The Second Time Around

Were Is Everybody?

"Hey I couldn’t have been that horrible?"

Bo laughed out as they walked down the surprisingly empty corridor, towards mister hat's classroom

"Trust me it was!"

Vincent replied, stopping at the fountain. Bo smiled as the water blasted out and almost soaked Vincent from head to toe.

"Fucking Jesus Christ! That always happens!"

Vincent muttered to himself as he wiped the water from his face. Bo and Vincent walked into mister hat's-empty-classroom .

"Hey where is everyone?"

Bo asked Vincent as he walked over to the window. He noticed that mister hat's portfolio was beside his desk like it was every other day. Bo motioned to Vincent to follow him down the hall.

“Where are we going?"

Vincent whispered. Bo stopped and turned around to face him,

"Were going to find out were all the students and teaches are "
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Sorry For Taking So Long To Post Another Chapter :( Ill Have More Over The Christmas Season.