Status: This isn't my first arranged marriage story, but I like this one a little more. I'm half-way completed with it, so chapters for this story will be frequent.

Funny the Way It Is When You're Married

Chapter 3: Make your husband angry.

The sound of waves crashing against the shore was the first thing audible in the morning. Then came the wind chimes smacking against each other due to the breeze.
This was all unfamiliar.
Although I grew up in California, next to the coast, with the familiar heat and the water and the sand, my bed was not this comfortable.
I felt disorientated, not knowing where I was; but the memories soon flooded back: the wedding, the flight, and the start of the honeymoon.
While rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hand, I sat up in the light, fluffy bed. With a quick glance around the bedroom, I could see I was alone.
Before I could move, a sudden breeze blew past me and my bare stomach was now cold, sending me into a fit of shivering.
Wait? Bare?!
My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I stared at my exposed middle. I was confused. I was still wearing the rest of my sleeping clothes, only my shirt was missing. I didn’t recall doing anything with Noah, except going straight to bed after I opened the balcony doors, so what the hell happened?
“You threw off your shirt while you were sleeping, mumbling not so lady-like things, might I add.”
I jumped at the voice and glared at Noah.
Must he always make me jump? I seethed to myself.
He smirked at my reaction as he leaned against the door frame.
“How do I know you’re not telling me a lie?” I asked suspiciously. By a surprisingly delayed reaction, I covered myself up with the bed sheet.
He held his smirk as he approached me. He was unbearably close when he spoke, his breath tickling my ear. “Now why would I lie to you?”
This new, husky, seductive voice made me shiver, and it wasn't from the cool breeze this time. I surprisingly craved to hear it again. I quickly composed myself, though, before he noticed how he turned me into silly putty.
But his laughter as he walked away let me know he did notice.
“Cocky asshole,” I muttered.
With a quick find of my night shirt, which was thrown across the room and laid flat on the floor, I scampered out of the suite.
I blushed. I didn’t doubt that Noah was right about me throwing my shirt off and mumbling incoherent things. That sounded like something I would do.
Screeching was heard in my stomach and I was finally aware of my hunger. I couldn’t deprive myself my usual bowl of fruit and egg-white omelet.
Kanylla thinks it’s quite odd that I, being the crazier twin, would be such a health nut. I ate my fruits, my vegetables and my protein everyday. She doesn’t really care what she eats as long as it’s good, and it’s a least a bit spicy.
As I raved the refrigerator and the cabinets, Noah sat at the glass table, watching me as I zigzagged through the kitchen.
“What?” I finally asked him.
I was paying too much attention to the fact that he was staring at me, that I almost sliced my finger open while I cut strawberries into pieces.
“You’re interesting to watch,” he smirked.
I snorted, “If that was supposed to be a compliment, nice try, but it was a failed attempt.”
We stayed silent, until he finally disturbed my peace.
“They’ve made dinner reservations for us tonight,” he said, as I ate my breakfast. I noticed he only had a cup of coffee in front of him, but didn't say anything about it as we began our minute conversation.
I placed my fork down and stared at him. “They?” I asked.
“Our parents,” he answered, “It’s their way of making sure we get to know each other.”
“Oh, so I’m guessing this unnecessary honeymoon wasn’t enough?” I asked sarcastically.
A glimpse of remorse shot through his features for a fraction of a second before it was masked with anger. I regretted opening my mouth when I heard his harsh tone.
He rose from his chair, and scoffed. “I will return in time to take you to this unnecessary dinner; but now that you’ve oh-so willingly decided to go, dress…nicely.”
Only now did I notice that he was wearing something similar to the day before.
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked quickly, following his movements as they headed towards the front door.
And with that acute word, he left me alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I know. Eliza is being quite a little torment, but it gets better after a while. Promise. Thanks for subscribing. Comment, yeah?