Status: This isn't my first arranged marriage story, but I like this one a little more. I'm half-way completed with it, so chapters for this story will be frequent.

Funny the Way It Is When You're Married

Chapter 2: Honeymoons are meant for sleep..

My over-sized luggage bag was lightly placed in the entrance of the private condo that Noah and I were supposed to live in, for our two week honeymoon.
Two men had driven us to this secluded area, and Noah was talking to them privately. I heard him mention his father but I stopped listening after that.
I then took it upon myself to give myself a little tour as I absentmindedly reread the message Kanylla sent me, for about the billionth time.
I’m in Hawaii!! Wow. My “dream” honeymoon… Sorry I didn’t call; not good reception. Love you. I’ll try to call soon. –Lela
I had replied to her message, but she didn’t text again. I hoped she did have her dream honeymoon, even if Mason wasn’t the man she would have had it with.
I sighed and put my mobile phone in my pocket.
Somehow, I had ended up in the master suite. There was a lovely white bed in the center of the room, the headboard resting against the wall. The comforter was plushy and the pillows were perfectly fluffy and soft.
In the bedroom, like the rest of the condo, there were full length windows reaching the wooden floors to the ceiling. The view consisted of nothing but the crystal clear water outside.
When Noah said secluded, he meant secluded.
Great, I almost groaned aloud, Noah could kill me and no one would know.
As peaceful as the thought of being surrounded by nothing but beautiful water and soft sand sounds, I was hoping it wouldn’t be tainted by our bickering.
Oh, and speak of the devil.
There was a noticeable difference when Noah stepped into the room. He was like the contrast against the cream colored walls. His dark elegance was obvious compared to the casualty of the room. He looked drastically out of place in his black slacks and matching coat. The only bright tone coming off of him was from the white shirt underneath his coat.
I would have laughed if a bigger problem hadn’t occurred to me.
“Wait, where are you sleeping?” I asked him when I noticed only the one bed; and there were no other bedrooms in the condo.
He nodded towards the white, fluffy heaven.
I frowned. “Then, where am I sleeping?”
Again, he nodded towards the bed.
Same bed?!
“Oh no, no, no…!”

Against my many protest but inability to back down and sleep on the couch, I now lay in the same bed as my husband.
This was officially our wedding night, and I guess I should simply be glad I don’t have to give up my virginity, just yet.
But that seemed like it wouldn’t happen any time soon.
We didn’t touch each other.
We didn’t speak.
We didn’t move.
Correction, Noah hardly moved. He was completely silent except for his even breathing. Opposite me... I huffed and puffed because I was hot and uncomfortable. Plus, I wasn’t used to sharing a bed with anyone, especially a man.
Talk about awkward…
The balcony doors were closed, to my dismay, until I finally couldn’t take them anymore and swung them open.
The cool breeze felt wonderful against my scorching skin, and I smiled to hear the waves and to see the shining moonlight.
“What are you doing?”
I jumped in the very spot and spun around. Noah was sitting up in his side of the bed, perched on one elbow, staring at me curiously.
His deep, soothing voice surprised me considering how harsh he sounded on the plane. Now he sounded calm, and serene.
Just as he learned I was impatient, I learned he was tempered. So I played the easy card when I replied to his question.
“It was too hot.”
He nodded in agreement but didn’t complain. I wondered how he wasn’t sweating bullets in his t-shirt. His movements made me snap my attention at him when he leaned back, his hands behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.
I was uncomfortable again.
The sight of him…he was, well…gorgeous!
I could see his biceps through his white shirt, and when I looked more carefully, I could see his rippled abs too. My vision traveled forward, and I stopped at his face. He had a strong jaw, I could see. His tousled brown hair fell almost perfectly on his eyes.
His eyes…
I hadn’t looked at his eyes. Probably worried to see what I’d find. Granted, I hadn’t really looked at him until right now.
So this is my husband...
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2. I thought it was slightly funny. I mean, not hilarious. Just ticklish.