Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 2- Hayley would love this.

A loud shrieking noise echoed through my brain and I clutched my hands over my ears, to try and drown out the sound.
That didn’t work.
I flicked open my eyes and saw a flame haired girl screaming and gripping at her bright red locks. I looked at her, squinting and wishing she would quieten down. Her voice suddenly cut out and she opened her mouth to scream further, but nothing came out. She coughed and gripped at her neck, as if that would help her find her lost voice.
Well, that was a rude awakening.
“Jenny, give Hayley her voice back.” said Vicky, her hand on her hip and the other twirling her hair.
“I did that?” I asked, completely puzzled and running my hand through my tangled, brown mess of a hair do.
“Yup. That’s what you pure bloods get to do- control everything. So when you become really angry or passionate about something it just happens.”
I sighed and rubbed my eyes again.
If you stop screaming, you can have your voice back.
Hayley coughed and made an unsatisfied noise. “That was mean.” she stated.
“You woke me up with some unnecessary shrieking, I think it was perfectly fair. Anyway, who are you?”
“Hayley Williams. I’m your other room mate.”
“Oh.” I said, my hard expression softening into a smile. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jennifer. So why were you screaming?”
“Brendon Urie was in this room.” she spat. “I hate that guy.”
“He seemed alright when he was showing me around yesterday.” I nodded. “A little stroppy… and a little cocky, but otherwise okay.”
“Don’t get me started.” she glared at me and sat down on her bed. “He thinks the sun shines out of his ass because he’s better than everyone else at wizardry. But didn’t Vicky say you were a pure blood?”
“I think so.” I mumbled.
Hayley smirked. “Maybe you can give that fucker a run for his money. I don’t know what blood he is, but I know he’s not a pure. How much wizardry do you know?”
“Nothing.” I said, feeling very lame.
“Really? How did you shut me up, then?”
“Honestly, I’ve no idea. I thought it and it kind of just happened…”
She raised her eyebrows and looked at Vicky with a knowing glance, then looked back at me, her smirk reappearing.
“Man, we’re gonna have some fun with you Jen.” she chuckled to herself.

The conversation between myself and her soon deteriorated and she picked it up again with Vicky. I sighed and got out of bed, my bare feet hitting the cool tiles, goosebumps spreading through out my body. I looked at the red numbers projecting on to the ceiling, which read: 7:12.
My schedule said that we needed to be in the food hall at a quarter to eight, finish breakfast by ten past and be ready to study at half past eight. Before lessons start I was going to find the library again and try and check out a book on pure bloods, see if there was anything within it that could help me, or at the very least, make me a little less confused.
I grabbed some cleansing products from my under-bed storage and walked to the communal bathrooms. Finally, something I was used to; public bathrooms.
There were nine showers in a row, all unoccupied and very out in the open. There were about twelve girls by the mirrors, doing their hair and make-up. I decided to take advantage of the empty showers and stripped down completely, hanging my pajama shirt and shorts on a hook, then stepping under the shower head. I pressed the large button and sighed happily when the hot water trickled down my body.
The girls looking at their reflection suddenly went quiet and started gossiping between each other quietly, I suppose they were trying to be discrete but they failed at it.
I soaked and shampooed my hair, scrubbing at my aching body also. As I was doing this I realized the private banter being exchanged between the girls was about me. I assume they’re gossiping about my body. People’s maturity confounds me sometimes; I’m sure they’ve seen another naked girl before, unless they never shower, of course. Besides, it was only the back of my body, nothing interesting to see there.
Or they thought I was fat. Which was also very plausible.
I closed my eyes and thought hard, wishing I could hear what they were saying. I opened my eyes and smirked when they were louder and a lot clearer. I was hoping they didn’t realize that I was listening in, and pulled my right earlobe just in case.
“She walks in here like she owns the place and strips down just like that. Who does that?”
“Maybe she just wanted a shower. She’s new, how was she to know that everyone else showers at night.”
They shower at night? Perfect, I’ll shower in the morning so I can avoid the rush of people in the evening.
“Yeah, but look at her, no one wants to see that, especially this early.”
I smirked and shook my head. Insults stopped hurting me when I reached the tender age of seven years old. When you’re insulted at every possible occasion by your mother, you stop caring and it no longer affects you.
I turned off the shower and grabbed my new, fresh white towel and wrapped it around my now clean body. I’d forgotten how good a hot shower felt, despite the twelve pairs of staring eyes. I suppose it must have been… six years since I’d had a shower where the water wasn't so cold you had to be careful you didn’t have a hail shower.
I turned around so I was facing the girls, and they all smiled at me. I smiled back and gave them a little wave. “Morning.” I sang, grabbed my pajamas and walked along the hall way, back to my room. The doors had suddenly disappeared.
I sighed and pressed my lips to each other. I wonder if the Inviso spell had worn off yet. I took in a deep breath and pressed my fingers to the wall. I sighed again, this time in relief as they slid through the wall. I took a step and closed my eyes as I walked through the wall to my room. My feet landed firmly on the ground and I opened my eyes, smiling at Vicky. She smiled back.
“Hayley has already gone to go see her boyfriend, I’m gonna go to breakfast now, do you know where you’re going?”
“Not really.”
“Okay.” she nodded and got out a map of the school. “You need to do the transportation spell. It’s really easy, it’s the same as Inviso except you say Transport and tap your wand on the room on the map. See you later!” she waved and disappeared.
I dropped the towel and hung it over the heater, rifling through my limited supply of clothes, pulling on some white underwear, my black skirt, blouse and gray sweater and knee-length socks. The uniform was so boring. Then again, I couldn’t really complain, it’s a lot nicer than what I used to wear.
I brushed my, now dry, hair and plaited it into a loose side plait. Apparently the rules were very strict here, and hair always had to be up. Hopefully this would classify, as I look even more horrific than normal with it scraped into a tight bun; I could never become a ballet dancer.
I heard a faint scratching noise coming from under my bed. I bent over and looked under; there was a shoebox that I’d never seen before. I grasped it tightly and pulled it out, cautiously opening it. Inside was the cutest little white kitten, with a black spot around its right eye.
“Aww, hello.” I smiled and stroked behind her head. “Are you my caterpillar?”
Her tongue licked my hand, it felt like sandpaper but her aesthetics made up for that. I set her down in my lap and pulled the note off the lid.
Miss Andrews, here is your caterpillar. Her name is Gazelle and she will morph depending on your progress.
I’d progressed that much already? Wow, okay.
“Gazelle. That’s an odd name for something as small as you, but I like it.” I smiled and set her down on my bed. “Maybe you can be friends with Salem, if he’s not as much of an ass as his owner,”
I stroked her once and she purred. I picked up the map and performed the spell, a door appearing in front of me. I twisted the handle and walked into the food hall, which was swarming with people.
Maybe magic wasn’t so bad.

