Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 7 - Curse curing, pfft, easy.

Max Heyler wasn’t improving, but he wasn’t worsening. The teachers took it upon themselves to launch a murder investigation, when it was most likely that he’d had a strike of bad luck and graced his fingers upon something cursed. As soon as a curse is made, it is transported into that specific object the curser has chosen.
Then, the curser can only hope it reaches the right person as conjuring up this said curse means part of your own blood has to be withdrawn. If it doesn’t, then it’s wasted blood.
These curses last for an eternity, until touched by someone. It has to be touched by their fingertips, as this is the gateway to the internal system, so the curse can get inside of them.

Nasty things, curses.

Pretty much incurable; like a human equivalent of a permanent coma with a frozen soul. It’s meant to worse than death.

Although, I had learned that a way of curing all curses is by removing the blood of the curser from the cursee. As you can imagine, this is a difficult process. Blood has to be removed from the patient and inspected carefully to find the molecular formula of the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Then, this is reacted together with a detector substance, and injected back into the patient. The detector roams the body quickly through the blood stream, finds the curse and basically ‘eats’ it, like a phagocyte. Once this is done, their pulse will return. You need to make a slit behind their ear so it can escape, then it is neutralized once out of the system.

But the teachers didn’t know this. I did, because pure bloods knew this. And I wanted to help Max, I really wanted to, but they would test me and I’d be found out. Brendon had convinced me this would be an awful thing, and as much as I hated to admit it, he knew a lot when it came to wizardry, so I took his advice.

I clasped my hands together and pushed my way through the wall, to the hospital ward. Max was laying there, sheet white and completely still, his left hand being held by a pretty girl with stunning eyes. She looked down at him with adoration and agony.
“Hey.” I mumbled.
She looked up at me and smiled, but it was so obvious she was devastated. “Hi.”
“I’m, I’m Jennifer.” I smiled back.
“Skyler.” she nodded. “Are you here for Max?”
“Yeah. Just checking up on him. Are you of any relation to him?”
“No, we’re friends. Best friends, but still.”
I sat down in an opposite chair and sighed lightly, scanning his lifeless body. If Skyler would just go, then I could help him, I could cure him. I’d stroked all the books I could find about this and read all the pure blood books, I could pretty much have a doctorate in curing curses.

I heard the noise of shoes hitting the lino floor from behind me. I turned around and saw Brendon, bending over and shaking his hair, then standing back up. He pushed his hand through his hair and tousled it a little.
Yes, he really is that vain.
He looked a little flustered and held up his hand, twitching his fingers slightly as some sort of wave, I think. I copied his hand movement and he started to walk over.
“Urie.” spat Skyler. “I should have known you were something to do with this.”
“Sky, it was-”
“My name is Skyler. My friends call me Sky, of which you are not.”
He sighed. “I didn’t harm him. I found him and brought him here.”
She scoffed. “Yeah, and humans can fly.”
“I did, I swear!”
She stood up, kissed Max’s hand, then snapped her fingers and disappeared. I still wasn’t used to that.

“Well, I’m gonna go.” I said and brought my fingers up to the air. Brendon slipped his thumb in between them so I couldn’t snap.
“No you’re not. You’re going to stay here and cure him.”
“But someone as idiotic as me couldn’t possibly do that.” I glared at him and he retracted his thumb.
“I didn’t mean that.”
I raised my eyebrows and put my hand down by my side. “Yes you did, you think I’m completely inept. That’s fine with me, you’re entitled to you’re opinion, but in this instance Brendon, you’re wrong.”
He frowned and scowled at me. He got out his wand and muttered something under his breath, then took a step back and forcefully blasted the wall, so there was a faint silver glow around every corner and wall edge.
“We’re protected, no one can get in for half an hour exactly. You see that sand timer?”
He pointed to the timer by Max’s side. “That’s how long you’ve got. So hurry up.”
“You could’ve warned me!”
“You’re a woman, you need to think these things through and all the emotional bull crap behind it, there’s no damn need. Just fucking cure him.”
“You’re lucky I’m not a violent person.” I scowled and got my book out of my satchel, flicking it open to the right page. It hovered out in front of me and Brendon took a few steps back, knowing that it would propel him backwards if he got too near.

I got out my wand and followed the instructions.

