Status: Short Story

Birthday Wishes


The crowd of people moved closer to the incident that had just taken place on the busy road. Most were startled, and could not believe what had just happened. A few were absolutely horrified, hands over mouth, wide eyed, and glaring.

Through the smoke, the two vehicles could just be seen. The silver car, the one that had caused the accident, had gotten off fairly unscathed compared to the other one. Its bumper had been knocked clean off, and its back wheels had slumped to the ground, causing the body to take much damage.

This however, was nothing compared to what had happened to the blue car.

This car, containing the poor driver who had been a cautious and careful one, was flipped upside down. Three of it's wheels were missing. The windscreen was smashed, The side windows were cracked. The bonnet was smashed open, and it's contents were spewing out. The driver was not moving.

The driver of the silver car got out with a panicked and painful expression on his face. He was clutching his left arm, and limping. He staggered towards the blue car's driver as others simply looked on in shock. He didn't make it three steps before he fell to the floor and screamed out in pain and agony.

In the distance, blue lights flashed through the smoke.


'30th July 2009 - Thursday


My dad has been taken to hospital. Mum says he was in a car-crash. It wasn't his falt. I'm waiting in the house with my sister, and granny has come over to look after us.

Mum got a fone call from someone and she was really worryed. Granny came over really fast, and she's been really upset all night. Mum's not foned us yet, but it's bed time now, and I need to sleep, because it's the big day tomorrow... Dad says he has a big surprise.

Is he gonna be OK?

I want to cry.'