Status: Re-writting because i hate it!

An Eternal Fallen

Chapter 3

I see Charlie walk in with Peter and Sammy, girls sigh and giggle as they walk past them, guys gawk at Sammy's beauty, she seems bored and I cant help but to think of the little girl that used to pick at her scabs. they sit down saying hi. I have never sat with anyone before, during lunch that is. I usually avoid people who sit next to me.
"why are all three of you here?" i ask remembering that they all moved to different places, at the same time.
"that's what here to tell you" Sammy said opening her chocolate milk.
I pick up a carrot and say,
"whats up doc?"
“your not human” Peter said after a long silence. I laughed.
"listen i don't believe in super powers, you guys didn't convince me when i was a little kid you wont convince me now" I said, I never told them about my 'powers'. i remember that conversation, we were in Charlie's tree house reading comic books, when he said i was something like superman. I laughed my ass off until my tummy hurt. He said I was an angel and demon, the nerve of the kid he was hitting on me! Then he asked me did it hurt when you fell from 'home' i punched him and told him I didn't like him like that. he cried, I laughed, Sammy and Peter insisted it was the truth.
"but it's true heaven!" my old nickname it never suited me, but they said it was perfect for me.
"remember how i punched you last time you said that?" I asked Charlie, he nodded nervously.
"lets not have a repeat of that i don't want to make you cry on my first day here" he rolled his eyes and smiled. "I'm not scared of you heaven, why would I lie to you?"
"you must have hit your head really hard when you were injured, loony bin must have run out of room and sent you to a hospital for lack of better judgment" I said waving my carrot in his face, towering over him as he sits in his chair with an amused face.
"you are so stubborn! you donkeys ass, i am telling you the truth swear on a Twinkie!" he never swears on a Twinkie unless he's dead serious, as shocking as it is. I sit down and nod for him to keep talking.
"your half angel, half demon, what we call an eternal, we came to get you so you can reign over hell and heaven” Charlie said. i am confused, and I'm sure they can tell.
“you explained it all wrong you moron!” peter shouted.
“your mom was a demon and your dad was an angel they fell in love and conceived you, you are the treaty between heaven and hell so long as you live and reign then there will be peace and war will stop, you are half demon and half angel you will be queen”
“they were? Their not ...alive anymore?” I spit out. I always knew I was adopted, my parents have brown hair and brown eyes, I don't have any of their traits.
“no I'm sorry they were punished and sent to be humans” Charlie said shaking his head.
“being a human is a punishment?”
“that's what all the humans are fallen angels or demons”
“weird punishment” I muttered.
“more like cruel” Sammy whispered.
“wait did you say reign?” if I can read minds and feel what everyone around me is feeling then I can believe in angels and demons.
they nodded and filled me in on how my parents don't remember being angels or demons, my powers, and something they are trying to explain but keep fighting over who wants to tell me.
"jeez! toss a freaking coin already!" Sammy shouted, she lost.
"you have to get married to Hayden, he's a prince" i looked over to where he stood laughing with a bunch of girls surrounding him. My jaw dropped.
“but I don't love him, I don't love anyone and I have a boyfriend” I lie.
“you do not have a boyfriend,” Sammy shouts, making people turn their head to where we sit.
“and you don't have to love him, all you have to do is get married” peter says shoving a spoonful of chocolate pudding in his mouth.
“but you said that we have to get along, coexist, he doesn't even like me!” I shout.
“no, that's not true he's just hard to get close to” Charlie says. I turn his head to where my 'fiancee' is his tongue down a cheerleaders mouth.
“well, he's a prince after all whatever he wants he gets” Peter says with a smirk.
“just because he's royalty it doesn't entitle him to go around walking all over people and kissing random whores” I say drinking my iced tea. I look over to where he has his hands all over the cheerleaders,
“oh, no one can know he's a prince” Charlie whispers.
"Hayden is a Prince?!" i shout to make sure every girl around him hears. they go crazy asking him if he's really a prince. he doesn't deny it, he can't his cockiness wont allow it, and that makes the girls scream louder. he glares at me from across the room i smile and wink.
"was that really necessary?" Charlie says eating one of my carrots.
"oh you have no idea of what I'm capable of" i say as i slap his hand away before he eats them all.
"actually we do, we are your guardians. We've been watching you, I have to say that last scheme that got you kicked out of Honeywell, was genius, you truly are half demon"
"hm, it sure does explain a lot" I say. Just as i say it the blonde carrot walks over and tries to flirt with Charlie, he hugs Sammy and kisses her on the cheek, when she fails to get his attention she moves on to Peter, who pretends he doesn't know English, he says gibberish to her. she stands there feeling stupid before she turns to me.
"what are you the bride of Frankenstein?" as she says that her boyfriend, (saw them holding hands earlier) stands behind her annoyed. he looks at me and smiles, this is too easy! i smile at him, he's cute in a shy jock way. i could have him by the end of the day, and watch her whole reputation deteriorate in my hands, but i don't want to use him. i turn my gaze back to the carrot skin girl, she doesn't let down, i smile and walk away, the shy jock following after me.
"hey, don't worry about her she's just a bit cranky because her tan didn't come out orange enough" he shouts as he reaches for my hand I turn and snatch it away before he can grab it, i don't want his thoughts in mine.

