This Would Happen to Me

Let Me See Your Face Card Drop.

"Oh My GOD!" Megan screamed, even Steph seemed pretty damn excited for me. "So you got the part? Of Leah?"

"Not of Leah, the producer called and said they needed to be as ethnically on spot as possible. But I did get a part in the final movie." I was frantically throwing clothes into the biggest suitcase I could find.

"Well....?" Megan and Steph chorused.

"I don't know which part yet!" I huffed, throwing the last hoodie and sock in from my dresser. Now on to the shoes, and accessories. "All I know is I'm most likely going to be one of the vampires who come to help keep Renesmee safe. He hinted something about the Denali clan but when I tried to get more out he told me to get my ass packed, seeing as we leave tomorrow."

"TOMORROW!? I thought you had a week!" Steph cried, starting to grab pictures off my dresser and books off my shelves to throw into my duffel bag full-o-crap.

"Yeah well, they wanted to fly us our like today but tomorrow was more reasonable. I'm totally nervous, we're all staying in a hotel in the airport tonight 'cause our flight is at like three am. Taylor's coming to get me in..." I glanced at the clock 6:38 "Two hours."

"Hey B." Steph said, he voice getting serious. I stopped and looked at her, tears brimming at my eyes. "How'd your mom take this?"

"She's not too happy. She's going a little easy on me because she has a new boyfriend, but I doubt she'll even be home to say goodbye. I jacked about 1000$ from my bank account before she could close it. And I've had my own secret card since I was like 11, and there's a bunch of money on that one..." Megan's arms shut me up as she enveloped me in a hug.

"We're gonna miss you B. You have to webcam us every night!" Which reminded me to grab all my laptop stuff.

"I love you guys."


"You ready?" Taylor whispered, placing another kiss on my already kiss-swollen lips. I looked around and the room I had spent my past life in. Where I cried in his arms, where I spent nights eating ice cream with my broken-hearted mother, where I had sleepovers with my two best friends almost every weekend.

"Yeah, this is all so fast. You were supposed to be here for a month, tryouts were supposed to take a week, what happened?" We walked to the cab, both of us carrying two of my bags.

"I found three people, all I was sent out to do. All three of you were meant for the part really." he gave the cab driver the directions and continued. "You, that guy Frank, and a freshmen girl named Sarah, for the parts of Maggie and Randall. I didn't need to see anyone else."

"So what part did I get?" I asked, trying to press it out of him.

"It's a secret. Now get out and grab your bags, we're all sharing the same room for convenience, my stuff's already up there and they other guys are there too. Come on, lets go." He grabbed the heavier of the four and raced me to our room.

"Hey guys!" He said, throwing my bags down onto one of the double beds. I wasn't sure what the sleeping arrangements were going to be. Both Frank and I were seniors, seeing as I was about to be 18 and he already was, but Sarah was only around the age of 14, and sharing a bed with an 18 year old guy might be weird. But of course, Taylor had already thought of that. "I'm gonna take the couch, it pulls out to be a bed. Frank can have one of the beds and you two can share the other one." He looked at me, "Does that work?"

"Nah man, you can take the bed!" Frank said, laying himself down on the couch. Frank had always seemed like a real laid back guy, but I had never had a chance to really hang out with him before.

"If you say so. But there are three rules from now on guys." Taylor looked at us all individually. "1, do not let the fame get to your head, we're all going to be famous, so let's all act like we're not. 2 no special treatment for anyone, we still have to go to school and treat people with respect. and 3, have fun!" He laughed, jumping onto his bed.

"We should get some sleep." Sarah whispered, still a little shy around us.

"I agree." I smiled at her and grabbed my toiletries to get ready for bed. "We have to get up in like six hours, might as well try and get some sleep."

"Girls change in the bathroom, we'll change out here." Frank said, already taking his shirt off. He also had seriously chiseled abs. This was going to take some getting used to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sarah (maggie)

Frank (randall)

And just so you guys know

Blair (character a secret(: )