This Would Happen to Me

Dating older women? Hot.

"Taylor...." I pushed myself out of his arms, gathering myself back up.

"Come on, we'll be late to school. Coffee remember?" he turned so I could get dressed and pack up my backpack. I slid the shirt that I was going to wear on our date after school over my head and pulled on some skinny jeans. I slipped onto some flip flops and threw my school stuff into my old backpack.

"I've got a car, let's drive." I grabbed the keys off my bedside table and threw them to him. "Don't break it."

"Like you could drive better then me." he laughed, jogging up the stairs.

What have you gotten yourself into Blair. "Of coarse." I ran after him, jumping into my beat up SUV.


"See you in math." He smirked, putting on his cool guy routine right as we walked into the main hall.

"Don't count on it." I planned on skipping math to finish an art project anyways. I opened my locker just as Megan and Steph flanked me. "Yeah yeah yeah. He was on a jog, I cried for the first time in months, we went to coffee, he's still an ass. Whatever." I smiled slightly as my two best friends squealed in delight.

"Tryouts are after school today B. Let's go watch." I knew Megan had alternative motives, but I figured watching couldn't be all that bad. I nodded and started off my day with a slight smile, keeping the morning that consisted of the first conversation we had without me insulting Taylor, and vise versa.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Megan dragged Steph and I through the auditorium doors and into seats on the far left. She ran over to the casting table and signed something as Steph groaned.

"Great. She's signing us up." I moaned, refusing to accept it. "I'm not doing it by the way." I said to her as she sat down.

"We'll see." She hummed, just as Taylor made way into the theater, a massive amount of girls following, and a bunch of guys tagging behind.

"Let's get the show on the road!" He said as the other people signed the list. "So ya'll know this is for Eclipse coming out correct? We're looking for a girl to play Leah, and some people as vampires. And we'll also need people as vampires for the final movie too, so if you're good enough, you're stuck with me for a good few years!" He laughed, making a bunch of girls giggle. "Alright, Megan?" He kept reading the list, my name obviously catching his eye. He smiled, looking for me in the crowd.

Megan jumped up and grabbed a packet and started her lines, totally sucking. "Wow." I whispered to Steph, "I'm so sorry, but she's horrible."

"Hahahaa" Steph leaned back and took a nap, something that I would usually be doing, only my attention was set on the back of some guy's gorgeous black head of hair.

"Steph?" He called, looking straight at me.

"Taking a nap. She's as bored as I am here, but some annoying voice is keeping me up." I called back, smirking right at him. Girls glared at me over their shoulder.

"Then why don't you come spice things up a bit Indie Princess?" He gestured at the stage and nodded.

"Fine." I stood up and walked down the isle, grabbing a packet from his hand as I made way up the stairs. I read the script in my head a little before I threw it at him and started improvising Leah's lines from the books. I had read them way before the whole craze started, before Taylor Lautner was some famous know-it-all that I totally had a crush on.

"Decent." He stated, leaning back in his chair as the other's conferenced. "Next." He didn't even look my way as I slid off the edge of the stage, causing me to worry. No way in hell was he going to get me to like him and then dump me.

"Whatever." I muttered, making sure to smile at as many guys as I knew, who were obviously interested.
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what will happen now?