Skittles, Friends and a Little Thing Called Love


Sian's PoV

After ten minutes of a fairly peaceful silence, with the sounds of the birds and water surrounding us. Frank and Gerard were blissfully unaware of the mounting tension between Mikey and I.

“We should get going,” Gerard said softly, “School will finish in half an hour, and we should get home.”

I nodded, sliding off his lap and holding out my hand to help him stand up.

Mikey and Frank stood up at the same time. Mikey looked at me, and I looked away, to Gerard.

“Right... Well, I guess I’ll see you at home, Gee?” Mikey said cautiously.

Gerard nodded, and Frank waved goodbye to the two of us as we went separate ways.

As soon as we started walking, my pocket vibrated as my phone received a text message.

Please remember what I told you xox

I frowned. Of course I remembered... That didn’t mean I was going to take any notice though!

I turned off the phone without replying, and slipped it back into my pocket.

“What was that?” Gerard asked, swinging our hands slightly.

“Nothing,” I replied, smiling.

Gerard’s smile slipped. “Well of course it wasn’t fucking nothing! It was obviously something! Jeez, why do you have to lie to me like this? he yelled, as he let go of my hand roughly and stormed ahead.

I stopped in my tracks, staring as he walked ahead of me, rubbing his temples.

A woman on the pavement near us cocked her head to the side, mouthing ‘you okay?
I nodded at her, and ran to catch up with Gerard.

“Gee?” I said softly, putting my hand on his shoulder carefully.

Suddenly, he span round, grabbing my wrist, breathing hard. His eyes were wide, and darting from side to side, as if seeing something that I couldn’t.

“Gerard? What’s wrong?” I asked, trembling slightly, confused as I tried to wriggle free of his grasp.

In a split second he relaxed, his face softening into a bright smile as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

“Nothing, I’m fine. Aren’t you? Wow, what a great day this has been! What are we waiting for? Haven’t got all day! I want to show you this great little café...”

I frowned in confusion, nodding at him as we started walking together once again.

What the hell just happened?
♠ ♠ ♠
'ello =)
I know, I know, this update is pathetically short.. But I'll update again before I go on holiday, and then again when I get back, and then I'll somehow manage to get you an update while I'm away again... Blame the father for making me go places! xD
