Sexy Socks Belong on Sexy Feet

I said give me those socks!

I skipped out of the department store merrily humming a tune. My twin Betsy waited across the street in her red corvette putting on make up or something. I started to skip towards her when something bright, beautiful, and purple! Caught my eye. I stopped and turned abruptly to a girl a little younger than me peeking in to a shops' window. I stared at her socks, they where knee high, striped, soft looking and sexy!

I coughed slightly and mumbled, "sexy socks belong on sexy feet." She didn't turn around. I walked next to her acting like I was looking at things too and started a hacking cough. She spun around looking at me disgusted like I was a living breathing piece of dog shit.

"Pshh," I breathed looking at her the same way. "WHAT! U GOT A PROBLEM MS. PURPLE SOCK!" She backed up and crossed her arms with attitude.

"UHUM, well exscuuuuse me Ms. Thang thang," I snapped my fingers with same attitude she had. "I don't know if you noticed but sexy socks belong on sexy feet... and they aint your feet." She scoffed and her face turned red with rage, she took a step towards me and was about to say something. I put my hand up silencing her. "I'm sorry sweetie. Maybe your hard of hearing. I SAID SEXY SOCKS! BELONG ON SEXY FEET!"

I pointed down to her socks, "SO TAKE OFF THEM SOCKS AND GIVE THEM TO MY TWIN!" She growled agitated and made a swinging motion for my head. I dodged "WITCH I SAID TAKE EM OFF," I drop kicked her in the head and stole the socks. SCORE! I thought to myself.

The girl started to get up and I turned quickly to leave running in to something hard and firm. I looked down at a skirt with manly legs protruding from it and up, I gulped.

"Oh... you have a sister on steroids?" I laughed nervously at the manly girl in front of me. I gazed at her mustache and uni-brow, she cracked her beastly knuckles and punched her fist in to her palm.

"SIS SHE MESSING WITH YOU?!" She said in a deep raspy voice. I looked over to the girl as she got up and walked towards us.

"Uh no .... That's um that's just how we play right buddy?" I grinned playful punching her in the arm and smiling my 'please don't kill me I like Having a face' smile. The girl pushed me away.

“Heh, can’t we just talk about this over a taco?” I started backing up. “LOOK A DISTRACTION!” the buff one looked and I shoved past the small one, making my way quickly across the street.

“DRIVE BETSY DRIVE!” I shouted as I jumped in to the passenger seat of my sisters corvette. I scared her and her eyeliner went astray, but she put the car in gear and zoomed away. I looked back at an angered man-lady and her sister with a sigh of relief.

We slowed to the speed limit. "Oh hey sis I got you some sexy socks," I smiled handing them to her. She fake smiled. "What you don’t like them?" I frowned.

“I love them... I just don’t like the color.” I clenched the socks and twitched slightly.

“You.... don’t-like-the-color,” I said through gritted teeth cocking my head to the side. I saw a hint of nervous fear as I unbuckled my seat belt and moved closer too her.



“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” The car swerved on the road through traffic.....