This Would Happen to Me

You Might As Well Be Walking On The Sun.

"Wake up!" Taylor shook the edge of the bed, causing both Sarah and I to jump, ending with me on the floor. "We need to get to the terminal in half an hour!" His normally calm composure was a little frazzled, obviously he had expected to wake up with the alarm and not two hours later.

"Calm down Taylor." I mumbled, yanking a pair of sweats over my shorts that I wore to bed. "We don't have to be glamorous for the plane do we?" I sighed, pulling a tank, jeans, and a flannel out of the side of my bag along with my toiletries.

"No, but hurry up. Sarah go in with her, so we can all get changed and go." Taylor ushered us to the bathroom. I felt even worse for Sarah. She was alone without her parents (they were flying out later in the month) with a bunch of teenagers who weren't too responsible. I shut the door behind us, just catching a glance at Taylor's sexy chest and hipbones.

"Sorry about that." I sighed, pulling my now only blond hair up into a messy bun and changing into my other clothes. "He's just a little stressed. I'm sure once we get to the shoot there will be more people your age you can hang out with."

"I'm not that young Blair." She huffed, her feathers obviously ruffled.

"Sorry." I mumbled again through toothpaste. "Let's go."


"Finally. Hey-zues." I breathed as I plopped myself down onto the comfy first class seat that was next to Taylor's. On our way to the landing to get on the plane picture upon picture was taken of the four of us. Our arrival in Forks Washington was sure to be a big one, if people in the Buffalo airport already knew who we were.

"That was nothing. Welcome to fame babe." He smiled, kissing me for the first time that day. We weren't the kind of public display of affection people, and we sure didn't want the media messing what we had up.

"Soooooo...." I sang, looking at him expectantly. "Tell me?"

"Tell you what?" He smiled mischievously.

"What part did I get?!" I cried, I couldn't wait any longer.

"Who says you got a part? Maybe I just wanted you by my side." He laughed, kissing my horrified expression. "I'm just kidding love."

"Better be." I huffed, pouting. "Tell me pleeeeeeease."

"Fine. But only because you're too cute when you pout like that." I dodged a kiss and looked at him pointedly. "You got the part of Kate. From the Denali coven. You know about her right?"

"Kate's special ability is the production of an electric current over her skin that can shock and incapacitate attackers. She assists Bella in learning to use her new ability to mentally shield those around her. And she becomes Garrett's mate, a tall, rangy vampire with ruby eyes and long sandy hair, who is an adventurer, and alludes to being an American Patriot." I listed off, I had reread all the books the second Taylor's auditions were announced.

"Yeah yeah yeah." He groaned.

"What?" I laughed, "Jealous are you? It's not like we have some huge sex scene or something."

"Thank God you don't!" He shouted, causing me and the other first class passengers to jump. "I just don't like that you'll have to be spending most your time on set with him with his charm and fame and blah blah blah."

"Who's playing Garrett Taylor, I'm sure it's no-one special. Besides, you're famous, and charming, and will be spending all your time fawning over Kristen." I stuck my tongue out. "Just tell me who's playing Garrett."

"I'm supposed to keep the rest of the actors a surprise." He stated bluntly, his mood still offset.

"Whatever." I signed, giving in, I closed my eyes and let myself sleep for the rest of the ride.


The second we were off the plane cameras started going off left and right. The weather outside was just like the books described, dreary and raining. "Well this is pleasant." I groaned, smiling faintly at the cameras as I followed Taylor, Frank and Sarah at tow in my wake.

"Look!" Sarah squealed, pointing towards another crowd of cameras and people, surrounding another incoming flight. "Who's that?!"

"Other actors for the shoot." Taylor glared in the direction of the crowd, rolling his eyes as a tall blond male stepped out of the mass of people.

"GOD!" Sarah screamed, jumping up and down squeezing my hand til it was numb. He walked towards our group as other actors and actresses followed in his wake.

"Blair, Sarah, Frank." Taylor said curtly, forcing a smile. "Meet Tom Felton." He groaned a little as both Sarah and I took an involuntary step forward.

"Hello." I said, extending my hand.

"Hello." He smiled a dazzling smile, bringing my hand to his lips. "I hear you're to be the Kate to my Garrett." He winked then as my jaw dropped with a pop.

"Blair," Taylor called, grabbing my elbow roughly, "we have to catch the limo." I nodded, dazed, as I grinned ridiculously at the gorgeous, super star in front of me. I agitatedly complied as Taylor put an embarrassing arm around my shoulders and steered me away.

"See you soon." He laughed, smiling once again.

"Uhhuh." I giggled, earning another glare from Taylor, to which I kissed him on the shoulder, the blond lanky male's smile still plastered across my memory.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just love him. I'm sorry. I had to put him in here, and I figured I could make it work.
He was going to get the part of Riley, but didn't :( BUT!! Here's some eye candy <3,r:3,s:219&biw=1600&bih=705,r:33,s:219&biw=1600&bih=705,r:1,s:336&biw=1600&bih=705,r:5,s:336&biw=1600&bih=705