1. Perform spell, ‘Cutter.’ Your wand should glow and hover it over the patients hand, making a small incision from a few mm away.

I closed my eyes and muttered “Cutter.” I held out Max’s hand and made a small cut. The ruby red blood trickled out and I used my wand to pick up the thick liquid, it floating in front of me. It suddenly split in two and strands of something hovered whilst the rest fell onto his hand.

“Brendon, what next?” I shouted, keeping my attention on the hovering hemoglobin DNA strands.
“I can’t see it from here!”
“Get closer and deal with the consequences!”

He muttered something under his breath and moved closer. “All I can see is something about green spot extraction? FUCK!” he screamed as he slammed against the wall, groaning in pain.
“Thank you!”

I squinted and it was like my eyes became microscopes, zooming in on the strands. I saw the green spots and thought hard, hoping that they would split like the blood did before. I opened my eyes and the green spots were hovering by themselves, then a jelly like substance surrounded them. It looked like frogspawn, but with green instead of black. I guess that was the detector. I slowly lowered it down to his cut, and it disappeared.

I breathed out as I could take my concentration away from that. It’s surprising how much it takes out of you.
I turned around and saw Brendon clutching his knee, his jaw clenched tightly.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking dandy, that’s why I’m still on the floor groaning.”
I raised my eyebrows. “It was only a question, calm down Urie.”
He replied with something but I ignored him, pulling the hovering book towards me and skimmed across the page.

7. Check for pulse.

I put two fingers on his at the top of his neck, to the left of his Adam’s apple. I waited a few seconds and smiled when I could feel a familiar pulsating.
“Brendon, it’s there!” I chimed. “It’s there!”
“Whoopee, now do whatever the else you have to do.” he said sarcastically.

8. Small incision under ear and use wand to remove it, then react it with uncursed saliva to neutralize it.

I brushed his hair out of the way and cut it. A black drop of blood trickled out, which I removed with care, using my wand. I put it on a mat by the side and spat on it, feeling a little disgusted. It turned from black to gray and I sighed with relief.
I looked at Max and stared for several seconds. He didn’t stir, until suddenly, he started coughing madly, which I didn’t know whether this was good or not. He continued coughing and I began to panic.
“Read your book!” shouted Brendon.
I skimmed to the end and read.

9. When patient begins coughing, kiss patient, and the cure is complete.

“I have to kiss him…”
“Then do it, damn it!”
“Why can’t you kiss him?” I asked.
“Because I’m not gay!”
“I highly doubt that.”
He threw his shoe at me, which I dodged, then sighed and forced my lips onto Max’s. He sunk down to the bed and stopped coughing, easing into the kiss. I broke away as soon as I thought safe and wiped my lips. His chest went up and down slowly with breaths.
I smiled. “Max?”
His eyes slowly opened and he coughed once more. “Ugh.”
“Okay, you’re awake, it’s all fine.”
He groaned and cuddled a pillow.

Brendon tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. He was clutching his thrown shoe. “Well done.”
“Thanks.” I smiled slightly.
“I’m, I guess I’m, yeah.”
“Something like that.” he nodded. “Anyway, the time is up on the sand timer.”

He snapped and he was gone. A few seconds later Skyler came back in, frowning. “I haven’t been able to get back in for half an hour, what did you do?” she shouted.
I motioned towards Max, who was wriggling around to get comfortable. She looked at him and gasped, then turned to me. “Did you save him? Was it you?”
“He just got better.”
“That’s not possible.” she frowned. “You saved him, I know you did.”
“Please don’t tell anyone else.” I begged. “Please.”
“Okay, sure. But why not?”
“I can’t say.” I said, shaking my head.
“Oh, right. Thank you, anyway. He means the world to me.” she smiled, something genuine burning in her eyes, proving her prior statement true.
She sat on his bed and he looked up, then smiled at her. She smiled down at him and they held hands. They cuddled into each other and I left them be, returning to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey tharr. (: So I hoped you like it. This 'curse' problem will be pretty important for the whole story. It basically brings all the characters in, so ya'll who have requested places will be bigger characters.
Hope you liked it, Skyler :D

All is well and looking up for me. And it's eleven days 'till I see Cobra Starship and Family Force 5. Pretty much my two favorite bands; but I have a plethora of favorites, completely contradicting the word 'favorite.'

Anyway, comments make me love you more :D

-Freya (: xx