Rainbows and Cupcakes vs. Gunshots and Pills


Ellie's POV+

Getting off the bus and into school..... you feel like you're walking the plank to certain death. I'm not a dumbass or anything, but I hate school. Teachers drone on about the same thing every. single. year. Then they mix subjects together some how. I'm learning Math in History or History in Science or Science in Math... I'm getting myself dizzy before I even touched the main doors....

Chloe and I took our positions to the right side of the hallways and zoomed passed anybody. We don't want any trouble this year because.....

heh, we'll be the ones making it.

I wasn't looking where I was going, but I ran straight into a guy. Chloe's shoes screeched to a halt as I tried to get up. A freshman? We both shot up and I rubbed my knees from the stinging pain. Woah, hazel eyes... and lip ring? I've never seen this kid before.

"You new here?" I asked.

"Yeah, just got here from New York," his accent from being an eastcoaster was there.

"Freshman?" I asked again.

"Uh, no..." he said.

"Oh," I piped, a little girly...."Fair warning, watch out for the people who are over 5'6, they tend to shove us in lockers and taunt and crap."

"I got it at my old school, I think I can handle. Be seeing ya," he said and walked off.

I started my running pace again with Chloe. Up the stairs... down this hall, woah! Watch out for Brezetny, we don't want to be bulldozed now... and, finally. We slowed down and opened our lockers, completely worn out from the running. We threw our new supplies in there. I carried my usual notebook of "notes" around. We just made it into Advisory. Pete Wentz and Patrick Stumph were in there too. Why did all our names have to start with, S--W? I felt bad for the X-Z kids, there's gotta be like... 5 in there? I sat behind Pete and Chloe sat in front of Louis Turner. Complete jerk, don't ask. Annoucements droned over the intercom, welcoming, telling us where we're not allowed this year, repeating the welcome, what's for lunch, welcoming again.... and over. I could here the clock ticking, even through Amy Sanchez and Patricia Tally.

"Switch seats Vinincci," Warzereck said to me, already pushing me out of my seat to sit next his friend.

"You know, couldv'e just asked since I don't want to sit there," I mumbled.

I sat next to Wentz... I mean Pete. After Advisory, people start calling everyone by their last names. He was writing something down, but I could tell. Ummm, I got the words hate... filth, something about cupcakes... but that was a side note. Wait, CUPCAKES...
I read it, kind of putting my head on his shoulder to read it.

"The fuck, Elyssia." Peter hissed, clearly disturbed.

"How'd you know about our idea for cupcakes...." I mumbled, reading it.

"We live on the same street, and you were ranting about it on your front porch."

"Heh, did we now," I smiled.

The side note said, her cupcakes idea, it sounds retarded, but it might work and get all of us who hate those fuckers a chance to rise above them.

"Thanks for caring Wentz," I smiled at him.

He had a screwed up looking smile on, but I just let him pass with it and chuckled slightly from his dorkiness. Those thick glasses were funny looking, "So are you wearing glasses to match Stumph, or what?"

"No, my parents figured out I was blind when I was walking our puppy Marley and I walked into the tree," he muttered.

"yeah," I stated, half into a flashback memory, "I remember seeing that and I wondered if you were just pretending to be a weirdo."

"I don't need to pretend," he glared.

"Okee..." and I looked away.

Well, it did go well for a while, but he seems to still think I'm on the evil side of school, just because I live on the evil side of the street. My bad Mrs. Jenkin's little terrier decided to eat his pants... I sighed as he went on with his notes and my mind wandered to that boy I saw in the hall.... My god, he was cute. Big hazel eyes and that big lip ring. Another sigh slipped out of my mouth. Pete looked at me, a bit uncomfortably and bit his bottom lip. I looked at him and his brown eyes expanded.

"Ellie, you're not wearing make up or anything," he smiled.

"No, I didn't have time to this morning," I said, my face making my usual "confused as to why I'm having this convo." expression.

"You look good, especially when the sun hits your hair like that.. it looks more red than brown..." he trailed off.

"Ummm..." I stuttered words, what the hell am I suppose to respond with to that? "Thanks?"

He shook his head, ripping the notebook paper he was writing on, crumpling it and tossing it next to me. The bell rang loud for first period.

"Nevermind it, I'll be seeing after school, on the way home," he muttered, his long banes covering his face.

I couldn't speak as him and Patrick made their way to their first class.

"That's the friendliest I've seen you to be since 3rd grade when he gave you his cookie..." Chloe laughed as we walked to our lockers.

"He complimented me," I scoffed, "Told me I look good and something about my hair..."

"Ooooh, Ellie's got an admirer!!!"

"Shut it, he gave me this too," I laughed, holding the paper ball in my hand.

I shoved it into my locker and made my way with Chloe to geometry, hoping to see Hazel Eyes again soon.