Face the Dark

In The Night

Age doesn't matter when you're dreaming. Nothing in reality matters. Dreams are a world unto themselves. Maybe that's why some dreams stick with us. No matter how illogical or convoluted that they become in our mind. Now this is starting to become a treatise on philosophies of the mind so we can skip past that. The only thing to remember is that age doesn’t matter. And no matter what anyone says, you can’t control your dreams. Not consciously. There are different parts of the mind. Those are the parts that take possession when we sleep. There is no other way to explain what goes on. Because without these explanations, we become lost in something else that cannot be because it defies everything about a person’s nature and personality.

I didn’t know how I go there or why I was. All I knew was that I was there and I was not alone. It wasn’t a lurking presence. It was very clear to me because there were a few other girls my own age. We all stood huddled together waiting. We wore matching white nightgowns and stood barefoot in the hallway. It was dark. Nothing in the hall mattered except for the bend that was just beyond us. There was what we were waiting anxiously for. I knew that I didn’t want to go there. None of us did. Not that it really mattered. We couldn’t escape. I didn’t know why. I just knew that it would be futile to try and run. So I stayed with the others. We all did just waiting for the moment to come. Then we heard his voice. I can’t remember it. It’s like the sound of your thoughts in your head. You know that they have a distinct tone, but you can never remember what it is or describe them.

He was calling me. I don’t remember how I felt. It didn’t seem important. The only thing that I could do was to go forward, separating myself from the other girls. Rounding the bend in the hall, I saw what we were all dreading. He was our captor. He sat behind a desk just waiting, certain in his power and superiority. I came before him, standing on the ornate rug that resided in the middle of the room. My hands were clasped, waiting. I knew this man. He had taken me. He had abducted me and those other girls. I was terrified of him and what he could do. “Will you stay with me?” It was an odd question. I didn’t understand why he asked it. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to ask either. So I did the only thing that I could. I answered.


He dismissed me and I scurried back to join the other girls. I never looked back. I didn’t examine my motives for what I had just done or why. I was alive. That was the only thing that mattered. It was a relief, a weight off my chest to know that I could live at least a little while longer. The next girl called in…I never knew her name. I can’t even really remember her face anymore. Not the color of her hair nor what her eyes were the color of. She was just another face. Someone else I was certain would say yes. We all crowded towards the corner, not daring to peek around it or allow ourselves to be seen. I could imagine her though. She would be standing tall and proud ready to face down our captor when we could not. He asked her the question. We held our breath not wanting to miss her answer. It wasn’t what we expected through. “No,” she told him.

The sound of the gun going off remains with me to this day.