Status: This isn't my first arranged marriage story, but I like this one a little more. I'm half-way completed with it, so chapters for this story will be frequent.

Funny the Way It Is When You're Married

Chapter 4: Keep yourself busy.

It was amusing to see that I made Noah angry enough to leave, but at the same time, it was disturbing.
I wondered to myself if he did that a lot when he was angry. Or maybe the only reason he left was because he had something he needed to do. My vote was nearing the first thought.
Gathering his mood, I realized that Noah just needed cooling off from his hot-temper.
I hoped it would subside. But Noah quickly left my thoughts when I received a phone call from my sister.
“You know, Fiji isn’t too far from Hawaii. I could always just swim to you,” she joked.
“And risk you getting lost?”
“Oh sure, worry about my navigational skills and not the fact that I would be swimming across the Pacific Ocean!”
We laughed and again I realized how much I missed my other half.
“Don’t worry, Liza. We’ll see each other soon. Plus, it can’t be so bad. You love Fiji.”
“Yes, I know; but Noah is really dampening my appreciation.”
She sighed into the receiver, “Have you tried to talk to him?”
No didn’t seem like something she would have wanted to hear.
“Let me rephrase that. Have you tried to get to know him at all? Maybe you guys can become friends.”
I rolled my eyes lightly at the thought of Noah and I being friends. “Like you and Mason?”
She laughed, “Yeah, like me and Mason.”
“Kanylla, they may be twins, but Noah isn’t anything like Mason. He’s not half as considerate and we can’t get through one conversation without fighting.”
“He can’t be that bad.”
“You’re right, he’s worse.”
Alright, so I admit, that was an over-exaggeration; but I really don’t think it matters now. Lela is taking his side instead of mine, and it’s quite bothersome.
“Liza, attempt to be nice. Please? If only for me would you try not to kill each other, and stay calm?”
“Hey, he has the temper!”
Although I couldn’t see her delicate face, I could tell she was rolling her hazel eyes at my childish behavior.
“Well, I should go. I have dinner with Mason tonight. Apparently that’s mom and dad’s doing.”
I groaned, “They did the same to me. Unlike someone I know, I’m dreading this.”
“Don’t,” Kanylla almost pleaded, “Use this to your benefit and get-to-know him!”
“Alright, alright.”
She was content. “I will try to call you again tomorrow if my date doesn’t go well. And if it does, then until the next,” she laughed.
“Be that way, you twit,” I joked.
“Love you, bye!”
Our conversation ended at that sentimental farewell and I sighed, wanting nothing more than to shower.
I had gone down to the water and swam in the lovely ocean, before I had settled down in a long chair while I spoke to Kanylla. But I was still wearing my bathing suit and I had salt in my hair.
I couldn’t go to dinner like this. As little as I cared for Noah and his request for me to look nice, I didn’t want to feel gross with sand clinging to my body like an extra layer of skin.
With the hot water washing away the sea residue, my mind wandered off to what Kanylla said about Noah and me maybe becoming friends.
I don’t know how I could be friends with someone who almost never spoke to me.
Not even when we were children would he talk to me. He always just stared at me with this look on his face of disgust. It was quite frustrating. I didn’t know why he hated me so much.
Maybe he doesn’t hate me and he just acts like he hates me.
I groaned aloud. Married life shouldn’t be based on hate.
I dried after my shower and dressed in a simple sun dress. I wasn’t sure what Noah’s definition of “nice” was, so I dressed as nicely as I thought I could be.
The dress I wore was strapless and billowy, accentuating my curves. The aqua color reminded me of the sea. The soft fabric only reached a few inches above my knees, showing a nice amount of my legs. I wore my silver sandals that wrapped around my ankles. My hair was down, in brown waves. I didn’t apply too much make-up, but enough to still make it look natural.
I looked nice and casual, but with a slight bohemian twist I guess you could say.
I hoped I looked alright. I don’t think getting Noah angry would help form a friendship with him.
And just as I was about to sit down and wait for Noah, he walked through the door wearing his usual slacks and dress shirt.
“Let’s go,” he snapped at me.
I glared. “You could be less rude,” I scoffed.
Wonderful, I thought, this is already starting off as a disaster.
He almost growled at me, “I’m not in the mood for this, Liza,” he warned.
I stared at him and only now noticed that he looked angry and tired.
“Listen,” I sighed, “why don’t you just stay here, then? I can go eat dinner on my own. Since you’re obviously not in the mood to go with me,” I told him.
I wasn’t trying to be rude, though. I was being serious. I was trying to take a wing at being nice, but Noah took it the wrong way.
“Fine,” he snapped again, “Go on your own. There’s a car waiting outside.”
He was rubbing his temples, that he didn’t notice me staring at him.
He looked drained, and against my will, I was worried, “What’s wrong?” I asked him.
His hand stopped and it looked like he was really going to explain why he was so pissed, when he answered differently. “Nothing; I’m fine,” he muttered.
“Noah, you can-…never mind. Bye.”
I opened the front door quickly and walked out into the cool night.
A car was indeed waiting, like Noah said, with the back seat door being held open for me by the driver. I cut him off before he spoke. He had glanced at the door, expecting Noah. “Don’t bother waiting. He’s not coming.”
He nodded and closed the door and soon we were driving off to the destination.
I sighed.
I was going to tell Noah that he could tell me what was wrong before I stopped myself. I realized that it wasn’t my place yet. I may be his wife now, but I’m still nothing to him.
That didn’t bother me…right? It’s not like I should care. Noah may be my husband, but it’s not like we’ve been acting like a married couple. And I’m not going to be the only one putting effort into a marriage that was forced if he’s not.
♠ ♠ ♠
A tad bit short, yes. Hopefully not bad. Comment & Subscribe? Thank you.