Status: Active

Stay With Me


“You never said you was moving down here”

"Well I was pretty drunk last night, so I didn’t recognize the place”

“True, well I’m sorry for mouthing off like that.”

“Its ok, wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know it was me” He said and flashed a smiled. “Nar I’m only messing, we will try and keep the noise down”

“Thanks well, I guess I should go back in. I’ll speak to ya later” I said and walked back into the house. When I walked in my bedroom Mary Ann was dressed. I told her the news, and her only reply to that was ‘Oh this should be fun’. I gave her a funny look.

“Well the way you was acting when you was with him last night, should be interesting to watch when Kevs around” My face dropped. He never liked me having any male friends, and any I did have he scared away.

“Fuck Kev I can hang out with them if I want to he can’t stop me.” She gave me a really big smile. I think its because I was gonna stick up for myself. Our conversation was interrupted by my phone buzzing. It was a text off a number I didn’t recognize. “ Nice pjs lol” It read. A huge grin appeared on my face. It must have been Matt. I checked over the number I had written on my hand and it was.

“What you smiling at?”

“Nothing” I said and put my phone away.

“Ok whatever” She laughed. “I’ll call you later” And off she went. I decided to go back to sleep for a few hours since we didn’t get in till gone 3. When I next woke up, it looked like is when getting dark. How long have I been asleep? I looked at my little clock on my desk and it read 17:45. Wow I really slept in. I took a look at my phone, I had 2 missed calls of Mary, and 5 off Katy. I decided to ring Katy first, seeing as she seems eager to talk to me. I rang her about 3 times and she didn’t pick up so I gave up on her. I just gave Mary a quick text as I made my way downstairs and into the back garden. My dad doesn’t really like me smoking in the first place but wants none of it in the house. So I have to come out in the cold. As I walked to the side of house, I saw that Matt and two other guys was stood outside, I also notice that they was drinking beer.

“Hey you guys not hung over from last night?”

“We don’t get hang overs” One of them said.

“Lucky” I laughed.

“Oh yeah I never introduced you guys properly last night. Guys this is Jenni, Jenni, this is Dan and Max.”

“Nice to meet you” I said as I shook there hands.

“So you coming round later we’re having a house warming party” Max said. Matt turned around gave him a funny look. “Well a piss up” He laughed.

“Yeah sure might be later on though, I need to get over this hang over a bit” I laughed.

“What you need is a hair of a dog” what the fuck? I looked at him weird “You never heard that expression?” I shook my head. “I means you need another drink”

“Ha don’t listen to him I don’t think it works, anyways he is a raving alcoholic” Matt laughed.

“Yet you have been drinking since half 3” Dan said.

“Now, now boys lets not argue” I butted in. “Now if ya want me to come round I’ll have to go in now and get ready” I said as I finished off my cig.

“Oh and bring a friend if ya like” Matt added.

“Will do cya later” As I walked back into my house I tried ringing Katy again, this time she answered. I told her about the party we had been invited to but she still seemed a bit off, not with the idea though but with me. She said she would come but later on tonight. I didn’t argue with her. I swear if she is like this with me later I’m gonna confront her. As soon as I got off the phone with Katy, Kev rang me. He sounded a bit pissed off as usual. He asked if he could come round later, I can’t be bothered dealing with him today, so I told him I was gonna be out with one of my work friends. He bought it thank god. When I was finished on the phone I decided to get ready. I couldn’t wait to see Matt again, I know that sounds wrong with having a boyfriend and all but I don’t care. After I got dressed I thought I should go to the shops for alcohol. I couldn’t go to a party and not bring anything. That’s just plan rude. I got into my car and turned on the cd player, coz I can’t drive without listening to music. As I turned the cd player on there was a knock on the window.

“Shit” I shouted

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” It was Dan.

“Hey its ok, did you need a lift to the shops”

“Yeah please. Good taste in music” He said as he got in the car. We made a lot of small talk on the way there about the band and what kind of music they write. We also talked about who was gonna be at the party. When we got off the subject of music he started asking me questions about Matt. I blushed because I knew what was coming people always tease me about stuff like this. Do I have something stamped on my forehead.

“So what’s the deal with you and Matt?” He asked. I knew it

“Nowts going on” I said with a smile on my face

“Why you smiling then?” He teased.

