Status: alive and kicking

In the Mind of Madness

Taking A Gamble

“What were you thinking?!”

Kenna looked at the floor. “I as just trying to do my job, Dr. King.”

King ignored her, face a bit red with anger. “I put you on this case because I thought you were the most level-headed intern we’ve got here. I trusted you, Kenna. You put yourself in a huge amount of danger by letting The Joker out of his straight jacket.”

Kenna faced her angry boss again. “There were four guards outside, and he wasn’t armed. I felt secure in doing it.”

“He’s a criminal. Just because he looks harmless without the purple suit doesn’t mean he is. You have to use some common sense here, Kenna.”

“I know that, and I’m sorry for what I did.”

Her boss braced himself against his desk, deliberating. Kenna clasped her hands together, then hissed quietly in pain. She looked at her wrist and saw a light purple and brown bruise, almost in the shape of a hand. Kenna surreptitiously covered her injury with her sleeve and waited for Dr. King to speak again.

“Kenna, I want to keep you on the case. You’re the only person he’s ever responded to. But you have to be more careful from now on. Don’t put yourself in those kinds of situations.”

“Thank you, sir, but…I have to insist that you let The Joker be free of restraints next time I talk to him.”

Dr. King looked incredulous. “After what happened today?”

“Yes. He won’t talk unless I get him out of that jacket.” Kenna insisted, slipping her hand behind her back. It was beginning to throb.

Sitting down in his desk chair wearily, Alan King inspected Kenna’s face. She was obstinate, just like her father had always been. Maybe she was unmoving enough to get into The Joker’s head.

“This is taking a huge gamble, Kenna. I don’t want a repeat of today.”

Kenna held back a sigh. Dr. King took his promise to her father to protect her a little serious. She hadn’t been in any trouble. What was the worst The Joker could have done? Kenna thought of her aching wrist and decided nothing worse could have happened.

“There won’t be, sir. Thank you for trusting me.”

Dr. King chuckled tiredly as Kenna turned to leave his office. “Don’t make me regret it, kid.”
♠ ♠ ♠
edited: August 14, 2011