Status: Short Story

Birthday Wishes


Richard Hartigan was lying on top of his bed, bored out of his mind. He had already played his Playstation 3 for two hours until he got stuck on a level, and decided that he needed a break. He had recently started to collect comics, but had read each of them at least twice. It was summer, and for a young boy like Richard, summer was a time of absolute lesuire.

But he was bored.

Suddenly, Richard had a good idea. He sprang up from his bed and walked over to his TV cabinet and opened the middle drawer. He searched through a mess of computer games and DVDs, until he found what he was looking for. He took it back to his bed and lay down with it.

It was a small blank book. It was white but for a few blots of colour, as if little bits of paint had beeen dropped onto it by accident. At the side was a little pocket in which Richard opened and withdrew the pen inside, and began to write.

'3rd July 2009 - Friday

My birthday is exactly one week away today! And I'm only beginning to write in this diary that I got for my birthday LAST year!

This is achually my first diary ever. Am I sposed to speak to you and call you diary? Okay, I think I might do that. So l'll introjuice myself.

My name is Richard and I'm nine and a half years old. I live in a house with my mum and my dad and my little sister and my dog. My dog's name is Spot, and he's a white boxer. Oh, and my sister's name is Lucy.

Well, that's all for now, I'll write in here again soon Diary. Sorry I haven't used you yet.

I can't wait for my birthday!!


Richard replaced the pen and placed the diary back in the drawer where he found it. He heard the front door downstairs open and close, and raced to the top of the staircase.


"Hey Ricky-boy!"

Richard laughed at the comment. His father had always called him "Ricky-boy", ever since he could remember.

"How's the game going?" Asked his father.

"I'm stuck on level four, can you help?"

Richard's father began to make his way up the stairs. "Stuck on level four!? I finished that one the fastest!"

Richard laughed. "No you didn't, you couldn't even beat Mario on the Nintendo!"

"Oh, couldn't I? Well that's funny, 'cause I found that all you have to do is..." He grabbed Richard, flung him over his shoulder and carried him into his bedroom, swinging him towards the bed. "Throw the mushrooms on the floor and JUMP ON THEM!" Richard laughed hard with pure delight as his father pretended to go to jump on top of him.

His father turned his attention to the games console, and switched it on. "Let me show you how the professionals do it."

Richard played the game with his father for the next thirty minutes, until his mother called them down for dinner. Richard raced his father down the stairs claiming whoever reached the bottom last was to do the dishes. Richard won, and made a face at his father.