“Oh stop it, honestly nothings going on, he is a nice guy but I hope he doesn’t get the right idea.” He went kind of silent after that. And didn’t say much on the way back. It’s weird though I’m thinking about Matt a lot when I shouldn’t be. More reasons than one. As I got out of the car I felt my phone vibrate. It was Kev again.

“I’ll meet you in there” I said as I went to answer it. “Hello”

“Why did you lie to me?” Was the first thing I heard from him. Shit

“I don’t know what your talking about?”

“You told me you was at a party, and one of my mates has just seen you with some dude.”

“Oh my gosh I don’t even know why I’m even going to explain this because your meant to trust me. But I was giving someone a lift to the shops for beer. Is that so wrong?!”

“Right no need to have a attitude with me?” He shouted.

“Yeah there is. Your trying to accuse me of cheating. Don’t call me back again. I’m not having you ruining my weekend” I said and hung up. I put my phone on silent and walked into the bands house. Wow there was loads of people I could hardly move. When I did make it to the kitchen, I found Matt and Josh in there. Matt had already made a drink. What a sweetheart. After a couple of hours I was officially drunk yet again. I was sat on the couch in the living room, next to Matt with my head resting on his shoulder. We must have been talking for about a hour and half about random shit. Our convo was interrupted by someone dragging me up from the chair.

“Excuse her” It was Katy. When did she get here. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“I’m having fun by getting drunk what does it look like?”

“It looks like your getting to cosy with that Matt guy, don’t forget you do have a boyfriend.”

“Whats it to you, you never liked Kev coz he makes me unhappy. And he may not be for long. Now if you don’t mind I’m gonna get back to Matt.” I turned my back and walked away from her. What is with her?! Why would she care if I break up with Kev? Shes always hated him. As I went to sit back down I saw something at the corner of my eye. Shit what the fuck is he doing here? It was Kev.

“You ok?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, im just a little warm, you wanna come outside for a bit.”

“Yeah sure.” I quickly walked outside coz I didn’t want Kev to see me here. “Whats wrong really?”

“Kevs here, but I don’t want him to see me. We had a argument before I came here. He tries to control who I’m friends with and who I hang out with and I’m sick of it.” I could feel my eyes water up. I wasn’t trying not to think about him, but it just made it worse. Matt looked at my with sympathetic eyes. Then moved closer to me pulling me into a hug. “Thanks”

“Its ok” He pulled out of the hug quick. We could heard someone coming out of the back door. It sounded like Kev so I rushed around the side of the house. It was him. I took a quick look at my phone and I had 25 missed calls from him. Obsessive much? I looked up from my phone and Matt’s face was moving closer to mine. I never believe in cheating but I really liked Matt, I mean really. So I went in for the kill. We kissed for only a couple of second but it was better than kissing Kev. I mean Matt was kissing me like he cared for me. Unlike Kev. Kevs kisses were meaningless compared to this.

“I think I better go, I need to sort some things out” I told him with a smile. I made up my mind I was gonna break up with Kev. Matt looked kinda disappointed. I gave him another quick kiss before leaving him. “I’ll let you know how everything goes” I walked back into the house again to find Kev but I couldn’t find him, and I couldn’t find Katy either so I gave up. By the time I got to my house I was slightly more drunk if that’s even possible. When I got to my room I got the shock of my life.

“Who the fuck let you in” I slurred. It was Kev

“Your dad. Where were you? You said you was with a friend from work and I find you kissing some rock star” He moved closer to me pinning me against the door. “No one cheats on me and gets away with it” What does that mean? That slightly scared me. He placed his hand around my neck. I had to stick up for myself. He wasn’t gonna get away with this.

“What so your allowed to break my heart and I’m not allowed to get you back” I said so smug. I didn’t plan on cheating but he never knew that. He looked shocked by my reaction. He didn’t expect me to talk back at him. His face grew angry and I could feel his hand getting tighter around my neck, but then he let go and turned away from me.

“You wasn’t expecting me to stick up for myself was you, well that’s going to change. You and me. We are through. I’m sick of you trying to run my life” He turned back to me so fast, and the next thing I saw was he fist moving towards my face. The next thing I knew I was lay on the floor, and a pain was shooting in my eye and my ribs. I must of hit the bedside table when I feel. I tried to move but I couldn’t the pain in my ribs was unbearable.

“I told you, no one gets away with cheating on me and gets away with it.” He turned to walk out of the room but stopped. “ And by the way. We’re not through until I say we’re through” And he was gone