Status: Very Much Active.

The Decaydance Wizarding Academy.

Chapter 8 - These hall activities never cease to amaze me.

Turns out, that the myth about pure bloods being able to find out the murderer only works when the person is in an unconscious or dead state, of which Max was neither. So I couldn’t explore this myth further, much to Brendon’s displeasure.

Today was another hall activity, instead this time it was fencing.
Yes, fencing.
Of course they had to have their wizard tweak on it, so the swords used were their wands and was played on a high up podium, many meters in the air. They still wore the protective gear, but only wayfarer sunglasses. The rest of the face had a spell cast upon it, so any hit would be deflected and the jouster who had intended harm to come to the face would immediately be disqualified.

Boys played against boys, girls played against girls. I found this extremely sexist but everyone else didn’t seem to mind too much; wizards were forwards with their skills and material things, but backwards in their outlook. Men were the dominatrix, and that’s how it should be. Here, anyway.

I’d quickly picked up the rules and spells involved. How? Spine stroking, of course. You’d think that I would walk into the library and stroke every book there, but that was no interest to me, it would take the enjoyment out of books, picking up new skills and learning. I was very select with the ones I chose, I am very picky when it comes to literature. I detest romances; I could never see eye to eye with Pride and Prejudice. Don’t get me started on Mr. Darcy, I’ll only vent for hours.

“Jenna?” said Spencer, holding out his cupped hand, which had some type of colorful candy. “Do you want some?”
“Sure.” I nodded, smiled and popped one into my mouth. “What are they?”
I nearly choked on the candy and pushed it into my cheek. “Harlots?”
He checked on the box and made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth. “No, they’re called Harmonies.”
“How can you mistake Harlots for Harmonies?”
He shrugged as if it was nothing, as if I hadn’t just eaten a candy that I thought was called a prostitute. I chewed it and swallowed it down. It probably would’ve tasted better had I known they were called Harmonies.
“If you can’t sing already, they make you capable of singing and if you can it increases your range.”
I raised my eyebrows and nodded, intrigued by the variegated candy. I took a few more and chewed them, each one tasting slightly different, all processed fruity flavors.
“But I don’t care about the side affects.” he smiled. “I just really love the taste.”
I smiled back and nodded, swallowing down the sweets.

A face appeared on the screen, of Mr. Beckett, the headmaster. In short, he greeted all of the students and gave them the details of each fencing session. First, was Ryan Ross versus Gerard Way. You couldn’t get two more different people, loud, outrageous and bubbly Ryan against shy, quiet and cowering Gerard. If the battle was based upon their personalities Ryan would win hands down.

The two boys flew up to the podium and the cheering ensued. Mainly chanting of Ryan’s name as he was a very popular guy; I didn’t hear Gerard’s name once, which was a little harsh as I’m sure he’s a lovely guy, just a little shy.

A bell rung and the fencing began. People stood up tall to get a better view of the two boys fighting with their wand-transformed-sword. Ryan took the first swipe, much to the crowds pleasure. He also took the second, and third, and fourth. Gerard soon picked up after the four swipes, and took one large one at Ryan. It was a strong, forceful hit, sending Ryan back a few steps and closer towards the edge of the podium. Gasps echoed through the crowds and Gerard had a hard, determined look on his face.

“Who do you want to win?” I asked to Spencer, as he knew a lot more about this than myself.
“Ryan, obviously. GO ROSS!” he cheered, clapping his hands together.
“He’s my best friend since birth. And he’s a Prophet, so more points for us.” he smiled. “Gerard is a Burlan, and surprisingly a lot of the Burlans are cheering for Ryan too. He is the best fencer, but no one has seen Way do this before so we don’t know who’s gonna win, as that was a good hit.” he nodded and returned back to the game.

Gerard was winning easily, so Ryan had to up his game. He thrusted his sword forwards with such force that Gerard nearly toppled over the edge. He regained composure and the fighting became quicker and sharper.

There was one loud scream, louder than everyone else's ‘Go Ryan!’ cheers. It was from a girl three rows behind me called Daisy, we were in the same Art class, that was how I knew her name. I believe she was a Burlan, but I’m not too sure. She screamed: “Get him, Gerard!”

That was a little concerting. Someone was here for Gerard.

This seemed to give him that little bit extra strength and he pushed Ryan down to the ground and placed his foot on his chest, proving that Ryan was defeated. The crowd went silent and a few gasps were heard, then it suddenly erupted in cheers, all for Gerard. Wow these people were loyal. Ahem.

Way bent down and helped Ryan stand up. They shook hands and smiled, saying ‘good game’ to each other. They picked up their brooms and flew down to the ground, to the exit, then left the large stadium. The crowd pushed and pushed to get out, squeezing the air out of one another. Spencer looked alarmingly panic stricken, so I held his hand as we walked out to calm him. Eventually, we got to the main hall, as we always had to go there after hall activities.

Spencer let go of my hand and rest his hands on a free heater, smiling as the blood rushed back to his digits. He ushered me towards him and put an arm around my shoulders, resting his head on mine.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey Spencer.” I chuckled.
“If I do recall, last time we were here we kissed.”
I blushed lightly. “I believe we did.”
“Do you ever think we should try it again?”
I looked up at him, into his baby blue eyes. “If you want to.”
“Oh, turn it back on me why don’t you.” he pouted and I smiled.

We didn’t have a chance to continue our conversation as Mr. Beckett was stood on the stage, at his podium. He cleared his throat and the whole room fell silent.
“As you will all know, George Ross is the current, undefeated, champion. Until today, of course. Now he has finally been defeated by none other than Gerard Way, so come up here and collect your trophy!”
As people applauded I whispered: “George?”
“Yeah, he’s called George Ryan Ross, but he doesn’t like being called George so people call him Ryan.”
“Oh.” I nodded.

Gerard went up, shook Mr. Beckett’s hand and collected his trophy, blushing slightly then walking back down the stairs, clutching it to his chest. He had a small, genuine smile on his face with his black bangs covering his eyes. As he walked past me he waved a little, then stood back next to Mikey, his brother. Mikey patted him on the back and elbowed his arm, telling him to look up. He did just that, and he saw Daisy sidling up to him.
“H-Hi.” she blushed. “Well done.”
“Th-thanks.” he smiled and blushed too. “Um, and thanks for cheering.”
“You heard me?”
He nodded and she smiled. “Oh. Well, no problem.”
“Do you want to get out of here or something?” he mumbled, looking down at the floor and tapping his foot.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
She slipped her hand into his and he looked up, smiling again. They walked out of the hall, hand in hand and both blushing; it was adorable.

“Aww.” chuckled Spencer. I smiled up at him and he gave my shoulders a squeeze. “But you never answered my question.”
“You didn’t answer mine either.” I nodded.
He rolled his eyes and pushed his lips onto mine, his hand on the back of my neck. He retracted slightly so the kiss wasn’t so harsh and smiled into it. I did the same and broke away after a few seconds.
“Does that answer it, Jen?”
“I suppose so.” I beamed and kissed his cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey y'all. (Imagine me saying it in a southern drawl.) :D

My eyes are drooping as I write this, but I guess that's my fault. (:

And I seem to have got a lot of new subscribers, yet again! So I love you all (: And comments are awesome, thank you if you leave one and thank you for reading.

There's still some guys left if you want one :P

-Freya <3