Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 6 - And this affects me, how?

I was suddenly transported away from the busy room and into a room I’d never seen before. I felt very claustrophobic as it was one large, glass, floating room. If you looked down it felt like you were flying because you saw the castle several meters below us.
“Brendon, what are we doing here?” I asked, averting my eyes from the ground to stop me from feeling ill.
“This is the only place where our conversations can’t be listened in to.”
“That is important because…”
He sighed and tucked one hand in his pocket, the other running down his face. He pressed his plumps lips together, then began.
“Earlier today, whilst everyone else was outside watching Flame, I discovered something.”
“Care to expand?”
“I’ll get to it.” he snapped and scowled at me. “In the guy’s restrooms, there was a coughing noise, but it wasn’t a normal cough, it sounded like they were choking. I went closer and someone fell out of a stall, clutching at their throat and the number one carved into his neck.”
“What did you do? Did you save him?”
“Ordinarily I would’ve left him-”
“You’re such a jack ass, Urie!” I shouted.
“Would you let me fucking finish?!” he shouted back, a little louder than myself.
“I would have left him, but I didn’t, because it intrigued me, so I took him to the hospital ward where the nurses managed to stabilize his breathing. I could have done it myself, but I was worried that he may have been cursed and it would be passed over to me, and I am not getting cursed.”
I took a moment to take it all in. Magic confounded me in so many ways, in some instances it made life easier but it was getting used to all the sudden changes was the worrying part of it.
“He’s called Max Heyler.” he finished, and sat down by the edge of the glass box, leaning against the glass wall.
“Is he alright now?”
He nodded. “Max is in hospital now, but he’s being looked after.”
“Okay.” I breathed out. “Why did you decide to tell me about this?”
“Because there’s a legend that Pure Bloods can figure out murders, or attempted murders, by placing their left hand over the heart of the dead, or nearly dead person.”
“So you thought I could work out what happened.” I said, cottoning on to what he was saying, the only reason he’d brought me here.
“But we’ll have to do it when there are no nurses around, because then they’ll figure out you’re a Pure Blood. Which, before you butt in, is a very bad thing because then you’ll be treated like a lab rat.”
“You’re using me for your own experiment, so it’s no better than what they’d do.” I said, raising my eyebrows.
“This is one thing, and I haven’t attached any electrodes to you, have I?”
I broke out in to a small smile. “Alright. Can we get out of this box now? I’m getting dizzy due to lack of oxygen.”
He smirked and snapped, so we were in his room, both in the same positions as before hand; him sitting down against the wall and me standing up, one hand on my hip.
“I’ve no idea where the hospital ward is, either.” I stated.
He sighed and stood up, brushing down his pants. “I can’t believe being a Pure Blood was wasted on someone as idiotic as you.”
I scowled at him and transported into my own room. If he thought insulting me would get me to help him, he had another thing coming. And I knew he wouldn’t say sorry, it would be impossible for him to apologize or feel any remorse.
Because he’s a heartless, selfish, little twat. That’s why.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short but it's essential for a plot that'll run through the story.
(Psst, it's to do with the curse ;) )
Anyway, I'm feeling a little better, art always cheers me up. Despite my dye stained hands :P
Hope you're all well and thank you for reading!

-Freya xx <3