‹ Prequel: Dreaming of You
Status: Hiatus

Just a Dream

Chapter 4

“You gotta be kidding me.” Matt muttered, leaning his head against the wall.

“Yes, Matt. I’m kidding.” Alexis said, smiling. Matt turned to face her so fast he actually got dizzy.

“What?” he said, confused.

“I’m kidding Matt. There never were and there never will be a debate on whether or not I’m psychic.” Alexis said. “I was just trying to lighten you up. It’s nothing Matt, I’m just more observant than most people. I should have been a forensics scientist.”

“There’s absolutely nothing going on about this?” Tiffany asked to clarify it for herself. Alexis nodded, showing there was nothing to worry about.

“That doesn’t explain the dream,” Matt said suddenly.

“I’ve always had weird dreams Matty.” Alexis said, rolling her eyes. “How many people actually dream of a bunny rabbit in outer space wearing nothing but Batman boxers and smoking a cigar?”

“Batman boxers?” Tiffany asked, giggling.

“I’ll explain later.” Alexis said.

“I guess you have a point.” Matt said, sitting on the bed next to her legs. “I’m sorry I’m just stressed out by that fucking Tracy woman and everything, but it’s no longer in our hands.”

“What do you mean?” Alexis asked, looking at Tiffany and Jimmy.

“I went to the courts while everyone was in here. There’s officially a complaint on her, and there’s actually been several more, each one by couples living together. She would try her damnedest to break them up, but she only ended up hurting herself and it made their relationship grow that much strong.”

“So, what are they going to do?” Lexie asked, sitting up straighter.

“They’re going to call us into court, and we’ll just have to see what goes on from there.”

“Good, I hope she gets what she deserves.” Alexis said.

“What I think she deserves, or what you think she deserves?” Matt asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She just shrugged.

“Doesn’t matter, they’re probably very similar anyway.” she said.

“We’re going to go so you can get some rest.” Matt said. He stood up and kissed her on the head. “I love you.”

“Love you more,” Alexis said. “Take care of Tiff okay? You know she’ll do something…”

“That’s totally her?” Matt finished for her. She smiled and nodded, then laughed when she seen Tiffany throw her the bird.

“Very funny you two.” she muttered, walking from the room. Jimmy followed right behind her.

“Call me when you get home.” Alexis said.

“Will do.” Matt muttered, placing a kiss on her lips. Alexis snuggled into the bed, her eyes started to feel even heavier than they did just minutes ago. Matt watched her fall asleep, then walked out of the room to join Jimmy and Tiffany.

“She’s asleep.” He said, walking towards the elevators. They went to the ground floor and walked outside, getting met by the sight of Brian, Zack, Johnny, and Ryan standing outside.

“Look Matt,” Ryan said when he seen Matt. Matt held up his hand.

“Don’t, I’m sorry. I’m just so fucking stressed right now, I shouldn’t of yelled at you like that.”

“I know your stressed over Alexis, and believe me I am too. It’s just she’s your fiancée and everything and I should have been more supportive.” Ryan said, staring at the ground. Matt slapped Ryan’s back and shook his shoulders.

“It’s fine man.” Matt said. “We’re heading back to the apartment. You going?”

“Sure,” Ryan said. “Mom and Dad took Brandon home with them, so I have nothing else to do.”

“So, is everything set up?” Brian asked as they walked toward the parking garage.

“Yep, now we just wait for them to call us.” Matt replied, pulling out his keys.

“How did you know about the other complaints?” Jimmy asked. “She didn’t tell us out loud.”

“I seen it on her computer.” Matt muttered his answer. “She wasn’t to swift with keeping things hidden. The woman was arrested dozens of times for numerous things.”

“And they let her be a land lady?” Zack asked, shaking his head. Matt nodded as they walked up to the elevator.

“I’ll you what though,” he said, jiggling his keys while they waited for the elevator. “She needs to be institutionalized or something.”

“Seriously,” Johnny muttered. He had his arm around Tiffany’s shoulders.

“Uhm, is there something going on here that I’m not aware of?” Matt asked, just as the elevator doors opened.

“Maybe.” Tiffany said, smirking as she leaned against Johnny to give everyone more room in the cramped space. Matt just smiled and shook his head.

“You know I don’t give a damn, just know if that ends badly, your both gonna get it.” he said, pointing to the both of them.

“What, you’ll yell at your twin sister if he hurts me?” Tiffany asked.

“If he hurts you, no.” Matt replied as the elevator doors opened. “But if you hurt him, then yes I will.” Tiffany pouted, but remained silent. They walked toward the two cars when tires squealing had them turning around. A dark car was racing toward them. When everyone jumped out of the way, the car turned sharply, and angled itself toward Matt.

“Matt!” Tiffany screamed just as he dove behind another car in just the nick of time. The car reversed, but not fast enough for Jimmy to get the make and the license plate number. He entered it into the notepad on his cell phone, and ran toward Matt with the others.

“Oh my gosh, Matt are you okay?” Tiffany asked, nearly hysterical.

“I’m fine,” Matt assured her, wrapping his arms around her. He glanced around, but the car was gone.

“I got the info.” Jimmy informed him.

“What was the car?” Matt asked.

“Honda Civic, newer model.” Jimmy said, looking it up on his phone. He passed it to Matt, who stared at the number.

“Tracy.” he muttered, looking up everyone. “That was Tracy in the car.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Tracy's a little psycho isn't she?
more coming soon!!