Status: Active

Stay With Me


After I listened carefully to him go downstairs and slam the front door, before breaking down into tears. I tried my best to fight them back as long as I could. I tried getting back up again this time wasn’t so bad. The pain in my ribs was still strong but the pain in mine arm was now bearable. I took one look in the mirror, and I didn’t recognized myself. My eye was already starting to swell and my bottom lip was covered in blood. I must of bit it when I fell. I went into my bathroom and cleaned myself up, and got into bed. If I told anyone about this, he would deny everything and do something worse to me. I have always said that if a guy treats me like this then I wouldn’t stand for it but I am truly scared of this guy.

The next morning I felt even worse. My eye felt like it had a pulse of its own, my arm was swollen, and I couldn’t breathe properly. I grabbed my phone off the side of the side of the table and rang Mary Ann. I knew that my dad would be at work now, and I couldn’t drive myself in the condition so she was the only one that I could call. She came over as soon as possible, I didn’t tell her the whole story though. I told her that I fell over when I came in from that party. She let herself in and helped me to her car. She was horrified by the state of me. She kept asking me if I really fell, in the end I did tell her the truth. She started crying herself.

“You can’t let him get away with this, you have to say something to the police”

“No I can’t. He knew I was drunk, so he will use that against me, and you don’t know what he is capable of” I said as I stated to cry again. When we got to the hospital I was seen to quickly I looked that bad. One of the nurses asked me would I like to speak to a counsellor. I wish people would stop this, I mean was it really that obvious that I was beaten up by my boyfriend. After they finished test and x rays they found that my ribs are just bruised, my eye is only bruised too but my arm was broken.

After they put a case on my arm, I was given the all clear to go home. I couldn’t thank Mary Ann enough for taking me to the hospital. She insisted that she stayed with me just until my dad gets back. I told her I would be fine and I just wanted to stay in my room. Plus I didn’t want my dad to find out about this. I know I would have to think of a reason my the broken arm but I could easily hide the black eye. After she was gone I went upstairs and looked at my phone. I had 2 texts one was of Katy and the other was off Matt. I read the one of Matt first. The text read that he and the band was going to be on tour around the UK for 2 weeks. That text was sent early this morning right after I left for the hospital, so I sent one back asking to meet him before he goes. I got a text back straight away telling me to meet him on the front. They were just loading the bus up. I quickly threw some make up over my eye and made my way outside. As soon as I saw Matt, my face lit up. When ever I was with him all my problems seem to disappear.

“Hey what happened to you” He said. He looked well worried.

“I fell over and hit the bedside table” I said. All the other lads notice and kept bugging me so they could write on it. In the end I gave in. By the time they was all finished it was time for them to go. I gave everyone a quick hug but when it came to Matt I held onto him for ages. As I realised him from my everlasting hug, he gave me a kiss goodbye. I cant believe I wasn’t going to see him for 2 weeks. I seems like such a long time away from him. I could hear all the boys on the bus jeering. I pulled away and gave them the middle finger.

“I’ll guess I’ll see you in 2 weeks”

“You will” I smiled and watched him go on the bus. I tried my best not to cry but I just wasn’t happening. Once they were gone I went back to my room and crawled into bed. My phone started vibrating, it was Katy.

“What do you want?” I groaned

“That’s a nice way to greet a friend” She said all cocky.

“I can hardly call you that, your never around anymore apart from when you want something. We use to be attached at the hip a few months ago. But ever since I started dating Kev you have been really funny with me. I know you still have feeling for him but you need to accept his over you” It was silent on the other end of the line. “Katy?” Then the line just went dead. Bitch. I threw my phone into a pile of clothes and tried to get to sleep.
I was woken up a few hours later by someone shaking me violently. I opened my eyes to see a drugged up Kev.

“Come to beat me up again(?)”

“No, I didn’t mean to hurt you, its just that you made me so angry.”

“What so it’s my fault”

“Yeah you bought all this on yourself.” He said as he ran his finger along the outside of my eye.

“Get out” I said. “I told you we are over”

“And I said not until I say so” He said as he pressed one of his hand on my leg. “Besides I think we need to talk” He said as he got up. “I had a look through your phone, and I noticed you have a few numbers I don’t recognise” I got up off my bed.

“You have no right going…” Before I got to finish my sentence, Kev pushed me back onto the bed. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my head.

“What have I told you about talking to lads when your seeing me”

“But I’m not” I shouted. He came right in my face.

“When are you going to get it into your thick brain of yours” He said as he slapped me across the face. “That we are going to be together for a long time because I love you”

“You fucking love me?! You have a funny way of showing it.” He slapped me again then threw my phone against the wall.

“I’d like to see you try and get in touch with your fancy boy now.” He said as if he never heard what I said. He grabbed my face again, and pressed his lips against mine. I tried to push him off with all my strength., but it didn’t help at all. After he went, I started shaking violently. I try and put on a brave face in front of him just to show that I’m not afraid.