Status: Re-writting because i hate it!

An Eternal Fallen

Chapter 1

I tend to keep to myself for the first week no one bothers I don't bother anyone, but my peers don't take this as a peace offering but a challenge to break me down humiliate me or try to get me to join there shallow clique, when I refuse I know I have started a war, but I like a challenge as well as the next 'problem child'. I made the horrible mistake of joining the popular crowd my freshman year 1st high school to attend, also the only one I lasted more than 3 months. Ashley I believe was her name, we were good friends for a while until she couldn't stand that there were two of us giving orders, I don't take orders too well it's not in my good qualities list. Of course she got annoyed started turning people on me, mocking me, trying to make my life miserable too bad for her she didn't know the extent of my dark side. I ruined her reputation, her looks, her grades, and made sure she would get kicked off the cheer leading squad all before New Years. I kicked her attention starved friends to the curb, who betrayed her quicker than they could process a thought. I got kicked out two months later for starting a fight with the football team, I will admit that I started the fight, but only after the quarter back reached for my boobs, I gave him a black eye, and a broken arm. Since then I have learned to pick my fights and where to have them take place.

I sit alone at the lunch table picking at my mashed potatoes, evidently gray, means healthy.
i feel a trace of hatred run through me. I put my 'spork' down and search the crowd for it's supplier, I looked up and see her glaring at me.
“She thinks she's so much better than us, sits alone doesn't talk to anyone, nothing but a freak, good thing no one notices how pretty she is, always hiding behind books, FREAK, if anyone so much as notices her I'm out of the table” she thought from her lunch table. i have no time for her paranoia, the bell rings I throw away my tray and walk to class.

I cut all her pretty blond hair and I'd do it again if I had the chance, good times. Stacy had a point to be paranoid but she had it coming, no one pushes me around and gets away with it. i taped her ponytail on her locker and wrote a note for her, something along the lines of: i own the table now, and your definitely out sunshine. Under different circumstances I would have let everyone know it was me but seeing as how I only have one strike left,( and I cannot get expelled from another school it would kill my parents) I must remain in the shadows. Go about the day like I have no idea of what everyone is whispering about.

I believe it's my 2nd month here at good ol' Honeywell high, maybe i can make it past the three month marker. Not! I have few friends mostly a bunch of burn outs, decent people I think. My best friend Sammy, peter, and Charlie attend a different school somewhere in Seattle, Washington, i miss the so much haven't seen or talked to them in 5 long years. Six schools in four years, referred to as a 'problem child'. I've been booted out like a disease from every school I've stepped foot in. I can't help it, I'm a target for the popular girls and boys to prey on. Sure I've heard of the new kid getting picked on for a couple of days and then finally settling down to a clique that accepts them, but man these last four years sure have been hell, no one seems to want me, except the burn outs who are too high to really care, and my 'besties' who are in a different state. Who also forgot about me because i haven't heard from them in more than 3 years.

I accepted being an outcast in elementary when girls excluded me boys picked on me and teachers yelled at me. I called Amanda from 1st grade a cheating monkey's ass she cheated! And the boys I'll never truly understand such a poorly evolved specimen of apes, picking on me because they liked me, how weird that they learn foreplay at such a young age. I understand why I was yelled at in the 2nd grade, but I cant help it if I have to pee, I had to kick her so she could finally see it my way, I mean honestly the brutality of not letting a kid use the restroom, should have snatched her wig too and flushed it down the toilet, my bladder could have exploded!

I've had annoying 'powers' since I was seven, I don't remember when I got them, one day I woke up and next thing I know I can hear thoughts and feel peoples emotions. I try to stay away from the rest of the dancers as they kick high and twirl, some are bored, others mad, confused, sad, happy, tired. At first it was exhausting knowing everything and feeling what others around me were going through, I've learned to put up a shield that allows me a bit of privacy, but I still hear faint whispers of their thoughts.

“Innocence, will you please help these girls their having trouble with the turn outs” I walk to them and show them how to do it with out touching them. Madame Jazleen goes to pat me on the back for a good job but I run to another person struggling and avoid her touch. She smiles and nods. I don't always pick up physical pain when someone touches me,sometimes I get a glimpse of their future, or a glimpse of their past, there are no secrets that I don't know of, I know all the gossip, whose going out with who, whose secretly gay, what teachers are perverts, which ones are corrupted by Stacy and her minions, I know all the whispers that flow through the halls, and I have to say it's not so bad knowing things.

A few weeks have passed since Stacy's new haircut, of course she knows it's me. She fears me, I feel it . i have to admit that i get pleasure watching her squirm under my gaze. I don't put on a tough act, I am who I am, approach me nicely and you will receive the same mannerism, I am nice to those who seek it, but I do not stand around like an imbecile while people try to walk over me. My best friend Charlie, knows that. In a way it's good i moved away he would have been corrupted by me, he's easily persuaded to do whatever others tell him, that's how we came to be friends. In the 3rd grade he was a new student, Amanda that monkey's ass hogged him because she always brought an extra Twinkie I thought he was as mean as her, but one day when Amanda didn't come to school I talked to him, he was really nice and smart. I told him he was my friend now and couldn't talk to Amanda anymore, When Amanda showed up the next day, she expected to get a Twinkie for lunch, instead Charlie gave me the Twinkie which I gave to Sammy, and peter,( red head that picked her scabs, and a hilarious half Korean boy) because i hate Twinkies. i moved in the beginning of 8th grade, I think it had something to do with pulling the fire alarms all over the school, that I am truly sorry about, that prank took my only friends away. We lost contact after that school relocation, I still think of them as my best friends because he was they were only people I could confide in.