"oh sorry, uh, my name is Avery" there in his eyes i see lust,the shyness completely gone, too bad i really though he could be a friend, i have to use him now, he's only a pawn in the game that has begun. I smile at him and lick my lips. He goes crazy, his dirty thoughts flow through me only egging me on.
"I'm innocence, nice to meet you" I say extending my hand for a shake, with a heavy shield, he takes the bait. Images flow through me girls breasts lips on bare skin, moaning drunk ecstasy flows through me. I take a few steps towards him he steps back and he's up against the wall, he's taller than me i look up into his eyes they are swimming in desire. he leans in close to my face, an inch standing between our lips. I whisper his name, i feel his breathing accelerate, my body leans on his i don't kiss him instead i play with his neck and nibble under his chin. He moans, i feel something poking my thigh, not quite hard enough. i kiss up to his ear and moan his name.
"yeah?" he says panting, he probably thinks I'm going to rip my clothes off and have my way with him on one of the lunch tables. I can hear people behind me talking whispering, but one stands out in particular, a screech. I back away from him and look down, there it is in plain sight popping out of his jeans. His eyes are still closed.
"you slut what are you doing that's my boyfriend!" she screams. 'That'. Just as i thought an object to her, a fad. She doesn't want to share how mean, and here I thought we were getting along just fine.
"could the bride of Frankenstein do that?" i point to his boner. She screams, his eyes fly open and he covers his display of affection for me. I laugh and walk out of the cafeteria.

She is pure evil, i must say i underestimated her, she caused and erection and ruined a relationship, all under ten minutes. Girls followed me all day, knowing that I am a prince, they think they have a shot, but my maids look better than these hideous creatures. If I'm going to be here I expect toys and these shallow girls will have to do. We have at least a month to be here, I'm sure she knows everything about the marriage etc. She will obey me when I tell her never to do that ever again.


I walk in late again for the first class, I woke up late due to talking to Charlie until 2 in the morning. We caught up, he told me the truth, he didn't have parents, he had to guard me from a distance just like Peter and Sammy did too. he told me that over the years demons and angels have been looking for me to try and kill me, that's how he got injured in a battle. he also told me that he loves Sammy and Peter has a girlfriend that works for Hayden.

me-what's it like?
him-what's what like?
me-home, i guess is it like heaven or hell or like earth? whats it look like?
him-it's beautiful you designed it, waterfalls forest oceans desserts, flying ponies, it's everything you saw from your lake down to earth you wante all the beauty of the world at the tip of your fingers.
me-i don't remember designing it...i thought it was Hayden's kingdom.
him-technically it is but you basically made everything that surrounds it, protects it.
me-Charlie why cant i remember any of it?
him-give it time heaven it'll come back to you, even then you couldn't stand Hayden.
me-I wonder why?

