This Would Happen to Me

My Life Is Average.

"Blair, get your ass out of bed!" Instantly the covers were ripped from my death grip, and pulled from my bed. "You're 45 minutes late. You've got ten minutes to be in the car or we're leaving." My mom stormed off, leaving my door wide open as she stomped down the hall.

Ten minutes, that'll be enough, I ran my fingers through my multi-colored hair, slipping on my gray skinnys. Grabbing a random black shirt I pulled on a tank top and shuffled to the bathroom. fuck. I scrubbed my face and lined my eyes with my usual black and green make up. Not bothering to brush the teeth ran downstairs, snagging my bag and converse and ran outside.

"Close." Mom pulled out of the driveway, making way to school.

"Bye," I hopped out, slamming the door and running to the nearest entrance.


"Way to be late Blair."
"Shut your face." I slipped into my seat right as the first period bell rang.
"Where the hell where you?" My best friend Megan always had a knack to bother me when I didn't want to talk.
"Sleeping." I gave her my "don't bother me" look and snuggled into my chair for a good classroom nap.
"Wake up." Megan's elbow found my rib.
"Movies tomorrow night with Steph. Going to see New Moon kay?"
"Alright, hot guys. I can handle that!" I laughed, gathering my stuff for the day.


"Yeah okay I know, home by one. Bye." I ran to the movie theater doors, fixing my knitted hat in the reflection of the glass before walking in. "Hey, sorry guys. Mom, yannoo..."

Megan handed me a ticket, Steph just tutted.

"You go ahead, I'ma go the bathroom." I shooed them on with their popcorn and sodas. I had already seen the movie three times, so I didn't really need to see the whole "Edward leaves Bella, Bella cries a lot" shit. Wasn't me scene. I shifted my hat more to the left, making sure my reflection showed my red streaks a little more.
"There ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees." I danced my way out of the bathroom, drying my hands on my pants.

"I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed there ain't nothing in this world for freeeee." A male voice added from my left. Sitting on a stool behind a velvet rope with a "please wait here" sign attached was the one and only Taylor Lautner. "Hey." He grabbed a picture from his side and uncapped his Sharpie. "What's your name?"

"Cocky self-centered movie star. Oh wait, that's yours." I got a little closer and smirked, watching his expression. He re-capped the marker and set the picture down.

"Confused wanna be indie teenager. Oh wait, that's you." He sent a smirk back, shifting on the stool.

"Wanna be? Excuse me, I am the DEFINITION of indie mind you. I spun around, showing off my stripped sweater and Birkenstocks. "Where's your fan club?"

"Where's your frisbee team?" He shot back, "I hear that's what all you kids do now-a-days." He leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Kids? Hun, you're what... a year and a half older then me? At least that's what all the tabloids say, since it's against the law technically for you and Taylor to do anything." I tapped my foot, looking around surprised no-one was swarming around him.

"So you are a fan! I knew it. No-one can resist the masculine charm."
"Oh definitely. 'You still hungry, Max? How about a knuckle sandwich?' Soooo masculine." I laughed, quoting his first big movie.

He laughed, getting off the stupid stool. "Are you here for the movie?"
I nodded, rolling my eyes. "Team Jasper of coarse. I go for the tortured souls. And blonds."

"Me too. The blonds thing that is." He stepped around the rope, uncapping the sharpie again. "311-713-6598." he recited, grabbing my hand and graffiti-ing on it. "In case you can't find me after the show. Wouldn't want you to miss the best part." He laughed as I pulled my hand away, looking at him with disgust.

"And what do I do with this?"
"If you ever want to talk about something other then how awesome I am, like Cage the Elephant."