Status: Active

Stay With Me


“What are 3 good looking girls doing out in a club on your own?” He asked us. He really did have a thing about making me blush.

“Well. We’re not really on our own.” Katy said “ We’re waiting for her boyfriend. If you could call him that” I ignored the last part. I took a look at Matt and his face dropped a little. He was then joined by one of his friends he must of overheard our convo because he asked if they could buy us some drinks.

“Yeah why not?” One drink wont hurt.” I said. After they bought us a drink, they asked us to sit with us

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, her boyfriend gets a lil jealous” Katy piped up again. God why has she got to be so harsh. All 5 lads to a look at each other and shrugged there shoulders.

“Thanks for the offer tho” I added. “Maybe we will see each other again later” I said to Matt. He nodded

“Hope soon” He smiled then walked back to his place at the bar. I felt a little mean after that. I kept glancing over the group of lads and saw him glancing back. After a few more drinks, I took a place on the dance floor with Mary Ann. Katy was being a party pooper, she has been texting someone all night and not bothered to try and have fun. After a couple of minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Katy. She looked she angry and upset.

“You ok?” I shouted. She shook her head and took my hand and dragged me outside.

“I’m really sorry but I’m gonna have to go home” My face dropped.

“What!? Why?” I asked

“I know you have been planning this night out like forever, but something has come up. I need to go home.” I was really annoyed now. She just looked at me waiting for a answer.
“Well go then if your going” And she did. She walked off into the dark. God I’m so pissed off right now. I reached into my bag and grab my packet of cigs. I took one out and lit it. As I inhaled the first drag, someone walked out of the club, it was Matt. That soon cheered me up.

“Hey you got a spare light?” He said holding his cig out. I nodded and handing him my lighter. “So where’s your friend gone?” He asked

“Home” I said while pulling a face. “We kinda had a argument”

“Ah right, when’s your boyfriend here?” He asked. I think he believed everything Katy said, so he is being a bit aware.

“He should be here so…” Before I got to finish the sentence my phone began to ring. “Speak of the devil” I smiled.

“Were the hell are you? You was mean to be here like a hour ago”

“Something’s come up at home” I could her a woman screaming in the background probably his mum. His parents have been fighting for the past few months. “I’m sorry”

“It’s ok its not your fault I’ll speak to ya later love you” I said

“You too” Then he hung up. I looked up at Matt and told him that Kev wasn’t turning up now. His face lit up and he was smiling more. As soon as we finished our cigs we went straight to the bar to get everyone a round of drinks. Well now that Kev wasn’t turning up, I could have some fun. I took a look at the dance floor and saw Mary Ann dancing with one of Matt’s mates, who I found out is called Chris.

After a couple more drinks everyone took a place at a table in the corner of the club, It was getting late now so the club was starting to empty slightly. I found out after half a hour of talking to these wonderful lads that they was in a band. They had only started out nearly a year ago, and are trying to make the big time. Matt and Chris kept buying me and Mary Ann our drinks.

“You can’t keep doing this” Mary Ann slurred.

“Do what?” Matt giggled.

“Buy our drinks, I feel tight”

“Well don’t” Chris laughed and walked to the bar. As it got nearer to last orders, the guys ordered as many drinks as they could. Matt offered me a few of course.

“Are you trying to get me drunk Matthew” I giggled as I lay my head on his shoulder.

“No of course not” He laughed. I looked at MaryAnn and she looked out of it. “Maybe its time for us to go.” I pointed at Mary. “She is smacked off her face” That made everyone laugh. Before anyone answered the bar man walked over and told us to get out anyways. As we walked out of the club Matt and 2 of his friends offered to walk us home. I accepted of course we was in no fit state to walk home on our own. Well I couldn’t walk most of the way since I broke one of my heels so Matt gave me a piggy back all the way to mine. I couldn’t thank them enough for walking us back, I gave them all a hug and gave Matt a peck on the cheek. But before they went home I exchanged numbers with Matt.

“It was nice meeting you. Ands I hope to see you again soon” I smiled

“Same here” He smiled back and walked off.

“Ohhh someone has a new crush” Mary Ann laughed.

“Shhh,” I whispered

“So you do like him then” She said as she helped me get the key into the door.

“I don’t know, there is something about him tho”

Finally we was in the house. We made our way upstairs quietly as we could to my room. As soon as we was in my room, Mary Ann jumped on the bed, causing it to make a loud bang.

“You better not have broke that bed” I said through my laughs. My dad appeared at the door way.

“What was that?” He asked he looked quite alarmed. I just pointed at Mary and made my way to the bathroom to change. When I came back Mary was fast asleep. I soon fell fast asleep as my head hit the pillow.
I woke up after what seemed like a hour of sleep to a loud thud that sounded like it came from next door. There was a load of shouting as well coming from outside. It woke Mary Ann up too. She wasn’t happy. I got up of the bed to take a look outside, but as I got up my head felt as if it was gonna explode. I looked out of my window and the was a removal van I forgot someone was moving in today, but could they make any more noise.

“Oh my head” Mary Ann moaned.

“Lay back down I’ll sort this out.” I said as I stormed off downstairs and out the front door. I didn’t care if I was in my pjs or not. “Excuse me, could you make any more noise, Its 9 on a fucking Saturday morning” I screamed at one of the lads that had his back turned to me. As he turned around he sounded like he was gonna say something rude to me but stopped.

♠ ♠ ♠
For Zoey x