Status: This isn't my first arranged marriage story, but I like this one a little more. I'm half-way completed with it, so chapters for this story will be frequent.

Funny the Way It Is When You're Married


In my life, fear has always been replaced by nerves. Being afraid has never been on my list of growing up. Many things aren’t on that particular list.
But I get nervous quite easily; over odd things, too. The bigger picture affects me less than the small details. I get nervous, angry and confused over little things.
The joining side-effects are horrible. My stomach aches with the butterflies that swarm every inch of my body; and it’s not the good kind either.
The thought of having the same feeling when I am upset is unfathomable. I hear that one gets the swarming butterflies when you are in love, but I wouldn’t know.
Love is another item on my “not to do” list.
Let’s just say that my idea of falling in love with your prince charming has been spoiled from an early age.
So maybe the only fear I have now is of falling in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, very short. Yes, I know. Please tell me what you think though. Next chapter will be out soon, hopefully.