I sit next to Hayden, he writes something and tears the piece off and hands it to me. I open the paper and stare at it.
We need to talk. Is written in bold letters. I write back.
Meet me in the cafeteria at lunch.
already have a feeling it has to do with the whole marriage thing. I don't want to get married at 18! it's not fair I want to date guys that actually like me. He nods and goes back to his work, goody too shoes.

The bell lets us out for lunch but I have other plans. I walk to the cafeteria and there he is standing in his perfect posture waiting for me. I walk towards him but he isn't scared of me he doesn't shrink in fear like others, i have no power over him, I have underestimated him.
"lets go" I say as I walk away again, he follows me.
"where are we going?" he asks keeping up with me.
"my locker" I say.
"for what?"
"i have to get something that is essential for what we're about to do" say reaching my locker and turning the knob to the combination.
"what are we going to do?" he says confused.
"you'll see"
I grab a bottle with white liquid in it. I shove it into his backpack and shut my locker.
"c'mon we only have 2 minutes" I say pulling him by the sleeve of his jacket. If there's one thing that teachers cant turn down, it's coffee. I'm only ridding them of their vice, they will never want coffee after I'm done with them. It's a amateur but it'll be fun, besides I'm only warming up.
I pick the lock of the teachers lounge, no one in sight perfect. I open the fridge pour out all the coffee creamers and replace it with the white liquid in the bottle. when its all in I put it back in and grab the coffee beans i dump them all down the sink.
"in my bag there's a jar give me it" I say to Hayden he hands it to me not sweating the time limit.
I pour in coffee bean laxatives I bought at the market place in the morning, I put the can back in the cupboard, i wont expect any results until tomorrow, there's a fresh pot. times up we have to go. The doorknob begins to twist I pull Hayden behind it as it swings open. They don't notice us we sneak past them as their backs are turned to us. We walk back to the cafeteria in silence and sit on empty table, he looks up at me, i cant read his face, poker face.
"what did you want to talk about?" I say opening my iced tea.
"you have to come with me, to my castle"
"what for? i haven't even finished school yet" I say, his face shows no emotion, just beauty. Girls he made out with the day before, glare at me.
"we have to get married as soon as possible"
"so romantic, let me think hm" i put my finger to my chin, in a pensive state, "no!"
"well its not for you to decide you are coming with me whether you like it or not" he says.
“listen I don't know who you think you are but I don't take orders well, so you better start asking instead of demanding or else you wont get anything from me” I say through clenched teeth.
“i don't ask, everything that is in my reach belongs to me, so I don't want to see you causing trouble or tempting that boy” he says calmly, and walks away. I feel like my head will explode with peoples thoughts flowing through me, I put my shield up and it goes completely quiet. My own emotions must have turned them away.
"hey innocence" he says same lust in his eyes. i relax don't want to bite my pawns head off.
"hello Avery, whats up?" I say fixing my face into a teasing one. Behind him i see Hayden glare at me. He may not like me at all but he doesn't like to share what he is promised. Just like the orange girl, I am an object to him. No body owns me. I lean across the table, making sure my cleavage is in view of Avery and Hayden.
"Avery, do you know anything about math?" I ask in a flirty voice. he leans closer again our lips separated by and inch.
"yeah a bit, do you need help with something?" he asks breathless.
"yeah, cant how many kisses i give you" I say kissing down his neck. I kiss him 7 times. behind him Hayden is seething. I smile as I give Avery a hickey. He swallows hard as he says 6, the poor kid cant even count. He leans over to kiss my neck, but is pulled off of me with a scream. I look up innocently at Hayden towering over me. No expression on his face.
"whats the matter prince?"