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Dear Diary


August 1st, 2010

Well, forever ended the other day. The man I love, and will always love, is out of my life. I’m going to miss him. And it’s going to kill me to see him again, knowing I can’t kiss him again, can’t hold him again. I don’t care if it’s for the best. It hurts.

When I close my eyes to try to clear my head, it’s all of him. The moments we shared, the laughs we had, the nights we spent together. The way he made me feel like I was the greatest in the world. Like noone could tear me down. Only he did. When he said he wanted to just be friends.

I agree that it is for the best. I understand. But, after six months, you’d think that we’d be through most of it. But, I guess when a guy goes to college, things change.

I’m going to miss you, Jon Luke Ottinger. But, I know you’ll do great things. I love you, and I hope your life gets better when you go back to Florida.