Status: Updates At Random

Dear Diary


So I know I haven't written anything in a while. So I'm just going to give you an update.

My ex and I are speaking again :) I'm glad because he was an important person in my life for the longest time and it was depressing to have to try and ignore him. Even his friends are talking to me again, which is awesome because I got very close to them when Jon and I were together.

I'm cadet teaching for my school's spanish class this year. These kids are a bunch of characters! But there are some I tend to stay away from. They're all freshmen, except for my sophmore friend, Lauren. She makes me laugh so hard. Then, there's Leigh. She's like my friend Sam in sooo many ways. These kids are awesome. I love teaching here.

Career Center is honestly nothing like last year. We were a huge family last year and if one person didn't like you, your family will stand by you. This year, there's two girls who are nothing but drama; Sarah and Karen. Karen's this three foot girl who starts fights with everyone everyday. To be honest, not one person in my class likes her so she tries to be friends with others in the building. Not working, they all say how she's annoying and they want to run whenever she sees them. I mean, how sad is that? Really?
Then, there's Sarah. She's an okay person once you get to know her outside of school. But.. teach her to cook? Never. I have her in my group at my Career Center and it's not the best thing. She stands there all the time like a bumbling idiot and doesn't even know how to chop meat. It's so sad. But, I've hung out with her outside school at my friend's open house. She's also kinda -how do I say it?- slow in the head if you get what I mean.

It's Homecoming week here! Today's geek day so everyone looks hilarious! Monday was Pajama day and that wasn't that weird though. Tuesday was hat/shades/flip flop day and Wednesday was SUPERHERO DAY! I'll try and get some pictures for you guys

So, as you can see, senior year is getting good.. yet also getting bad. I guess that's just like every year in high school.

There's a little more, but my Cadet Teaching's almost over haha I'll have more updates whenever I can.