Status: Short Story

Birthday Wishes


'12th July 2009 - Sunday.

Hi Diary, I thought I wood put up my birthday list of all the presents I've asked for:

Playstation games, Batman DVDs, Comics, and sweeties!

I only ever ask for small things. My mum and dad always have something big planned that I don't know about, so I'll leave that to them!

Dad achually helped me complete my new game yesterday! I was stuck on the last boss, and he took about ten (which is how old I'll be soon!) goes and he BEAT him! I need to try it myself now.

Anyway, I'll right again soon, bye!'


Anthony was walking back home from work. He usually drove, but today his wife needed the car. He wanted to get home quickly, so that Richard didn't need to be alone for long.

It was a bright, warm and sunny day, and the gorgeous street Anthony was walking along was quiet except for a few kids here and there out laying, and enjoying the sun. Some of them had miniature pools outside their houses, and they looked as though they were having a blast. Enjoying the few weeks they have before they have to go back to school, thought Anthony.

Outside one of the houses, was a mother and her daughter, and they had a dog with them. The girl, who looked to be in her early teens, was throwing a toy of some sort for the dog to go and fetch. Anthony smiled, for it reminded him of Spot.

On the road in the distance there was a car, which Anthony noticed was quite loud. It was a blue sports car with a couple of white stripes. Anthony rolled his eyes. Boy racer huh? It won't be that fun when you're caught by the police.

The car zoomed closer to Anthony, so close now that he could see that the teenager behind the wheel was driving the thing at a ridiculous speed. The mother and daughter on Anthony's side of the road kept hold of their dog as the car neared them. Suddenly however, the dog leaped out of their hands.

Anthony didn't know if it was a a cat, or some food, or another dog that caught the canine's attention, but the dog sped towards the road. The driver of the sports car spotted it, and hit the breaks, but for the speed he was driving at, it was too late. The car smashed into the dog with such a horrible sound. It was the thud the car sounded when it hit the dog coupled with the poor animal's yelp that sent a shiver down the spine of Anthony, who immediately rushed towards the scene of the incident.

"You idiot!" Shouted the mother. Her daughter had screamed, and now she was sobbing.

The driver looked shocked and scared. For a moment it looked to Anthony as though he was going to get out of the car, but he didn't.

He drove away instead.

"Hey!" Shouted Anthony. "Come back here! Stop!" But the driver didn't stop, he sped away even faster than he had arrived. "Oh my God..."

Anthony crouched beside the dog as the mother raced forwards, crying tears of her own. "Cassie! Oh, Cassie!"

"We need to get him to the vet right now" Said Anthony. "Do you have a car?"

"No ... I ... I can't drive"

Anthony whipped out his mobile phone. Do vets do ambulances? What happens in these situations? He dialed his wife's number and she answered.

"Hey baby, where are you?"

"I'm home early, but I'm in the bath.."


"What's the matter?"

"Nothing - Don't worry. I'll explain later, I need to come and get the car." He ended the call, and turned to the dog's owner. "Listen, wait here, and make sure Cassie is okay. I'm gonna run and get my car and I'll drive you to the vet."

The woman was astonished. "You - You'll do that?"

"Just wait here" Said Anthony, and ran forwards. He heard the woman shout thanks to her as he sped off as fast as he could towards his house. It was less than a ten minute walk from there but if he ran, he could get there soon.

Anthony rushed through the hot summer's sun, adrenaline pouring through him. It wasn't long before he reached the house, grabbed the spare key from under one of the ornaments on the coffee table, and started his car.


At the police station, Anthony explained everything to the chief, and even managed to recall the license plate of the car. Knocking down a dog wouldn't go against the driver too much, as the dog had thankfully survived, but speeding on top of that would definitely warrant a serious penalty.

Anthony found out that the woman's name was Susan, and she was hugely thankful for what he had done. When they parted she embraced him, and thanked him once more. A couple of weeks later, Anthony received a very nice letter from Susan telling him that Cassie was doing fine. He smiled at the letter, and a small tear filled his proud eye.


'27th July 2009 - Monday.

Dear Diary,

My dad is a hero...'