I scanned the hundreds of people to try and find Hayley and Vicky; this proved to be easy as Hayley was the only one with almost fluorescent hair. I headed in their direction and sat next to Vicky and a boy that I didn’t know.
The food hall had three long tables, one for each hall. The Prophets sat in the middle, so that’s where we were.
“Hey,” smiled the boy. “And who do I owe this great pleasure to…?”
I chuckled and stuck out my hand for him to shake.
“Hi, I’m Jennifer,” I smiled and he shook my hand.
“Mikey Way. The guy over there with the black hair is my brother, Gerard,”
“Oh, cool. Nice to meet you Mikey.”

Breakfast consisted of a round of toast, then one large chocolate chip pancake with orange juice and fresh strawberries. This seemed normal to everyone else, but to me, it was like heaven in food form. My body was so used to eating whatever I could find or a generous person would offer to me, now I was being given more than several days worth of food in one meal. I could get used to this; hot showers, hot food, what more could someone ask for? The plates were even cleared away for us.

“What have you got first?” asked Mikey, standing up from the bench as we were dismissed from breakfast. I pulled out my timetable and scanned across to my first lesson.
“Wizarding History with Mr. Kale,”
“Cool, me too,” he gave me a warm smile and pushed his glasses up his nose cutely. “I guess I’ll see you there in a few,”
“Yep.” I said, returning the smile and heading towards the library. I turned left a few times and pushed my way through a wall that I recognized, thankful that on the other side was the library. I looked around and it seemed to be empty and silent, except for the occasional page turn from the back, blemishing the beautiful silence.
I walked towards the noise and peered my head around the corner, rolling my eyes when I saw Brendon engulfed in a book. His red, rectangular glasses were so close to falling off his nose.
Seeing as he doesn’t ‘do friends’, I backed away and went in search of a book about pure bloods.
“What are you doing here.”
I took a few steps back and looked at Brendon. “I’m looking for a book,” I said, as if it were the most obvious thing.
He frowned. “Blatantly. What book?”
“Something about pure bloods.”
He snarled. “Go on, then. Go look for one.”
‘Bastard.’ I muttered under my breath, but loud enough so he would hear, then went back in search of my book. It was all alphabetical, so looked under ‘p’ for pure blood. I skimmed the plethora of books and smiled when I found one entitled ‘The Pure Blood Handbook.’ It slid out easily from in between the other books and I flicked to the contents page.
1. The Advantages of being a Pure Blood.
I quickly decided that this was the one I wanted and checked it out. Just as I was about to leave, Brendon reappeared.
“How did you manage to check out that book?”
“I pulled it out and wrote down my name…”
“But I’ve tried to get out that exact book before, and some metaphysical thing is preventing me from doing so.”
“How so?” I asked, raising an eyebrow and becoming intrigued.
“Look,” he said and went to take the book from my hands, and was suddenly pushed back against the wall. “It won’t let me.”
“Maybe because you’re not a pure blood?” I suggested.
He dusted himself down. “Perhaps. Why are you even talking to me?”
“I distinctly remember you being the one who initiated this conversation, or feud, as you seem to think it is.”
He glared at me and slung his bag over his shoulder, gliding through the wall.

Hayley would like this; I had something he didn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay... yeah. Comments would be lovely. There's still a quite a few slots left for y'all who want to be a lady friend for a guy.
As for the rest of you, you'll all come into the story in the next few chapters. The earlier you commented the earlier you get in.

-Freya. <3