendon to get the flack for any of my wrong moves.
He simply nodded, took another mouthful then pondered. “Did you drive yourself out onto the streets? I hope that’s not the case. You better not have dealt with any illegal methods of keeping alive, I don’t want a drug addict or thief in my house.”
Brendon’s jaw dropped. I wish he’d say something and stand up for me, but I understood his position.
“It was like a living hell in the foster homes, so I ran away. I didn’t steal, nor did I take drugs or deal them, Mr. Urie.” I said curtly, almost like an automatic response.
He nodded again.
“Have you set up a room for your guest yet, son?”
“Not yet, I will do-”
“Where are your manners? Have we not taught you about putting others first enough? You’re a disgrace, Brendon.”
“I know dad. Sorry, dad. Sorry, Jennifer.”
I offered him a sympathetic smile. “I can help you after dinner, if you want?”
“What a good idea, you can show your guest how to actually make a bed! See, this is what us normal folk do. You’ll soon get used to it.”
And he fucking nodded again.
“Oh I sure hope I do.” I smiled politely, imagining what it would look like if I accidentally poured his steaming lasagne down his lap.
I don’t understand why this... bigot feels he can be so rude and get away with it. Not everyone is below him, but he sure makes you feel that way.

I couldn’t tell you how genuinely happy I was when dinner was over.

I remained polite and said my thank you’s before disappearing upstairs with Brendon to set up the spare room. As I entered it, he pushed me down onto the mattress. I almost squealed but he held a finger up to my lips.
“Shh.” he whispered, looking around. “He likes to keep an eye on me.”
He kissed my lips once, then pulled me back up so we were sitting on the edge of the bed. “I can’t believe how much of a jerk your dad is.”
“He’s only just got started.” he groaned. “Why would my mom choose him? I know that without him I wouldn’t be wizard at all, but surely she could have had me then moved far, far away? I love my mom to pieces but as soon as dad gets home she cowers into her shell. It scares me sometimes.” he admitted, looked into my eyes for a split second, then hugged me tightly. “And thank you so much for keeping cool. Perfect child.” he smiled and kissed my nose.
“Believe me I’m far from perfect.”
“I know.” he beamed, running away down the hall, to the linen closet. “Perfection rears its beautiful head in the form of me.”
I chuckled and followed him out the room, grabbing some towels and duvet covers. He kissed my forehead, gave a little smile then returned to the spare room.
He kept on doing that. He kept on lightly kissing places in my face or neck. I think it was for some sort of reassurance but I wouldn’t know.

I grabbed one of the corners of the duvet and helped make the bed, stretching the sheets out over the mattress and fetching a few pillows. There was a small set of drawers which I used to unpack into and I laughed as Brendon couldn’t get his head around a pillow cover. He could make the whole school levitate but he couldn’t put a pillow in a pillow case.
“Give it here.” I smiled and sorted it out quickly placing it on the bed. He laughed too.
“I think I’ll just have naked pillows in college. Far easier.”

His dad was standing in the doorway, and we both knew it, but neither one of us wanted to turn around to face him until the very last opportunity. We continued to talk but Mr. Urie cleared his throat, so we turned.
“Hey, Mr. Urie!” I chimed.
He raised his eyebrows and gave a little, sarcastic wave.
“Brendon, in my office.” he nodded. Him and his stupid fucking nods.
“Dad I haven’t done-”
“Two minutes. Don’t be late.”
He gulped and gave a faint nod as his father disappeared down the stairs, creaking as he went. Brendon tried to regain composure, then walked over to me, giving me a tight hug, sighing into my neck. “Good night. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“It’s only half eight you’re-”
“Good night.” he said more sternly, letting go.
“Can’t you use a spell or something? Can’t you conjure some form of protection, a way of-”
“This is reality, Jenna. People dish out shit and people take shit. No amount of ‘wishing’ will alter that. Besides, we’re the other side of the space time continuum, powers cease to work here. Good night.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Two more exams. Only two more fucking exams. SWEET. <3

I read through all the comments anyone has ever left me on this story and it spurred me to write on and I've written a few more chapters after this so it's all good. :D Thank you for all the comments!

Care to leave more? :D

(P.S. I think I'm in love with Matt Smith. After all, he is a time lord. ;D )