I can only take so much, I must kick them off the throne, I'm not looking to wear the crown, simply stir the kingdom up a bit, show the village people that they are the majority. I know I will get kicked out for sure for the stunt I am about to pull, but what can I say it's all a matter of time before I get kicked out anyway. It has nothing to do with my grades I am a 3.9 average student. I'm not stupid, I just make stupid decisions. and here i thought i would make it for more than three months maybe i really am stupid.

I blend in with the rest of the students wearing the stupid bee sweatshirt, I watch as the stupid mascot wags its stinger at the crowd. I sit on the edge second row of the bleachers, in the auditorium. The whole school cheers on the slutty dance the cheerleaders perform. I sit patiently for my cue, I have been preparing this since the day I found out about the corruption in this school, teachers bribed for better grades, affairs involving students and teachers, the principal bought of by sexual favors, it's all so scandalous, there's no better way to go down.

The superintendent front and center, better make this quick before he leaves. The A.V. Students roll in the huge screen, I walk to the podium a lot of boos emerge from the crowd. I nod to Scott, a sophomore I payed 20 bucks to play the DVD for 10 minutes. You see most of these 'scandals' have been going on, on school campus. They forget that there are cameras everywhere, no matter if they think there turned off they are still recording thanks to a friend of mine, who rigged the them. I fake a frown as the crowd keeps booing. This is going to be fun.

“oh come now! Fellow students of mine a bit more respect for the person that holds your future in her hands” the brutes only boo louder, and it's mostly the popular crowd that goes on, I smile, how nice they know I'm a threat. They have no idea.
“i would like to share a little something I have put together just for you” I wink and smile towards Stacy and her friends, she looks terrified, good.
“now when you see this I hope you will see how much love I put into it, it took me but an hour to burn it into a DVD so all can see what great students and awesome staff we have” I smiled convincingly to the superintendent his round face oily, with red cheeks all smiles at my school spirit. The lights dim and I press play, to the projector at the top of the auditorium, I made sure to lock the door and keys inside the room so no one could stop my little production.

On the screen the history teacher and a few jocks appear in black and white, they hand him a wad of money he grades their tests putting a big fat A on all of their papers. Silence throughout the benches, I look over to the history teacher, who gave me a hard time for months, and wink, he looks like he's about to burst in tears. But no one says anything. The next clips appear simultaneously all of them showing teachers having sex with a student in plain sight during lunch, after school, and before school. Gasps and giggles escape the crowd, a few cheers.
The principal finally reacts, he yells at me to stop but I break the control before he gets to me. His whole face turns red when he sees hes on screen, at first he looks innocent, sitting at his desk reading through a few papers. Then he's disrupted by a two girls walking in he smiles at them an beckons them to sit, they sit and talk. There's no audio, but form what happens next I'm sure everyone understand that they came to an arrangement. He walks around them locks the door pulls the blinds down and pulls his pants down he sits on his desk, dick completely exposed while the girls take off their clothes and kneel down and begin to suck. The whole auditorium gasps I see them take out their camera's and record.

The principal is running up the steps to the room that the projector sits in revealing the schools dirty little secrets. The girls get dressed and rush out as a jock walks in he smiles at the principal their lips move but nothing can be heard, he slowly kisses the principal and pushes him down slowly to his cock, the principal on his knees slowly unbuttons the jocks pants and sucks. Then they do it and my production is almost over, a short clip of the cafeteria pops on screen, the cafeteria ladies spitting in the food and one of the janitors peeing in the soup. The lights turn on abruptly, the A.V. Students roll the screen away. I turn to my audience.

“i hope you all enjoyed it, I certainly did” I laugh as the crowd stare at me, with what could be praise or fear. The superintendent is on the phone, he is shouting to someone on the phone. Security's pour in through the doors they grab the teachers, chase after the principal and cheer erupts from the bleachers. I bow and walk out of the mass of madness.

My parents are not amused at all by what I have caused. Not only did I ruin the school's reputation but also my own. They forget that my reputation has proceeded me since the 3rd grade, I will not apologize.
I am famous, for exposing them, I walk out to throw away the trash. Reporters buzz around me asking me questions, I hear one ask if I will apologize for exposing them so brutally. I turn around to see a lady with too much blush and blue eyeshadow repeat the question, I smile and she looks scared.
“now why would I do that?” I ask her stepping forward, she steps back in fear.
“you have ruined their lives, by exposing private information” she states trying to step forward but I don't back down, instead I take another step, she cowers under my eyes, even if she is taller than me she doesn't have any backbone.
“i will apologize for not coming out with the truth sooner, but I will not apologize for their choices, after all they were stupid enough to get caught it's not my fault the teachers and the principal were too involved in their 'affairs' to notice that they were the stars of a racy video” I smile and wink at her before slamming the door in her face.

I was kicked out of the California school district. I am being sent to Seattle, Washington to stay with my Aunt until I graduate. I will attend a public school. I've never been to a public school before they have always been private schools. Awesome something new to look forward to maybe I can start fresh, maybe my reputation will stay here in California, yeah and maybe the tooth fairy really exists. If there's dirt to be covered anyone who digs deep enough will discover it. It's only a year after all I'm sure I can handle it, besides my birthday will be coming up soon. one super good thing comes out of this i get to see Charlie, Sammy, and Peter. Hopefully.
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I had to do it i hated the other one it sounded so childish to me so here is the improved one...I hope. I don't know what I'm doing! maybe this is good maybe it will lead to something awesome...maybe I'm too optimistic.